Source code for vaex.expression

import ast
import os
import base64
import cloudpickle as pickle
import functools
import operator
import six
import collections
import weakref

from future.utils import with_metaclass
import numpy as np
import tabulate

from vaex.utils import _ensure_strings_from_expressions, _ensure_string_from_expression
from vaex.column import ColumnString, _to_string_sequence, str_type
from .hash import counter_type_from_dtype
import vaex.serialize
from . import expresso

    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import BytesIO as StringIO

    collectionsAbc =
except AttributeError:
    collectionsAbc = collections

# TODO: repeated from
default_shape = 128

expression_namespace = {}
expression_namespace['nan'] = np.nan

expression_namespace = {}
expression_namespace['nan'] = np.nan

_binary_ops = [
    dict(code="+", name='add', op=operator.add),
    dict(code="in", name='contains', op=operator.contains),
    dict(code="/", name='truediv', op=operator.truediv),
    dict(code="//", name='floordiv', op=operator.floordiv),
    dict(code="&", name='and', op=operator.and_),
    dict(code="^", name='xor', op=operator.xor),

    dict(code="|", name='or', op=operator.or_),
    dict(code="**", name='pow', op=operator.pow),
    dict(code="is", name='is', op=operator.is_),
    dict(code="is not", name='is_not', op=operator.is_not),

    dict(code="<<", name='lshift', op=operator.lshift),
    dict(code="%", name='mod', op=operator.mod),
    dict(code="*", name='mul', op=operator.mul),

    dict(code=">>", name='rshift', op=operator.rshift),
    dict(code="-", name='sub', op=operator.sub),

    dict(code="<", name='lt',,
    dict(code="<=", name='le', op=operator.le),
    dict(code="==", name='eq', op=operator.eq),
    dict(code="!=", name='ne',,
    dict(code=">=", name='ge',,
    dict(code=">", name='gt',,
if hasattr(operator, 'div'):
    _binary_ops.append(dict(code="/", name='div', op=operator.div))
if hasattr(operator, 'matmul'):
    _binary_ops.append(dict(code="@", name='matmul', op=operator.matmul))

reversable = 'add sub mul matmul truediv floordiv mod divmod pow lshift rshift and xor or'.split()

_unary_ops = [
    dict(code="~", name='invert', op=operator.invert),
    dict(code="-", name='neg', op=operator.neg),
    dict(code="+", name='pos', op=operator.pos),

class Meta(type):
    def __new__(upperattr_metaclass, future_class_name,
                future_class_parents, attrs):
        # attrs = {}
        for op in _binary_ops:
            def wrap(op=op):
                def f(a, b):
                    self = a
                    # print(op, a, b)
                        stringy = isinstance(b, str_type) or (isinstance(b, Expression) and b.dtype == str_type)
                        # this can happen when expression is a literal, like '1' (used in propagate_unc)
                        # which causes the dtype to fail
                        stringy = False
                    if stringy:
                        if isinstance(b, str_type):
                            b = repr(b)
                        if op['code'] == '==':
                            expression = 'str_equals({0}, {1})'.format(a.expression, b)
                        elif op['code'] == '+':
                            expression = 'str_cat({0}, {1})'.format(a.expression, b)
                            raise ValueError('operand %r not supported for string comparison' % op['code'])
                        return Expression(self.ds, expression=expression)
                        if isinstance(b, Expression):
                            assert b.ds == a.ds
                            b = b.expression
                        elif isinstance(b, (np.timedelta64)):
                            df = a.ds
                            b = df.add_variable('var_time_delta', b, unique=True)
                        elif isinstance(b, (np.datetime64)):
                            df = a.ds
                            b = df.add_variable('var_date_time', b, unique=True)
                        expression = '({0} {1} {2})'.format(a.expression, op['code'], b)
                    return Expression(self.ds, expression=expression)
                attrs['__%s__' % op['name']] = f
                if op['name'] in reversable:
                    def f(a, b):
                        self = a
                        if isinstance(b, str):
                            if op['code'] == '+':
                                expression = 'str_cat({1}, {0})'.format(a.expression, repr(b))
                                raise ValueError('operand %r not supported for string comparison' % op['code'])
                            return Expression(self.ds, expression=expression)
                            if isinstance(b, Expression):
                                assert b.ds == a.ds
                                b = b.expression
                            expression = '({2} {1} {0})'.format(a.expression, op['code'], b)
                            return Expression(self.ds, expression=expression)
                    attrs['__r%s__' % op['name']] = f

        for op in _unary_ops:
            def wrap(op=op):
                def f(a):
                    self = a
                    expression = '{0}({1})'.format(op['code'], a.expression)
                    return Expression(self.ds, expression=expression)
                attrs['__%s__' % op['name']] = f
        return type(future_class_name, future_class_parents, attrs)

[docs]class DateTime(object): """DateTime operations Usually accessed using e.g. `df.birthday.dt.dayofweek` """
[docs] def __init__(self, expression): self.expression = expression
[docs]class TimeDelta(object): """TimeDelta operations Usually accessed using e.g. `` """
[docs] def __init__(self, expression): self.expression = expression
[docs]class StringOperations(object): """String operations. Usually accessed using e.g. `` """
[docs] def __init__(self, expression): self.expression = expression
[docs]class StringOperationsPandas(object): """String operations using Pandas Series (much slower)"""
[docs] def __init__(self, expression): self.expression = expression
[docs]class Expression(with_metaclass(Meta)): """Expression class"""
[docs] def __init__(self, ds, expression, ast=None): self.ds = ds assert not isinstance(ds, Expression) if isinstance(expression, Expression): expression = expression.expression self._ast = ast self._expression = expression self.df._expressions.append(weakref.ref(self)) self._ast_names = None
[docs] def copy(self, df=None): """Efficiently copies an expression. Expression objects have both a string and AST representation. Creating the AST representation involves parsing the expression, which is expensive. Using copy will deepcopy the AST when the expression was already parsed. :param df: DataFrame for which the expression will be evaluated (self.df if None) """ # expression either has _expression or _ast not None if df is None: df = self.df if self._expression is not None: expression = Expression(df, self._expression) if self._ast is not None: expression._ast = copy.deepcopy(self._ast) elif self._ast is not None: expression = Expression(df, copy.deepcopy(self._ast)) if self._ast is not None: expression._ast = self._ast return expression
@property def ast(self): """Returns the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the expression""" if self._ast is None: self._ast = expresso.parse_expression(self.expression) return self._ast @property def ast_names(self): if self._ast_names is None: self._ast_names = expresso.names(self.ast) return self._ast_names @property def expression(self): if self._expression is None: self._expression = expresso.node_to_string(self.ast) return self._expression @expression.setter def expression(self, value): # if we reassign to expression, we clear the ast cache if value != self._expression: self._expression = value self._ast = None
[docs] def __bool__(self): """Cast expression to boolean. Only supports (<expr1> == <expr2> and <expr1> != <expr2>) The main use case for this is to support assigning to traitlets. e.g.: >>> bool(expr1 == expr2) This will return True when expr1 and expr2 are exactly the same (in string representation). And similarly for: >>> bool(expr != expr2) All other cases will return True. """ # this is to make traitlets detect changes import _ast if isinstance(self.ast, _ast.Compare) and len(self.ast.ops) == 1 and isinstance(self.ast.ops[0], _ast.Eq): return expresso.node_to_string(self.ast.left) == expresso.node_to_string(self.ast.comparators[0]) if isinstance(self.ast, _ast.Compare) and len(self.ast.ops) == 1 and isinstance(self.ast.ops[0], _ast.NotEq): return expresso.node_to_string(self.ast.left) != expresso.node_to_string(self.ast.comparators[0]) return True
@property def df(self): # lets gradually move to using .df return self.ds @property def dtype(self): return self.ds.data_type(self.expression)
[docs] def data_type(self): """Alias to df.data_type(self.expression)""" return self.ds.data_type(self.expression)
@property def shape(self): return self.df._shape_of(self)
[docs] def to_numpy(self): """Return a numpy representation of the data""" values = self.values if hasattr(values, 'to_numpy'): # e.g. ColumnString values = values.to_numpy() return values
def to_dask_array(self, chunks="auto"): import dask.array as da import uuid dtype = self.dtype chunks = da.core.normalize_chunks(chunks, shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype) name = 'vaex-expression-%s' % str(uuid.uuid1()) def getitem(df, item): assert len(item) == 1 item = item[0] start, stop, step = item.start, item.stop, item.step assert step in [None, 1] return self.evaluate(start, stop, parallel=False) dsk = da.core.getem(name, chunks, getitem=getitem, shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype) dsk[name] = self return da.Array(dsk, name, chunks, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def to_pandas_series(self): """Return a pandas.Series representation of the expression. Note: Pandas is likely to make a memory copy of the data. """ import pandas as pd return pd.Series(self.values)
def __getitem__(self, slice): return self.ds[slice][self.expression]
[docs] def __abs__(self): """Returns the absolute value of the expression""" return self.abs()
@property def dt(self): """Gives access to datetime operations via :py:class:`DateTime`""" return DateTime(self) @property def td(self): """Gives access to timedelta operations via :py:class:`TimeDelta`""" return TimeDelta(self) @property def str(self): """Gives access to string operations via :py:class:`StringOperations`""" return StringOperations(self) @property def str_pandas(self): """Gives access to string operations via :py:class:`StringOperationsPandas` (using Pandas Series)""" return StringOperationsPandas(self) @property def values(self): return self.evaluate() def derivative(self, var, simplify=True): var = _ensure_string_from_expression(var) return self.__class__(self.ds, expresso.derivative(self.ast, var, simplify=simplify))
[docs] def expand(self, stop=[]): """Expand the expression such that no virtual columns occurs, only normal columns. Example: >>> df = vaex.example() >>> r = np.sqrt(**2 +**2) >>> r.expand().expression 'sqrt(((x ** 2) + (y ** 2)))' """ stop = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(stop) def translate(id): if id in self.ds.virtual_columns and id not in stop: return self.ds.virtual_columns[id] expr = expresso.translate(self.ast, translate) return Expression(self.ds, expr)
[docs] def variables(self, ourself=False, expand_virtual=True, include_virtual=True): """Return a set of variables this expression depends on. Example: >>> df = vaex.example() >>> r = np.sqrt(**2 +**2) >>> r.variables() {'x', 'y'} """ variables = set() def record(varname): # do this recursively for virtual columns if varname in self.ds.virtual_columns and varname not in variables: if (include_virtual and (varname != self.expression)) or (varname == self.expression and ourself): variables.add(varname) if expand_virtual: expresso.translate(self.ds.virtual_columns[varname], record) # we usually don't want to record ourself elif varname != self.expression or ourself: variables.add(varname) expresso.translate(self.ast, record) return variables
def _graph(self): """"Return a graph containing the dependencies of this expression Structure is: [<string expression>, <function name if callable>, <function object if callable>, [subgraph/dependencies, ....]] """ expression = self.expression def walk(node): if isinstance(node, six.string_types): if node in self.ds.virtual_columns: ex = Expression(self.ds, self.ds.virtual_columns[node]) return [node, None, None, [ex._graph()]] else: return node else: fname, node_repr, deps = node if len(node_repr) > 30: # clip too long expressions node_repr = node_repr[:26] + ' ....' deps = [walk(dep) for dep in deps] obj = self.ds.functions.get(fname) # we don't want the wrapper, we want the underlying object if isinstance(obj, Function): obj = obj.f if isinstance(obj, FunctionSerializablePickle): obj = obj.f return [node_repr, fname, obj, deps] return walk(expresso._graph(expression)) def _graphviz(self, dot=None): """Return a graphviz.Digraph object with a graph of the expression""" from graphviz import Graph, Digraph node = self._graph() dot = dot or Digraph(comment=self.expression) def walk(node): if isinstance(node, six.string_types): dot.node(node, node) return node, node else: node_repr, fname, fobj, deps = node node_id = node_repr dot.node(node_id, node_repr) for dep in deps: dep_id, dep = walk(dep) dot.edge(node_id, dep_id) return node_id, node walk(node) return dot
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.expression
# def __array__(self, dtype=None): # '''For casting to a numpy array # Example: # >>> np.array(ds.x**2) # ''' # return self.ds.evaluate(self)
[docs] def tolist(self): '''Short for expr.evaluate().tolist()''' return self.evaluate().tolist()
if not os.environ.get('VAEX_DEBUG', ''):
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self._repr_plain_()
def _repr_plain_(self): from .formatting import _format_value def format(values): for i in range(len(values)): value = values[i] yield _format_value(value) colalign = ("right",) * 2 try: N = len(self.ds) if N <= PRINT_MAX_COUNT: values = format(self.evaluate(0, N)) values = tabulate.tabulate([[i, k] for i, k in enumerate(values)], tablefmt='plain', colalign=colalign) else: values_head = format(self.evaluate(0, PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2)) values_tail = format(self.evaluate(N - PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2, N)) values_head = list(zip(range(PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2), values_head)) +\ list(zip(range(N - PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2, N), values_tail)) values = tabulate.tabulate([k for k in values_head], tablefmt='plain', colalign=colalign) values = values.split('\n') width = max(map(len, values)) separator = '\n' + '...'.center(width, ' ') + '\n' values = "\n".join(values[:PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2]) + separator + "\n".join(values[PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2:]) + '\n' except Exception as e: values = 'Error evaluating: %r' % e expression = self.expression if len(expression) > 60: expression = expression[:57] + '...' info = 'Expression = ' + expression + '\n' str_type = str dtype = self.dtype dtype = (str(dtype) if dtype != str_type else 'str') if self.expression in self.ds.get_column_names(hidden=True): state = "column" elif self.expression in self.ds.get_column_names(hidden=True): state = "virtual column" else: state = "expression" line = 'Length: {:,} dtype: {} ({})\n'.format(len(self.ds), dtype, state) info += line info += '-' * (len(line)-1) + '\n' info += values return info
[docs] def count(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, edges=False, progress=None): '''Shortcut for ds.count(expression, ...), see `Dataset.count`''' kwargs = dict(locals()) del kwargs['self'] kwargs['expression'] = self.expression return self.ds.count(**kwargs)
[docs] def sum(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): '''Shortcut for ds.sum(expression, ...), see `Dataset.sum`''' kwargs = dict(locals()) del kwargs['self'] kwargs['expression'] = self.expression return self.ds.sum(**kwargs)
[docs] def mean(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): '''Shortcut for ds.mean(expression, ...), see `Dataset.mean`''' kwargs = dict(locals()) del kwargs['self'] kwargs['expression'] = self.expression return self.ds.mean(**kwargs)
[docs] def std(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): '''Shortcut for ds.std(expression, ...), see `Dataset.std`''' kwargs = dict(locals()) del kwargs['self'] kwargs['expression'] = self.expression return self.ds.std(**kwargs)
[docs] def var(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): '''Shortcut for ds.std(expression, ...), see `Dataset.var`''' kwargs = dict(locals()) del kwargs['self'] kwargs['expression'] = self.expression return self.ds.var(**kwargs)
[docs] def minmax(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): '''Shortcut for ds.minmax(expression, ...), see `Dataset.minmax`''' kwargs = dict(locals()) del kwargs['self'] kwargs['expression'] = self.expression return self.ds.minmax(**kwargs)
[docs] def min(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): '''Shortcut for ds.min(expression, ...), see `Dataset.min`''' kwargs = dict(locals()) del kwargs['self'] kwargs['expression'] = self.expression return self.ds.min(**kwargs)
[docs] def max(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): '''Shortcut for ds.max(expression, ...), see `Dataset.max`''' kwargs = dict(locals()) del kwargs['self'] kwargs['expression'] = self.expression return self.ds.max(**kwargs)
[docs] def nop(self): """Evaluates expression, and drop the result, usefull for benchmarking, since vaex is usually lazy""" return self.ds.nop(self.expression)
@property def transient(self): """If this expression is not transient (e.g. on disk) optimizations can be made""" return self.expand().expression not in self.ds.columns @property def masked(self): """Alias to df.is_masked(expression)""" return self.ds.is_masked(self.expression)
[docs] def value_counts(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, ascending=False, progress=False): """Computes counts of unique values. WARNING: * If the expression/column is not categorical, it will be converted on the fly * dropna is False by default, it is True by default in pandas :param dropna: when True, it will not report the NA (see :func:`Expression.isna`) :param dropnan: when True, it will not report the nans(see :func:`Expression.isnan`) :param dropmissing: when True, it will not report the missing values (see :func:`Expression.ismissing`) :param ascending: when False (default) it will report the most frequent occuring item first :returns: Pandas series containing the counts """ from pandas import Series dtype = self.dtype transient = self.transient or self.ds.filtered or self.ds.is_masked(self.expression) if self.dtype == str_type and not transient: # string is a special case, only ColumnString are not transient ar = self.ds.columns[self.expression] if not isinstance(ar, ColumnString): transient = True counter_type = counter_type_from_dtype(self.dtype, transient) counters = [None] * self.ds.executor.thread_pool.nthreads def map(thread_index, i1, i2, ar): if counters[thread_index] is None: counters[thread_index] = counter_type() if dtype == str_type: previous_ar = ar ar = _to_string_sequence(ar) if not transient: assert ar is previous_ar.string_sequence if mask = counters[thread_index].update(ar, mask) else: counters[thread_index].update(ar) return 0 def reduce(a, b): return a+b self.ds.map_reduce(map, reduce, [self.expression], delay=False, progress=progress, name='value_counts', info=True, to_numpy=False) counters = [k for k in counters if k is not None] counter0 = counters[0] for other in counters[1:]: counter0.merge(other) value_counts = counter0.extract() index = np.array(list(value_counts.keys())) counts = np.array(list(value_counts.values())) order = np.argsort(counts) if not ascending: order = order[::-1] counts = counts[order] index = index[order] # nan can already be present for dtype=object, remove it nan_mask = index != index if np.any(nan_mask): index = index[~mask] counts = index[~mask] # nan can already be present for dtype=object, optionally remove it none_mask = index == None if np.any(none_mask): index = index.tolist() counts = counts.tolist() i = index.index(None) if (dropmissing or dropna): del index[i] del counts[i] else: index[i] = "missing" index = np.array(index) counts = np.array(counts) if not dropna or not dropnan or not dropmissing: index = index.tolist() counts = counts.tolist() if not (dropnan or dropna) and counter0.nan_count: index = [np.nan] + index counts = [counter0.nan_count] + counts if not (dropmissing or dropna) and counter0.null_count: index = ['missing'] + index counts = [counter0.null_count] + counts return Series(counts, index=index)
[docs] def unique(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, selection=None, delay=False): """Returns all unique values. :param dropmissing: do not count missing values :param dropnan: do not count nan values :param dropna: short for any of the above, (see :func:`Expression.isna`) """ return self.ds.unique(self.expression, dropna=dropna, dropnan=dropnan, dropmissing=dropmissing, selection=selection, delay=delay)
[docs] def nunique(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, selection=None, delay=False): """Counts number of unique values, i.e. `len(df.x.unique()) == df.x.nunique()`. :param dropmissing: do not count missing values :param dropnan: do not count nan values :param dropna: short for any of the above, (see :func:`Expression.isna`) """ return len(self.unique(dropna=dropna, dropnan=dropnan, dropmissing=dropmissing, selection=selection, delay=delay))
[docs] def countna(self): """Returns the number of Not Availiable (N/A) values in the expression. This includes missing values and np.nan values. """ return self.isna().astype('int').sum().item() # so the output is int, not array
[docs] def countnan(self): """Returns the number of NaN values in the expression.""" return self.isnan().astype('int').sum().item() # so the output is int, not array
[docs] def countmissing(self): """Returns the number of missing values in the expression.""" return self.ismissing().astype('int').sum().item() # so the output is int, not array
def evaluate(self, i1=None, i2=None, out=None, selection=None, parallel=True): return self.ds.evaluate(self, i1, i2, out=out, selection=selection, parallel=parallel) # TODO: it is not so elegant we need to have a custom version of this # it now also misses the docstring, reconsider how the the meta class auto # adds this method def fillna(self, value, fill_nan=True, fill_masked=True): return self.ds.func.fillna(self, value=value, fill_nan=fill_nan, fill_masked=fill_masked) def clip(self, lower=None, upper=None): return self.ds.func.clip(self, lower, upper) def jit_numba(self, verbose=False): f =, df=self.ds, verbose=verbose, compile=self.ds.is_local()) function = self.ds.add_function('_jit', f, unique=True) return function(*f.arguments) def jit_cuda(self, verbose=False): f =, df=self.ds, verbose=verbose, compile=self.ds.is_local()) function = self.ds.add_function('_jit', f, unique=True) return function(*f.arguments) def jit_pythran(self, verbose=False): import logging logger = logging.getLogger('pythran') log_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel() try: if not verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) import pythran import imp import hashlib # self._import_all(module) names = [] funcs = set(expression_namespace.keys()) expression = self.expression if expression in self.ds.virtual_columns: expression = self.ds.virtual_columns[self.expression] all_vars = self.ds.get_column_names(virtual=True, strings=True, hidden=True) + list(self.ds.variables.keys()) vaex.expresso.validate_expression(expression, all_vars, funcs, names) names = list(set(names)) types = ", ".join(str(self.ds.data_type(name)) + "[]" for name in names) argstring = ", ".join(names) code = ''' from numpy import * #pythran export f({2}) def f({0}): return {1}'''.format(argstring, expression, types) if verbose: print("generated code") print(code) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(code.encode('utf-8')) module_name = "pythranized_" + m.hexdigest() # print(m.hexdigest()) module_path = pythran.compile_pythrancode(module_name, code, extra_compile_args=["-DBOOST_SIMD", "-march=native"] + [] if verbose else ["-w"]) module = imp.load_dynamic(module_name, module_path) function_name = "f_" + m.hexdigest() expression_namespace[function_name] = module.f return Expression(self.ds, "{0}({1})".format(function_name, argstring)) finally: logger.setLevel(log_level) def _rename(self, old, new, inplace=False): expression = self if inplace else self.copy() if old in expression.ast_names: for node in expression.ast_names[old]: = new expression._ast_names[new] = expression._ast_names.pop(old) expression._expression = None # resets the cached string representation return expression def astype(self, dtype): if dtype == str: return self.ds.func.astype(self, 'str') else: return self.ds.func.astype(self, str(dtype))
[docs] def isin(self, values): """Lazily tests if each value in the expression is present in values. :param values: List/array of values to check :return: :class:`Expression` with the lazy expression. """ if self.dtype == str_type: values = vaex.column._to_string_sequence(values) else: values = np.array(values, dtype=self.dtype) var = self.df.add_variable('isin_values', values, unique=True) return self.df['isin(%s, %s)' % (self, var)]
[docs] def apply(self, f): """Apply a function along all values of an Expression. Example: >>> df = vaex.example() >>> df.x Expression = x Length: 330,000 dtype: float64 (column) --------------------------------------- 0 -0.777471 1 3.77427 2 1.37576 3 -7.06738 4 0.243441 >>> def func(x): ... return x**2 >>> df.x.apply(func) Expression = lambda_function(x) Length: 330,000 dtype: float64 (expression) ------------------------------------------- 0 0.604461 1 14.2451 2 1.89272 3 49.9478 4 0.0592637 :param f: A function to be applied on the Expression values :returns: A function that is lazily evaluated when called. """ return self.ds.apply(f, [self.expression])
def dropmissing(self): # TODO: df.dropna does not support inplace # df = self.df if inplace else self.df.copy() df = self.ds df = df.dropmissing(column_names=[self.expression]) return df._expr(self.expression) def dropnan(self): # TODO: df.dropna does not support inplace # df = self.df if inplace else self.df.copy() df = self.ds df = df.dropnan(column_names=[self.expression]) return df._expr(self.expression) def dropna(self): # TODO: df.dropna does not support inplace # df = self.df if inplace else self.df.copy() df = self.ds df = df.dropna(column_names=[self.expression]) return df._expr(self.expression)
[docs] def map(self, mapper, nan_value=None, missing_value=None, default_value=None, allow_missing=False): """Map values of an expression or in memory column according to an input dictionary or a custom callable function. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(color=['red', 'red', 'blue', 'red', 'green']) >>> mapper = {'red': 1, 'blue': 2, 'green': 3} >>> df['color_mapped'] = >>> df # color color_mapped 0 red 1 1 red 1 2 blue 2 3 red 1 4 green 3 >>> import numpy as np >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(type=[0, 1, 2, 2, 2, np.nan]) >>> df['role'] = df['type'].map({0: 'admin', 1: 'maintainer', 2: 'user', np.nan: 'unknown'}) >>> df # type role 0 0 admin 1 1 maintainer 2 2 user 3 2 user 4 2 user 5 nan unknown >>> import vaex >>> import numpy as np >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(type=[0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4]) >>> df['role'] = df['type'].map({0: 'admin', 1: 'maintainer', 2: 'user'}, default_value='unknown') >>> df # type role 0 0 admin 1 1 maintainer 2 2 user 3 2 user 4 2 user 5 4 unknown :param mapper: dict like object used to map the values from keys to values :param nan_value: value to be used when a nan is present (and not in the mapper) :param missing_value: value to use used when there is a missing value :param default_value: value to be used when a value is not in the mapper (like dict.get(key, default)) :param allow_missing: used to signal that values in the mapper should map to a masked array with missing values, assumed True when default_value is not None. :return: A vaex expression :rtype: vaex.expression.Expression """ assert isinstance(mapper, collectionsAbc.Mapping), "mapper should be a dict like object" df = self.ds mapper_keys = list(mapper.keys()) try: mapper_nan_key_mask = np.isnan(mapper_keys) except TypeError: # case where we have mixed strings/nan etc def try_nan(x): try: return np.isnan(x) except: return False mapper_nan_key_mask = np.array([try_nan(k) for k in mapper_keys]) mapper_has_nan = mapper_nan_key_mask.sum() > 0 if mapper_nan_key_mask.sum() > 1: raise ValueError('Insanity, you provided multiple nan values as keys for your dict') # we map the keys to a ordinal values [0, N-1] using the set key_set = df._set(self.expression) found_keys = key_set.keys() # we want all possible values to be converted # so mapper's key should be a superset of the keys found use_masked_array = False if default_value is not None: allow_missing = True if not set(mapper_keys).issuperset(found_keys): missing = set(found_keys).difference(mapper_keys) missing0 = list(missing)[0] only_has_nan = missing0 != missing0 and len(missing) == 1 if allow_missing: if default_value is not None: value0 = list(mapper.values())[0] assert np.issubdtype(type(default_value), np.array(value0).dtype), "default value has to be of similar type" else: use_masked_array = True else: if only_has_nan: pass # we're good, the hash mapper deals with nan else: raise ValueError('Missing %i values in mapper: %s' % (len(missing), missing)) # and these are the corresponding choices # note that here we map 'planned' unknown values to the default values # and later on in _choose, we map values not even seen in the dataframe # to the default_value choices = [mapper.get(key, default_value) for key in found_keys] if key_set.has_nan: if mapper_has_nan: # since np.nan is not np.nan/2, we have to use the real key object nan_index = np.arange(len(mapper_keys))[mapper_nan_key_mask][0] nan_key_used = mapper_keys[nan_index] choices = [mapper[nan_key_used]] + choices else: choices = [nan_value] + choices if key_set.has_null: choices = [missing_value] + choices choices = np.array(choices) key_set_name = df.add_variable('map_key_set', key_set, unique=True) choices_name = df.add_variable('map_choices', choices, unique=True) if allow_missing: if use_masked_array: expr = '_choose_masked(_ordinal_values({}, {}), {})'.format(self, key_set_name, choices_name) else: expr = '_choose(_ordinal_values({}, {}), {}, {!r})'.format(self, key_set_name, choices_name, default_value) else: expr = '_choose(_ordinal_values({}, {}), {})'.format(self, key_set_name, choices_name) return Expression(df, expr)
@property def is_masked(self): return self.ds.is_masked(self.expression)
class FunctionSerializable(object): pass @vaex.serialize.register class FunctionSerializablePickle(FunctionSerializable): def __init__(self, f=None): self.f = f def pickle(self, function): return pickle.dumps(function) def unpickle(self, data): return pickle.loads(data) def state_get(self): data = self.pickle(self.f) if vaex.utils.PY2: pickled = base64.encodestring(data) else: pickled = base64.encodebytes(data).decode('ascii') return dict(pickled=pickled) @classmethod def state_from(cls, state, trusted=True): obj = cls() obj.state_set(state, trusted=trusted) return obj def state_set(self, state, trusted=True): data = state['pickled'] if vaex.utils.PY2: data = base64.decodestring(data) else: data = base64.decodebytes(data.encode('ascii')) if trusted is False: raise ValueError("Will not unpickle data when source is not trusted") self.f = self.unpickle(data) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Forward the call to the real function''' return self.f(*args, **kwargs) class FunctionSerializableJit(FunctionSerializable): def __init__(self, expression, arguments, argument_dtypes, return_dtype, verbose=False, compile=True): self.expression = expression self.arguments = arguments self.argument_dtypes = argument_dtypes self.return_dtype = return_dtype self.verbose = verbose if compile: self.f = self.compile() else: def placeholder(*args, **kwargs): raise Exception('You chose not to compile this function (locally), but did invoke it') self.f = placeholder def state_get(self): return dict(expression=self.expression, arguments=self.arguments, argument_dtypes=list(map(str, self.argument_dtypes)), return_dtype=str(self.return_dtype), verbose=self.verbose) @classmethod def state_from(cls, state, trusted=True): return cls(expression=state['expression'], arguments=state['arguments'], argument_dtypes=list(map(np.dtype, state['argument_dtypes'])), return_dtype=np.dtype(state['return_dtype']), verbose=state['verbose']) @classmethod def build(cls, expression, df=None, verbose=False, compile=True): df = df or expression.df # if it's a virtual column, we probably want to optimize that # TODO: fully extract the virtual columns, i.e. depending ones? expression = str(expression) if expression in df.virtual_columns: expression = df.virtual_columns[expression] # function validation, and finding variable names all_vars = df.get_column_names(hidden=True) + list(df.variables.keys()) funcs = set(list(expression_namespace.keys()) + list(df.functions.keys())) names = [] vaex.expresso.validate_expression(expression, all_vars, funcs, names) # TODO: can we do the above using the Expressio API?s arguments = list(set(names)) argument_dtypes = [df.data_type(argument) for argument in arguments] return_dtype = df[expression].dtype return cls(str(expression), arguments, argument_dtypes, return_dtype, verbose, compile=compile) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Forward the call to the numba function''' return self.f(*args, **kwargs) @vaex.serialize.register class FunctionSerializableNumba(FunctionSerializableJit): def compile(self): import numba argstring = ", ".join(self.arguments) code = ''' from numpy import * def f({0}): return {1}'''.format(argstring, self.expression) if self.verbose: print('Generated code:\n' + code) scope = {} exec(code, scope) f = scope['f'] # numba part argument_dtypes_numba = [getattr(numba, for argument_dtype in self.argument_dtypes] return_dtype_numba = getattr(numba, vectorizer = numba.vectorize([return_dtype_numba(*argument_dtypes_numba)]) return vectorizer(f) @vaex.serialize.register class FunctionSerializableCuda(FunctionSerializableJit): def compile(self): import cupy # code generation argstring = ", ".join(self.arguments) code = ''' from cupy import * import cupy @fuse() def f({0}): return {1} '''.format(argstring, self.expression)#, ";".join(conversions)) if self.verbose: print("generated code") print(code) scope = dict()#cupy=cupy) exec(code, scope) func = scope['f'] def wrapper(*args): args = [vaex.utils.to_native_array(arg) if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) else arg for arg in args] args = [cupy.asarray(arg) if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) else arg for arg in args] return cupy.asnumpy(func(*args)) return wrapper # TODO: this is not the right abstraction, since this won't allow a # numba version for the function @vaex.serialize.register class FunctionToScalar(FunctionSerializablePickle): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): length = len(args[0]) result = [] def fix_type(v): # TODO: only when column is str type? if isinstance(v, np.str_): return str(v) if isinstance(v, np.bytes_): return v.decode('utf8') else: return v for i in range(length): scalar_result = self.f(*[fix_type(k[i]) for k in args], **{key: value[i] for key, value in kwargs.items()}) result.append(scalar_result) result = np.array(result) return result class Function(object): def __init__(self, dataset, name, f): self.dataset = dataset = name if not vaex.serialize.can_serialize(f): # if not serializable, assume we can use pickle f = FunctionSerializablePickle(f) self.f = f def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): arg_string = ", ".join([str(k) for k in args] + ['{}={:r}'.format(name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items()]) expression = "{}({})".format(, arg_string) return Expression(self.dataset, expression) class FunctionBuiltin(object): def __init__(self, dataset, name, **kwargs): self.dataset = dataset = name self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs = dict(kwargs, **self.kwargs) arg_string = ", ".join([str(k) for k in args] + ['{}={:r}'.format(name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items()]) expression = "{}({})".format(, arg_string) return Expression(self.dataset, expression)