Source code for vaex.cache

'''(Currently experimental, use at own risk)
Vaex can cache task results, such as aggregations, or the internal hashmaps used for groupby to make recurring calculations much faster, at the cost of calculating cache keys and storing/retrieving the cached values.

Internally, Vaex calculates fingerprints (such as hashes of data, or file paths and mtimes) to create cache keys that are similar across processes, such that a restart of a process will most likely result in similar hash keys.

Caches can turned on globally, or used as a context manager:

>>> import vaex
>>> df = vaex.example()
>>> vaex.cache.memory_infinite()  # cache on globally
<cache restore context manager>
>>> vaex.cache.is_on()
>>> # cache off globally
<cache restore context manager>
>>> vaex.cache.is_on()
>>> with vaex.cache.memory_infinite():
...     df.x.sum()  # calculated without cache
>>> vaex.cache.is_on()

The functions :func:`vaex.cache.set` and  :func:`vaex.cache.get` simply look up the values in a global dict (``vaex.cache.cache``), but can be set for more complex behaviour.

A good library to use for in-memory caching is cachetools (

>>> import vaex
>>> import cachetools
>>> df = vaex.example()
>>> vaex.cache.cache = cachetools.LRUCache(1_000_000_000)  # 1gb cache

Configure using environment variables

See `Configuration <conf.html>`_ for more configuration options.

Especially when using the `vaex server <server.html>`_ it can be useful to turn on caching externally using enviroment variables.

    $ VAEX_CACHE=disk VAEX_CACHE_DISK_SIZE_LIMIT="10GB" python -m vaex.server

Will enable caching using :func:`vaex.cache.disk` and configure it to use at max 10 GB of disk space.

When using Vaex in combination with Flask or Plotly Dash, and using gunicorn for scaling, it can be useful
to use a multilevel cache, where the first cache is small but low latency (and private for each progress),
and a second higher latency disk cache that is shared among all processes.

    $ VAEX_CACHE="memory,disk" VAEX_CACHE_DISK_SIZE_LIMIT="10GB" VAEX_CACHE_MEMORY_SIZE_LIMIT="1GB" gunicorn -w 16 app:server

import functools
from typing import ChainMap, MutableMapping
import logging
import shutil
import uuid
import os
import pickle
import threading

import dask.base
import pyarrow as pa
from vaex.promise import Promise

import vaex.utils
import vaex.settings

diskcache = vaex.utils.optional_import('diskcache')
_redis = vaex.utils.optional_import('redis')
cachetools = vaex.utils.optional_import('cachetools')

log = logging.getLogger('vaex.cache')

cache = None
# used for testing
_cache_hit = 0
_cache_miss = 0

class _cleanup:
    def __init__(self, gen, result):
        self._gen = gen
        self._result = result

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<cache restore context manager>'

    def __enter__(self):
        return self._result

    def __exit__(self, type=None, value=None, traceback=None):
        except StopIteration:
            return False
            raise RuntimeError("generator didn't stop")

def _with_cleanup(f):
    '''Runs f directly, and the code after yield at exit'''
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        gen = f(*args, **kwargs)
        result = next(gen) # run up to the yield
        return _cleanup(gen, result)
    return wrapper

class MultiLevelCache(ChainMap):
    """Use multiple caches, where we assume the first is the fastest"""

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        for level, mapping in enumerate(self.maps):
                value = mapping[key]
                # write back to lower levels
                for i in range(level):
                    self.maps[i][key] = value
                return value
            except KeyError:
        return self.__missing__(key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        for cache in self.maps:
            cache[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        for cache in self.maps:
            del cache[key]

def multilevel_cache(*caches):
    """Sets a multilevel cache, where the first caches should be the fastest (low latency)

    This is useful when using multiple processes (requiring a persistent disk cache) in combination
    with a low latency memory cache.

    >>> import cachetools
    >>> import diskcache
    >>> l1 = cachetools.LRUCache(1_000_000_000)
    >>> l2 = diskcache.Cache()
    >>> vaex.cache.multilevel_cache(l1, l2)
    global cache
    log.debug("set cache to multilevel")
    old_cache = cache
    cache = MultiLevelCache(*caches)
    log.debug("restore old cache")
    cache = old_cache

[docs]@_with_cleanup def memory_infinite(clear=False): '''Sets a dict a cache, creating an infinite cache. Calling multiple times with clear=False will keep the current cache (useful in notebook usage) ''' global cache log.debug("set cache to infinite") old_cache = cache if clear or (not isinstance(old_cache, dict)): cache = {} yield log.debug("restore old cache") cache = old_cache
[docs]@_with_cleanup def memory(maxsize=vaex.settings.cache.memory_size_limit, classname="LRUCache", clear=False): """Sets a memory cache using cachetools ( Calling multiple times with clear=False will keep the current cache (useful in notebook usage). :param int or str maxsize: Max size of cache in bytes (or use a string like '128MB') :param str classname: classname in the cachetools library used for the cache (e.g. LRUCache, MRUCache). :param bool clear: If False, will always set a new cache, when true, it will keep the cache when it is of the same type. """ global cache from dask.utils import parse_bytes maxsize = parse_bytes(maxsize) log.debug("set cache to memory (cachetools)") old_cache = cache if isinstance(classname, str): cls = getattr(cachetools, classname) else: cls = classname if clear or type(cache) != cls: cache = cls(maxsize=maxsize) yield log.debug("restore old cache") cache = old_cache
[docs]@_with_cleanup def disk(clear=False, size_limit=vaex.settings.cache.disk_size_limit, eviction_policy="least-recently-stored"): """Stored cached values using the diskcache library. See configuration details at `configuration of cache <conf.html#disk-size-limit>`_. and `configuration of paths <conf.html#cache-compute>`_ :param int or str size_limit: Max size of cache in bytes (or use a string like '128MB') See for more details. :param str eviction_policy: Eviction policy, See :param bool clear: Remove all disk space used for caching before turning on cache. """ from dask.utils import parse_bytes size_limit = parse_bytes(size_limit) global cache old_cache = cache path = vaex.settings.cache.path if clear: try: log.debug(f"Clearing disk cache: {path}") shutil.rmtree(path) except OSError: # Windows wonkiness log.exception(f"Error clearing disk cache: {path}") log.debug(f"Initializing disk cache: {path}") cache = diskcache.Cache(path, size_limit=size_limit, eviction_policy=eviction_policy) yield log.debug("Restored old cache") cache = old_cache
class _RedisPickle(MutableMapping): '''Wraps a client such that the values are pickled/unpickled''' def __init__(self, client): self.client = client def __getitem__(self, key): return pickle.loads(self.client[key]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.client[key] = pickle.dumps(value) def __delitem__(self, key): del self.client[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.keys()) def __len__(self): return len(self.client.keys()) def keys(self): return self.client.keys()
[docs]@_with_cleanup def redis(client=None): '''Uses Redis for caching. :param client: Redis client, if None, will call redis.Redis() ''' global cache log.debug("Set cache to Redis") old_cache = cache if (not isinstance(old_cache, _redis.Redis)): if client is None: client = _redis.Redis() cache = _RedisPickle(client) yield log.debug("restore old cache") cache = old_cache
@_with_cleanup def on(type="memory_infinite", **kwargs): if "," in type: cache_names = type.split(",") log.debug("Set multilevel cache to %r", cache_names) caches = [] with off(): # so we don't change the cache global for name in cache_names: on(name) caches.append(cache) c = multilevel_cache(*caches) else: log.debug("Set cache to %r", type) if type == "memory": c = memory(**kwargs) elif type == "memory_infinite": c = memory_infinite(**kwargs) elif type == "disk": c = disk(**kwargs) elif type == "redis": c = redis(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown type of cache {type}") yield c.__exit__()
[docs]@_with_cleanup def off(): '''Turns off caching, or temporary when used as context manager >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.example() >>> vaex.cache.memory_infinite() # cache on <cache restore context manager> >>> with ... df.x.sum() # calculated without cache array(-20884.64307324) >>> df.x.sum() # calculated with cache array(-20884.64307324) >>> # cache off <cache restore context manager> >>> df.x.sum() # calculated without cache array(-20884.64307324) ''' global cache old_cache = cache cache = None yield cache = old_cache
[docs]def is_on(): '''Returns True when caching is enabled''' return cache is not None
[docs]def set(key, value, type=None, duration_wallclock=None): '''Set a cache value Useful to more advanced strategies, where we want to have different behaviour based on the type and costs. Implementations can set this function override the default behaviour: >>> import vaex >>> vaex.cache.memory_infinite() # doctest: +SKIP >>> def my_smart_cache_setter(key, value, type=None, duration_wallclock=None): ... if duration_wallclock >= 0.1: # skip fast calculations ... vaex.cache.cache[key] = value ... >>> vaex.cache.set = my_smart_cache_setter :param str key: key for caching :param type: Currently unused. :param float duration_wallclock: Time spend on calculating the result (in wallclock time). :param value: Any value, typically needs to be pickleable (unless stored in memory) ''' cache[key] = value
[docs]def get(key, default=None, type=None): '''Looks up the cache value for the key, or returns the default Will return None if the cache is turned off. :param str key: Cache key. :param default: Return when cache is on, but key not in cache :param type: Currently unused. ''' global _cache_miss, _cache_hit if is_on(): value = cache.get(key, default) # this might not be the best way to check for a cache hit or miss # but it is sufficient for testing if value is default: _cache_miss += 1 else: _cache_hit += 1 return value
class _ThreadLocalCallablePatch: def __init__(self, original, patch): self.local = threading.local() self.local.patch = patch self.original = original def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): f = getattr(self.local, 'patch', self.original) return f(*args, **kwargs) def _explain(*args): raise TypeError('You have passed in an object for which we cannot determine a fingerprint') def fingerprint(*args, **kwargs): try: original = uuid.uuid4 if isinstance(original, _ThreadLocalCallablePatch): original = original.original uuid.uuid4 = _ThreadLocalCallablePatch(original, _explain) try: return dask.base.tokenize(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError(f"Could not calculate fingerprint for {args}/{kwargs}") from e finally: uuid.uuid4 = original def output_file(callable=None, path_input=None, fs_options_input={}, fs_input=None, path_output=None, fs_options_output={}, fs_output=None): """Decorator to do cached conversion from path_input → path_output. Caching is active if with the input file, the *args, and **kwargs are unchanged, otherwise callable will be called again. """ def wrapper1(callable=callable): def wrapper2(callable=callable): def call(callable=callable, *args, **kwargs): base, ext, fs_options_output_ = vaex.file.split_ext(path_output, fs_options_output) path_output_meta = base + '.yaml' # this fingerprint changes if input changes, or args, or kwargs fp = fingerprint(vaex.file.fingerprint(path_input, fs_options_input, fs=fs_input), args, kwargs) def write_fingerprint():'saving fingerprint %r for %s%s conversion to %s', fp, path_input, path_output, path_output_meta) with, 'w', fs_options=fs_options_output_, fs=fs_output) as f: f.write(f"# this file exists so that we know when not to do the\n# {path_input}{path_output} conversion\n") vaex.utils.yaml_dump(f, {'fingerprint': fp}) lockname = os.path.join('convert', f"{fp}.lock") with vaex.utils.file_lock(lockname): if not vaex.file.exists(path_output, fs_options=fs_options_output_, fs=fs_output):'file %s does not exist yet, running conversion %s%s', path_output_meta, path_input, path_output) value = callable(*args, **kwargs) write_fingerprint() return value if not vaex.file.exists(path_output_meta, fs_options=fs_options_output_, fs=fs_output):'file including fingerprint not found (%) or does not exist yet, running conversion %s%s', path_output_meta, path_input, path_output) value = callable(*args, **kwargs) write_fingerprint() return value # load fingerprint with, fs_options=fs_options_output_, fs=fs_output) as f: output_meta = vaex.utils.yaml_load(f) if output_meta is None or output_meta['fingerprint'] != fp: if output_meta is None: log.error('fingerprint for %s (%s) was empty', path_input, path_output_meta) else:'fingerprint for %s is out of date, rerunning conversion to %s', path_input, path_output) value = callable(*args, **kwargs) write_fingerprint() return value else:'fingerprint for %s did not change, reusing converted file %s', path_input, path_output) return call return wrapper2 return wrapper1() dask.base.normalize_token.register(pa.DataType, repr) @dask.base.normalize_token.register(pa.Array) def _normalize(ar): return vaex.dataset.hash_array_data(ar) def _memoize(f=None, key_function=None, type='computed', delay=False): import time def wrapper_top(f=f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if vaex.cache.is_on(): key = key_function() value = vaex.cache.get(key, type=type) if value is None: t0 = time.time() if delay: promise = f(*args, **kwargs) def set(value): duration_wallclock = time.time() - t0 vaex.cache.set(key, value, type='computed', duration_wallclock=duration_wallclock) return value return promise.then(set) else: value = f(*args, **kwargs) duration_wallclock = time.time() - t0 vaex.cache.set(key, value, type='computed', duration_wallclock=duration_wallclock) return value else: if delay: return Promise.fulfilled(value) else: return value else: return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper if f is None: return wrapper_top else: return wrapper_top() if vaex.settings.cache.type: on(vaex.settings.cache.type)