Source code for vaex.dataframe

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, print_function

import os
import math
import time
import itertools
import functools
import collections
import sys
import platform
import warnings
import re
from functools import reduce
import threading
import six
import vaex.utils
# import vaex.image
import numpy as np
import concurrent.futures
import numbers

from vaex.utils import Timer
# import vaex.ui.undo
import vaex.grids
import vaex.multithreading
import vaex.promise
import vaex.execution
import vaex.expresso
import logging
import vaex.kld
from . import selections, tasks, scopes
from .expression import expression_namespace
from .delayed import delayed, delayed_args, delayed_list
from .column import Column, ColumnIndexed, ColumnSparse, ColumnString, ColumnConcatenatedLazy, str_type
from .array_types import to_numpy, to_array_type

# py2/p3 compatibility
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse

_DEBUG = os.environ.get('VAEX_DEBUG', False)  # extra sanify checks that might hit performance


sys_is_le = sys.byteorder == 'little'

logger = logging.getLogger("vaex")
lock = threading.Lock()
default_shape = 128
# executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
# executor = vaex.execution.default_executor

def _len(o):
    return o.__len__()

def _requires(name):
    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
        raise RuntimeError('this function is wrapped by a placeholder, you probably want to install vaex-' + name)
    return wrap

from .utils import (_ensure_strings_from_expressions,

main_executor = None  # vaex.execution.Executor(vaex.multithreading.pool)
from vaex.execution import Executor

def get_main_executor():
    global main_executor
    if main_executor is None:
        main_executor = vaex.execution.ExecutorLocal(vaex.multithreading.get_main_pool())
    return main_executor

# we import after function_mapping is defined
from .expression import Expression

_doc_snippets = {}
_doc_snippets["expression"] = "expression or list of expressions, e.g. df.x, 'x', or ['x, 'y']"
_doc_snippets["expression_one"] = "expression in the form of a string, e.g. 'x' or 'x+y' or vaex expression object, e.g. df.x or df.x+df.y "
_doc_snippets["expression_single"] = "if previous argument is not a list, this argument should be given"
_doc_snippets["binby"] = "List of expressions for constructing a binned grid"
_doc_snippets["limits"] = """description for the min and max values for the expressions, e.g. 'minmax' (default), '99.7%', [0, 10], or a list of, e.g. [[0, 10], [0, 20], 'minmax']"""
_doc_snippets["shape"] = """shape for the array where the statistic is calculated on, if only an integer is given, it is used for all dimensions, e.g. shape=128, shape=[128, 256]"""
_doc_snippets["percentile_limits"] = """description for the min and max values to use for the cumulative histogram, should currently only be 'minmax'"""
_doc_snippets["percentile_shape"] = """shape for the array where the cumulative histogram is calculated on, integer type"""
_doc_snippets["selection"] = """Name of selection to use (or True for the 'default'), or all the data (when selection is None or False), or a list of selections"""
_doc_snippets["selection1"] = """Name of selection to use (or True for the 'default'), or all the data (when selection is None or False)"""
_doc_snippets["delay"] = """Do not return the result, but a proxy for delayhronous calculations (currently only for internal use)"""
_doc_snippets["progress"] = """A callable that takes one argument (a floating point value between 0 and 1) indicating the progress, calculations are cancelled when this callable returns False"""
_doc_snippets["expression_limits"] = _doc_snippets["expression"]
_doc_snippets["grid"] = """If grid is given, instead if compuation a statistic given by what, use this Nd-numpy array instead, this is often useful when a custom computation/statistic is calculated, but you still want to use the plotting machinery."""
_doc_snippets["edges"] = """Currently for internal use only (it includes nan's and values outside the limits at borders, nan and 0, smaller than at 1, and larger at -1"""

_doc_snippets["healpix_expression"] = """Expression which maps to a healpix index, for the Gaia catalogue this is for instance 'source_id/34359738368', other catalogues may simply have a healpix column."""
_doc_snippets["healpix_max_level"] = """The healpix level associated to the healpix_expression, for Gaia this is 12"""
_doc_snippets["healpix_level"] = """The healpix level to use for the binning, this defines the size of the first dimension of the grid."""

_doc_snippets["return_stat_scalar"] = """Numpy array with the given shape, or a scalar when no binby argument is given, with the statistic"""
_doc_snippets["return_limits"] = """List in the form [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], .... ,[zmin, zmax]] or [xmin, xmax] when expression is not a list"""
_doc_snippets["cov_matrix"] = """List all convariance values as a double list of expressions, or "full" to guess all entries (which gives an error when values are not found), or "auto" to guess, but allow for missing values"""
_doc_snippets['propagate_uncertainties'] = """If true, will propagate errors for the new virtual columns, see :meth:`propagate_uncertainties` for details"""
_doc_snippets['note_copy'] = '.. note:: Note that no copy of the underlying data is made, only a view/reference is made.'
_doc_snippets['note_filter'] = '.. note:: Note that filtering will be ignored (since they may change), you may want to consider running :meth:`extract` first.'
_doc_snippets['inplace'] = 'Make modifications to self or return a new DataFrame'
_doc_snippets['return_shallow_copy'] = 'Returns a new DataFrame with a shallow copy/view of the underlying data'
_doc_snippets['chunk_size'] = 'Return an iterator with cuts of the object in lenght of this size'
_doc_snippets['chunk_size_export'] = 'Number of rows to be written to disk in a single iteration'
_doc_snippets['evaluate_parallel'] = 'Evaluate the (virtual) columns in parallel'
_doc_snippets['array_type'] = 'Type of output array, possible values are None/"numpy" (ndarray), "xarray" for a xarray.DataArray, or "list" for a Python list'

def docsubst(f):
    if f.__doc__:
        f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.format(**_doc_snippets)
    return f

_functions_statistics_1d = []

def stat_1d(f):
    return f

def _hidden(meth):
    """Mark a method as hidden"""
    meth.__hidden__ = True
    return meth

[docs]class DataFrame(object): """All local or remote datasets are encapsulated in this class, which provides a pandas like API to your dataset. Each DataFrame (df) has a number of columns, and a number of rows, the length of the DataFrame. All DataFrames have multiple 'selection', and all calculations are done on the whole DataFrame (default) or for the selection. The following example shows how to use the selection. >>>"x < 0") >>> df.sum(df.y, selection=True) >>> df.sum(df.y, selection=[df.x < 0, df.x > 0]) :type signal_selection_changed: events.Signal :type executor: Executor """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, column_names, executor=None): = name self.column_names = column_names self.executor = executor or get_main_executor() self.signal_pick ="pick") self.signal_sequence_index_change ="sequence index change") self.signal_selection_changed ="selection changed") self.signal_active_fraction_changed ="active fraction changed") self.signal_column_changed ="a column changed") # (df, column_name, change_type=["add", "remove", "change"]) self.signal_variable_changed ="a variable changed") self.variables = {} self.virtual_columns = {} # we also store the virtual columns as expressions, for performance reasons # the expression object can cache the ast, making renaming/rewriting faster self._virtual_expressions = {} self.functions = {} self._length_original = None self._length_unfiltered = None self._cached_filtered_length = None self._active_fraction = 1 self._current_row = None self._index_start = 0 self._index_end = None self.description = None self.ucds = {} self.units = {} self.descriptions = {} self._dtypes_override = {} self.favorite_selections = {} self.mask = None # a bitmask for the selection does not work for server side # maps from name to list of Selection objets self.selection_histories = collections.defaultdict(list) # after an undo, the last one in the history list is not the active one, -1 means no selection self.selection_history_indices = collections.defaultdict(lambda: -1) assert self.filtered is False self._auto_fraction = False self._sparse_matrices = {} # record which sparse columns belong to which sparse matrix self._categories = {} self._selection_mask_caches = collections.defaultdict(dict) self._selection_masks = {} # maps to vaex.superutils.Mask object self._renamed_columns = [] self._column_aliases = {} # maps from invalid variable names to valid ones # weak refs of expression that we keep to rewrite expressions self._expressions = [] self.local = threading.local() # a check to avoid nested aggregator calls, which make stack traces very difficult # like the ExecutorLocal.local.executing, this needs to be thread local self.local._aggregator_nest_count = 0 self._task_aggs = {} self._binners = {} self._grids = {}
def __getattr__(self, name): # will support the hidden methods if name in self.__hidden__: return self.__hidden__[name].__get__(self) else: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) @property def func(self): class Functions(object): pass functions = Functions() for name, value in expression_namespace.items(): # f = vaex.expression.FunctionBuiltin(self, name) def closure(name=name, value=value): local_name = name def wrap(*args, **kwargs): def myrepr(k): if isinstance(k, Expression): return str(k) elif isinstance(k, np.ndarray) and k.ndim == 0: # to support numpy scalars return myrepr(k.item()) elif isinstance(k, np.ndarray): # to support numpy arrays var = self.add_variable('arg_numpy_array', k, unique=True) return var elif isinstance(k, list): # to support numpy scalars return '[' + ', '.join(myrepr(i) for i in k) + ']' else: return repr(k) arg_string = ", ".join([myrepr(k) for k in args] + ['{}={}'.format(name, myrepr(value)) for name, value in kwargs.items()]) expression = "{}({})".format(local_name, arg_string) return vaex.expression.Expression(self, expression) return wrap f = closure() try: f = functools.wraps(value)(f) except AttributeError: pass # python2 quicks.. ? setattr(functions, name, f) for name, value in self.functions.items(): setattr(functions, name, value) return functions @_hidden @vaex.utils.deprecated('use is_category') def iscategory(self, column): return self.is_category(column) def is_datetime(self, expression): dtype = self.data_type(expression) return dtype != str_type and dtype.kind == 'M'
[docs] def is_category(self, column): """Returns true if column is a category.""" column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) return column in self._categories
def category_labels(self, column): column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) return self._categories[column]['labels'] def category_values(self, column): column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) return self._categories[column]['values'] def category_count(self, column): column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) return self._categories[column]['N'] def category_offset(self, column): column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) return self._categories[column]['min_value']
[docs] def execute(self): '''Execute all delayed jobs.''' from .asyncio import just_run just_run(self.execute_async())
[docs] async def execute_async(self): '''Async version of execute''' # no need to clear _task_aggs anymore, since they will be removed for the executors' task list await self.executor.execute_async()
@property def filtered(self): return self.has_selection(FILTER_SELECTION_NAME) def map_reduce(self, map, reduce, arguments, progress=False, delay=False, info=False, to_numpy=True, ignore_filter=False, pre_filter=False, name='map reduce (custom)', selection=None): # def map_wrapper(*blocks): task = tasks.TaskMapReduce(self, arguments, map, reduce, info=info, to_numpy=to_numpy, ignore_filter=ignore_filter, selection=selection, pre_filter=pre_filter) progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) progressbar.add_task(task, name) self.executor.schedule(task) return self._delay(delay, task)
[docs] def apply(self, f, arguments=None, dtype=None, delay=False, vectorize=False): """Apply a function on a per row basis across the entire DataFrame. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.example() >>> def func(x, y): ... return (x+y)/(x-y) ... >>> df.apply(func, arguments=[df.x, df.y]) Expression = lambda_function(x, y) Length: 330,000 dtype: float64 (expression) ------------------------------------------- 0 -0.460789 1 3.90038 2 -0.642851 3 0.685768 4 -0.543357 :param f: The function to be applied :param arguments: List of arguments to be passed on to the function f. :return: A function that is lazily evaluated. """ assert arguments is not None, 'for now, you need to supply arguments' import types if isinstance(f, types.LambdaType): name = 'lambda_function' else: name = f.__name__ if not vectorize: f = vaex.expression.FunctionToScalar(f) lazy_function = self.add_function(name, f, unique=True) arguments = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(arguments) return lazy_function(*arguments)
[docs] def nop(self, expression, progress=False, delay=False): """Evaluates expression, and drop the result, usefull for benchmarking, since vaex is usually lazy""" expression = _ensure_string_from_expression(expression) def map(ar): pass def reduce(a, b): pass return self.map_reduce(map, reduce, [expression], delay=delay, progress=progress, name='nop', to_numpy=False)
def _set(self, expression, progress=False, selection=None, delay=False): column = _ensure_string_from_expression(expression) columns = [column] from .hash import ordered_set_type_from_dtype from vaex.column import _to_string_sequence transient = self[str(expression)].transient or self.filtered or self.is_masked(expression) if self.data_type(expression) == str_type and not transient: # string is a special case, only ColumnString are not transient ar = self.columns[str(expression)] if not isinstance(ar, ColumnString): transient = True dtype = self.data_type(column) ordered_set_type = ordered_set_type_from_dtype(dtype, transient) sets = [None] * self.executor.thread_pool.nthreads def map(thread_index, i1, i2, ar): if sets[thread_index] is None: sets[thread_index] = ordered_set_type() if dtype == str_type: previous_ar = ar ar = _to_string_sequence(ar) if not transient: assert ar is previous_ar.string_sequence if mask = sets[thread_index].update(ar, mask) else: sets[thread_index].update(ar) def reduce(a, b): pass self.map_reduce(map, reduce, columns, delay=delay, name='set', info=True, to_numpy=False, selection=selection) sets = [k for k in sets if k is not None] set0 = sets[0] for other in sets[1:]: set0.merge(other) return set0 def _index(self, expression, progress=False, delay=False): column = _ensure_string_from_expression(expression) columns = [column] from .hash import index_type_from_dtype from vaex.column import _to_string_sequence transient = self[str(expression)].transient or self.filtered or self.is_masked(expression) if self.data_type(expression) == str_type and not transient: # string is a special case, only ColumnString are not transient ar = self.columns[str(expression)] if not isinstance(ar, ColumnString): transient = True dtype = self.data_type(column) index_type = index_type_from_dtype(dtype, transient) index_list = [None] * self.executor.thread_pool.nthreads def map(thread_index, i1, i2, ar): if index_list[thread_index] is None: index_list[thread_index] = index_type() if dtype == str_type: previous_ar = ar ar = _to_string_sequence(ar) if not transient: assert ar is previous_ar.string_sequence if mask = index_list[thread_index].update(ar, mask, i1) else: index_list[thread_index].update(ar, i1) def reduce(a, b): pass self.map_reduce(map, reduce, columns, delay=delay, name='index', info=True, to_numpy=False) index_list = [k for k in index_list if k is not None] index0 = index_list[0] for other in index_list[1:]: index0.merge(other) return index0 def unique(self, expression, return_inverse=False, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, progress=False, selection=None, delay=False): if dropna: dropnan = True dropmissing = True expression = _ensure_string_from_expression(expression) ordered_set = self._set(expression, progress=progress, selection=selection) transient = True if return_inverse: # inverse type can be smaller, depending on length of set inverse = np.zeros(self._length_unfiltered, dtype=np.int64) dtype = self.data_type(expression) from vaex.column import _to_string_sequence def map(thread_index, i1, i2, ar): if dtype == str_type: previous_ar = ar ar = _to_string_sequence(ar) if not transient: assert ar is previous_ar.string_sequence # TODO: what about masked values? inverse[i1:i2:] = ordered_set.map_ordinal(ar) def reduce(a, b): pass self.map_reduce(map, reduce, [expression], delay=delay, name='unique_return_inverse', info=True, to_numpy=False, selection=selection) keys = ordered_set.keys() if not dropnan: if ordered_set.has_nan: keys = [np.nan] + keys if not dropmissing: if ordered_set.has_null: keys = [] + keys keys = np.asarray(keys) if return_inverse: return keys, inverse else: return keys
[docs] @docsubst def mutual_information(self, x, y=None, mi_limits=None, mi_shape=256, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, sort=False, selection=False, delay=False): """Estimate the mutual information between and x and y on a grid with shape mi_shape and mi_limits, possibly on a grid defined by binby. If sort is True, the mutual information is returned in sorted (descending) order and the list of expressions is returned in the same order. Example: >>> df.mutual_information("x", "y") array(0.1511814526380327) >>> df.mutual_information([["x", "y"], ["x", "z"], ["E", "Lz"]]) array([ 0.15118145, 0.18439181, 1.07067379]) >>> df.mutual_information([["x", "y"], ["x", "z"], ["E", "Lz"]], sort=True) (array([ 1.07067379, 0.18439181, 0.15118145]), [['E', 'Lz'], ['x', 'z'], ['x', 'y']]) :param x: {expression} :param y: {expression} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param sort: return mutual information in sorted (descending) order, and also return the correspond list of expressions when sorted is True :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :return: {return_stat_scalar}, """ if y is None: waslist, [x, ] = vaex.utils.listify(x) else: waslist, [x, y] = vaex.utils.listify(x, y) x = list(zip(x, y)) if mi_limits: mi_limits = [mi_limits] # print("x, mi_limits", x, mi_limits) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, delay=True) # print("$"*80) mi_limits = self.limits(x, mi_limits, delay=True) # print("@"*80) @delayed def calculate(counts): # TODO: mutual information doesn't take axis arguments, so ugly solution for now counts = counts.astype(np.float64) fullshape = _expand_shape(shape, len(binby)) out = np.zeros((fullshape), dtype=float) if len(fullshape) == 0: out = vaex.kld.mutual_information(counts) # print("count> ", np.sum(counts)) elif len(fullshape) == 1: for i in range(fullshape[0]): out[i] = vaex.kld.mutual_information(counts[..., i]) # print("counti> ", np.sum(counts[...,i])) # print("countt> ", np.sum(counts)) elif len(fullshape) == 2: for i in range(fullshape[0]): for j in range(fullshape[1]): out[i, j] = vaex.kld.mutual_information(counts[..., i, j]) elif len(fullshape) == 3: for i in range(fullshape[0]): for j in range(fullshape[1]): for k in range(fullshape[2]): out[i, j, k] = vaex.kld.mutual_information(counts[..., i, j, k]) else: raise ValueError("binby with dim > 3 is not yet supported") return out @delayed def has_limits(limits, mi_limits): if not _issequence(binby): limits = [list(limits)] values = [] for expressions, expression_limits in zip(x, mi_limits): # print("mi for", expressions, expression_limits) # total_shape = _expand_shape(mi_shape, len(expressions)) + _expand_shape(shape, len(binby)) total_shape = _expand_shape(mi_shape, len(expressions)) + _expand_shape(shape, len(binby)) # print("expressions", expressions) # print("total_shape", total_shape) # print("limits", limits,expression_limits) # print("limits>", list(limits) + list(expression_limits)) counts = self.count(binby=list(expressions) + list(binby), limits=list(expression_limits) + list(limits), shape=total_shape, delay=True, selection=selection) values.append(calculate(counts)) return values @delayed def finish(mi_list): if sort: mi_list = np.array(mi_list) indices = np.argsort(mi_list)[::-1] sorted_x = list([x[k] for k in indices]) return mi_list[indices], sorted_x else: return np.array(vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, mi_list)) values = finish(delayed_list(has_limits(limits, mi_limits))) return self._delay(delay, values)
def bin_edges(self, expression, limits, shape=default_shape): return self.bins(expression, limits, shape=shape, edges=True) def bin_centers(self, expression, limits, shape=default_shape): return self.bins(expression, limits, shape=shape, edges=False) def bins(self, expression, limits, shape=default_shape, edges=True): vmin, vmax = limits if edges: bins = np.ogrid[limits[0]:limits[1]:(shape + 1) * 1j] return bins else: dx = (limits[1] - limits[0]) / shape bins = np.ogrid[limits[0]:limits[1] - dx:(shape) * 1j] return bins + dx / 2 def nearest_bin(self, value, limits, shape): bins = self.bins('', limits=limits, edges=False, shape=shape) index = np.argmin(np.abs(bins - value)) print(bins, value, index) return index def _compute_agg(self, name, expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, edges=False, progress=None, extra_expressions=None, array_type=None): logger.debug("aggregate %s(%r, binby=%r, limits=%r)", name, expression, binby, limits) expression = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(expression) if extra_expressions: extra_expressions = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(extra_expressions) expression_waslist, [expressions, ] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) for expression in expressions: if expression and expression != "*": self.validate_expression(expression) if not hasattr(self.local, '_aggregator_nest_count'): self.local._aggregator_nest_count = 0 assert self.local._aggregator_nest_count == 0, "detected nested aggregator call" # Instead of 'expression is not None', we would like to have 'not virtual' # but in we do some casting, which results in calling .dtype(..) with a non-column # expression even though all expressions passed here are column references # virtual = [k for k in expressions if k and k not in self.columns] if self.filtered and expression is not None: # When our dataframe is filtered, and we have expressions, we may end up calling # df.dtype(..) which in turn may call df.evaluate(..) which in turn needs to have # the filter cache filled in order to compute the first non-missing row. This last # item could call df.count() again, leading to nested aggregators, which we do not # support. df.dtype() needs to call evaluate with filtering enabled since we consider # it invalid that expressions are evaluate with filtered data. Sklearn for instance may # give errors when evaluated with NaN's present. # TODO: GET RID OF THIS len(self) # fill caches and masks # pass grid = self._create_grid(binby, limits, shape, selection=selection, delay=True) @delayed def compute(expression, grid, selection, edges, progressbar): self.local._aggregator_nest_count += 1 try: if expression in ["*", None]: agg = vaex.agg.aggregates[name](selection=selection, edges=edges) else: if extra_expressions: agg = vaex.agg.aggregates[name](expression, *extra_expressions, selection=selection, edges=edges) else: agg = vaex.agg.aggregates[name](expression, selection=selection, edges=edges) task, new_task = self._get_task_agg(grid) agg_subtask = agg.add_operations(task) if new_task: # it is important we schedule the task after we add an operation # otherwise the task will fail to executor (has to have >= 1 operation) self.executor.schedule(task) progressbar.add_task(task, "%s for %s" % (name, expression)) @delayed def finish(counts): return np.asarray(counts) return finish(agg_subtask) finally: self.local._aggregator_nest_count -= 1 @delayed def finish(grid, *counts): if array_type == 'xarray': binners = grid.binners dims = [binner.expression for binner in binners] if expression_waslist: dims = ['expression'] + dims def to_coord(binner): name = type(binner).__name__ if name.startswith('BinnerOrdinal_'): return self.category_labels(binner.expression) elif name.startswith('BinnerScalar_'): return self.bin_centers(binner.expression, [binner.vmin, binner.vmax], binner.bins) coords = [to_coord(binner) for binner in binners] if expression_waslist: coords = [expressions] + coords counts = np.asarray(counts) else: counts = counts[0] import xarray return xarray.DataArray(counts, dims=dims, coords=coords) elif array_type == 'list': return vaex.utils.unlistify(expression_waslist, counts).tolist() elif array_type in [None, 'numpy']: return np.asarray(vaex.utils.unlistify(expression_waslist, counts)) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown array_type {format}') progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) stats = [compute(expression, grid, selection=selection, edges=edges, progressbar=progressbar) for expression in expressions] var = finish(grid, *stats) return self._delay(delay, var)
[docs] @docsubst def count(self, expression=None, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, edges=False, progress=None, array_type=None): """Count the number of non-NaN values (or all, if expression is None or "*"). Example: >>> df.count() 330000 >>> df.count("*") 330000.0 >>> df.count("*", binby=["x"], shape=4) array([ 10925., 155427., 152007., 10748.]) :param expression: Expression or column for which to count non-missing values, or None or '*' for counting the rows :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :param edges: {edges} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ return self._compute_agg('count', expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay, edges, progress, array_type=array_type)
@delayed def _first_calculation(self, expression, order_expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, edges, progressbar): if shape: limits, shapes = limits else: limits, shapes = limits, shape task = tasks.TaskStatistic(self, binby, shapes, limits, weights=[expression, order_expression], op=tasks.OP_FIRST, selection=selection, edges=edges) self.executor.schedule(task) progressbar.add_task(task, "count for %s" % expression) @delayed def finish(counts): counts = np.array(counts) return counts return finish(task)
[docs] @docsubst def first(self, expression, order_expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, edges=False, progress=None, array_type=None): """Return the first element of a binned `expression`, where the values each bin are sorted by `order_expression`. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.example() >>> df.first(df.x, df.y, shape=8) >>> df.first(df.x, df.y, shape=8, binby=[df.y]) >>> df.first(df.x, df.y, shape=8, binby=[df.y]) array([-4.81883764, 11.65378 , 9.70084476, -7.3025589 , 4.84954977, 8.47446537, -5.73602629, 10.18783 ]) :param expression: The value to be placed in the bin. :param order_expression: Order the values in the bins by this expression. :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :param edges: {edges} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: Ndarray containing the first elements. :rtype: numpy.array """ return self._compute_agg('first', expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay, edges, progress, extra_expressions=[order_expression], array_type=array_type) logger.debug("count(%r, binby=%r, limits=%r)", expression, binby, limits) logger.debug("count(%r, binby=%r, limits=%r)", expression, binby, limits) expression = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(expression) order_expression = _ensure_string_from_expression(order_expression) binby = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(binby) waslist, [expressions,] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) @delayed def finish(*counts): counts = np.asarray(counts) return vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, counts) progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, delay=True, shape=shape) stats = [self._first_calculation(expression, order_expression, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection, edges=edges, progressbar=progressbar) for expression in expressions] var = finish(*stats) return self._delay(delay, var)
[docs] @docsubst @stat_1d def mean(self, expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None, edges=False, array_type=None): """Calculate the mean for expression, possibly on a grid defined by binby. Example: >>> df.mean("x") -0.067131491264005971 >>> df.mean("(x**2+y**2)**0.5", binby="E", shape=4) array([ 2.43483742, 4.41840721, 8.26742458, 15.53846476]) :param expression: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ return self._compute_agg('mean', expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay, edges, progress, array_type=array_type) logger.debug("mean of %r, with binby=%r, limits=%r, shape=%r, selection=%r, delay=%r", expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay) expression = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(expression) selection = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(selection) binby = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(binby) @delayed def calculate(expression, limits): task = tasks.TaskStatistic(self, binby, shape, limits, weight=expression, op=tasks.OP_ADD_WEIGHT_MOMENTS_01, selection=selection) self.executor.schedule(task) progressbar.add_task(task, "mean for %s" % expression) return task @delayed def finish(*stats_args): stats = np.array(stats_args) counts = stats[..., 0] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): mean = stats[..., 1] / counts return vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, mean) waslist, [expressions, ] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, delay=True) stats = [calculate(expression, limits) for expression in expressions] var = finish(*stats) return self._delay(delay, var)
@delayed def _sum_calculation(self, expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, progressbar): task = tasks.TaskStatistic(self, binby, shape, limits, weight=expression, op=tasks.OP_ADD_WEIGHT_MOMENTS_01, selection=selection) self.executor.schedule(task) progressbar.add_task(task, "sum for %s" % expression) @delayed def finish(sum_grid): stats = np.array(sum_grid) return stats[...,1] return finish(task)
[docs] @docsubst @stat_1d def sum(self, expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None, edges=False, array_type=None): """Calculate the sum for the given expression, possible on a grid defined by binby Example: >>> df.sum("L") 304054882.49378014 >>> df.sum("L", binby="E", shape=4) array([ 8.83517994e+06, 5.92217598e+07, 9.55218726e+07, 1.40008776e+08]) :param expression: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ return self._compute_agg('sum', expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay, edges, progress, array_type=array_type) @delayed def finish(*sums): return vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, sums) expression = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(expression) binby = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(binby) waslist, [expressions, ] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, delay=True) # stats = [calculate(expression, limits) for expression in expressions] sums = [self._sum_calculation(expression, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection, progressbar=progressbar) for expression in expressions] s = finish(*sums) return self._delay(delay, s)
[docs] @docsubst @stat_1d def std(self, expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None, array_type=None): """Calculate the standard deviation for the given expression, possible on a grid defined by binby >>> df.std("vz") 110.31773397535071 >>> df.std("vz", binby=["(x**2+y**2)**0.5"], shape=4) array([ 123.57954851, 85.35190177, 61.14345748, 38.0740619 ]) :param expression: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ @delayed def finish(var): return var**0.5 return self._delay(delay, finish(self.var(expression, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection, delay=True, progress=progress)))
[docs] @docsubst @stat_1d def var(self, expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None, array_type=None): """Calculate the sample variance for the given expression, possible on a grid defined by binby Example: >>> df.var("vz") 12170.002429456246 >>> df.var("vz", binby=["(x**2+y**2)**0.5"], shape=4) array([ 15271.90481083, 7284.94713504, 3738.52239232, 1449.63418988]) >>> df.var("vz", binby=["(x**2+y**2)**0.5"], shape=4)**0.5 array([ 123.57954851, 85.35190177, 61.14345748, 38.0740619 ]) >>> df.std("vz", binby=["(x**2+y**2)**0.5"], shape=4) array([ 123.57954851, 85.35190177, 61.14345748, 38.0740619 ]) :param expression: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ edges = False return self._compute_agg('var', expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay, edges, progress, array_type=array_type) expression = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(expression) @delayed def calculate(expression, limits): task = tasks.TaskStatistic(self, binby, shape, limits, weight=expression, op=tasks.OP_ADD_WEIGHT_MOMENTS_012, selection=selection) progressbar.add_task(task, "var for %s" % expression) self.executor.schedule(task) return task @delayed def finish(*stats_args): stats = np.array(stats_args) counts = stats[..., 0] with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # these are fine, we are ok with nan's in vaex mean = stats[..., 1] / counts raw_moments2 = stats[..., 2] / counts variance = (raw_moments2 - mean**2) return vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, variance) binby = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(binby) waslist, [expressions, ] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, delay=True) stats = [calculate(expression, limits) for expression in expressions] var = finish(*stats) return self._delay(delay, var)
[docs] @docsubst def covar(self, x, y, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): """Calculate the covariance cov[x,y] between x and y, possibly on a grid defined by binby. Example: >>> df.covar("x**2+y**2+z**2", "-log(-E+1)") array(52.69461456005138) >>> df.covar("x**2+y**2+z**2", "-log(-E+1)")/(df.std("x**2+y**2+z**2") * df.std("-log(-E+1)")) 0.63666373822156686 >>> df.covar("x**2+y**2+z**2", "-log(-E+1)", binby="Lz", shape=4) array([ 10.17387143, 51.94954078, 51.24902796, 20.2163929 ]) :param x: {expression} :param y: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ @delayed def cov(mean_x, mean_y, mean_xy): return mean_xy - mean_x * mean_y waslist, [xlist, ylist] = vaex.utils.listify(x, y) # print("limits", limits) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, selection=selection, delay=True) # print("limits", limits) @delayed def calculate(limits): results = [] for x, y in zip(xlist, ylist): mx = self.mean(x, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection, delay=True, progress=progressbar) my = self.mean(y, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection, delay=True, progress=progressbar) cxy = self.mean("(%s)*(%s)" % (x, y), binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection, delay=True, progress=progressbar) results.append(cov(mx, my, cxy)) return results progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) covars = calculate(limits) @delayed def finish(covars): value = np.array(vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, covars)) return value return self._delay(delay, finish(delayed_list(covars)))
[docs] @docsubst def correlation(self, x, y=None, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, sort=False, sort_key=np.abs, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): """Calculate the correlation coefficient cov[x,y]/(std[x]*std[y]) between x and y, possibly on a grid defined by binby. Example: >>> df.correlation("x**2+y**2+z**2", "-log(-E+1)") array(0.6366637382215669) >>> df.correlation("x**2+y**2+z**2", "-log(-E+1)", binby="Lz", shape=4) array([ 0.40594394, 0.69868851, 0.61394099, 0.65266318]) :param x: {expression} :param y: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ @delayed def corr(cov): with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # these are fine, we are ok with nan's in vaex return cov[..., 0, 1] / (cov[..., 0, 0] * cov[..., 1, 1])**0.5 if y is None: if not isinstance(x, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError("if y not given, x is expected to be a list or tuple, not %r" % x) if _issequence(x) and not _issequence(x[0]) and len(x) == 2: x = [x] if not(_issequence(x) and all([_issequence(k) and len(k) == 2 for k in x])): raise ValueError("if y not given, x is expected to be a list of lists with length 2, not %r" % x) # waslist, [xlist,ylist] = vaex.utils.listify(*x) waslist = True xlist, ylist = zip(*x) # print xlist, ylist else: waslist, [xlist, ylist] = vaex.utils.listify(x, y) xlist = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(xlist) ylist = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(ylist) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, selection=selection, delay=True) @delayed def echo(limits): logger.debug(">>>>>>>>: %r %r", limits, np.array(limits).shape) echo(limits) @delayed def calculate(limits): results = [] for x, y in zip(xlist, ylist): task = self.cov(x, y, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection, delay=True, progress=progressbar) results.append(corr(task)) return results progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) correlations = calculate(limits) @delayed def finish(correlations): if sort: correlations = np.array(correlations) indices = np.argsort(sort_key(correlations) if sort_key else correlations)[::-1] sorted_x = list([x[k] for k in indices]) return correlations[indices], sorted_x value = np.array(vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, correlations)) return value return self._delay(delay, finish(delayed_list(correlations)))
[docs] @docsubst def cov(self, x, y=None, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): """Calculate the covariance matrix for x and y or more expressions, possibly on a grid defined by binby. Either x and y are expressions, e.g.: >>> df.cov("x", "y") Or only the x argument is given with a list of expressions, e.g.: >>> df.cov(["x, "y, "z"]) Example: >>> df.cov("x", "y") array([[ 53.54521742, -3.8123135 ], [ -3.8123135 , 60.62257881]]) >>> df.cov(["x", "y", "z"]) array([[ 53.54521742, -3.8123135 , -0.98260511], [ -3.8123135 , 60.62257881, 1.21381057], [ -0.98260511, 1.21381057, 25.55517638]]) >>> df.cov("x", "y", binby="E", shape=2) array([[[ 9.74852878e+00, -3.02004780e-02], [ -3.02004780e-02, 9.99288215e+00]], [[ 8.43996546e+01, -6.51984181e+00], [ -6.51984181e+00, 9.68938284e+01]]]) :param x: {expression} :param y: {expression_single} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :return: {return_stat_scalar}, the last dimensions are of shape (2,2) """ selection = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(selection) if y is None: if not _issequence(x): raise ValueError("if y argument is not given, x is expected to be sequence, not %r", x) expressions = x else: expressions = [x, y] N = len(expressions) binby = _ensure_list(binby) shape = _expand_shape(shape, len(binby)) progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, selection=selection, delay=True) @delayed def calculate(expressions, limits): # print('limits', limits) task = tasks.TaskStatistic(self, binby, shape, limits, weights=expressions, op=tasks.OP_COV, selection=selection) self.executor.schedule(task) progressbar.add_task(task, "covariance values for %r" % expressions) return task @delayed def finish(values): N = len(expressions) counts = values[..., :N] sums = values[..., N:2 * N] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): means = sums / counts # matrix of means * means.T meansxy = means[..., None] * means[..., None, :] counts = values[..., 2 * N:2 * N + N**2] sums = values[..., 2 * N + N**2:] shape = counts.shape[:-1] + (N, N) counts = counts.reshape(shape) sums = sums.reshape(shape) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): moments2 = sums / counts cov_matrix = moments2 - meansxy return cov_matrix progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) values = calculate(expressions, limits) cov_matrix = finish(values) return self._delay(delay, cov_matrix)
[docs] @docsubst @stat_1d def minmax(self, expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): """Calculate the minimum and maximum for expressions, possibly on a grid defined by binby. Example: >>> df.minmax("x") array([-128.293991, 271.365997]) >>> df.minmax(["x", "y"]) array([[-128.293991 , 271.365997 ], [ -71.5523682, 146.465836 ]]) >>> df.minmax("x", binby="x", shape=5, limits=[-10, 10]) array([[-9.99919128, -6.00010443], [-5.99972439, -2.00002384], [-1.99991322, 1.99998057], [ 2.0000093 , 5.99983597], [ 6.0004878 , 9.99984646]]) :param expression: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :return: {return_stat_scalar}, the last dimension is of shape (2) """ # vmin = self._compute_agg('min', expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay, edges, progress) # vmax = self._compute_agg('max', expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay, edges, progress) @delayed def finish(*minmax_list): value = vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, np.array(minmax_list)) value = value.astype(dtype0) return value @delayed def calculate(expression, limits): task = tasks.TaskStatistic(self, binby, shape, limits, weight=expression, op=tasks.OP_MIN_MAX, selection=selection) self.executor.schedule(task) progressbar.add_task(task, "minmax for %s" % expression) return task @delayed def finish(*minmax_list): value = vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, np.array(minmax_list)) value = value.astype(dtype0) return value expression = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(expression) binby = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(binby) waslist, [expressions, ] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) dtypes = [self.data_type(expr) for expr in expressions] dtype0 = dtypes[0] if not all([k.kind == dtype0.kind for k in dtypes]): raise ValueError("cannot mix datetime and non-datetime expressions") progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress, name="minmaxes") limits = self.limits(binby, limits, selection=selection, delay=True) all_tasks = [calculate(expression, limits) for expression in expressions] result = finish(*all_tasks) return self._delay(delay, result)
[docs] @docsubst @stat_1d def min(self, expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None, edges=False, array_type=None): """Calculate the minimum for given expressions, possibly on a grid defined by binby. Example: >>> df.min("x") array(-128.293991) >>> df.min(["x", "y"]) array([-128.293991 , -71.5523682]) >>> df.min("x", binby="x", shape=5, limits=[-10, 10]) array([-9.99919128, -5.99972439, -1.99991322, 2.0000093 , 6.0004878 ]) :param expression: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: {return_stat_scalar}, the last dimension is of shape (2) """ return self._compute_agg('min', expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay, edges, progress, array_type=array_type) @delayed def finish(result): return result[..., 0] return self._delay(delay, finish(self.minmax(expression, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection, delay=delay, progress=progress)))
[docs] @docsubst @stat_1d def max(self, expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None, edges=False, array_type=None): """Calculate the maximum for given expressions, possibly on a grid defined by binby. Example: >>> df.max("x") array(271.365997) >>> df.max(["x", "y"]) array([ 271.365997, 146.465836]) >>> df.max("x", binby="x", shape=5, limits=[-10, 10]) array([-6.00010443, -2.00002384, 1.99998057, 5.99983597, 9.99984646]) :param expression: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: {return_stat_scalar}, the last dimension is of shape (2) """ return self._compute_agg('max', expression, binby, limits, shape, selection, delay, edges, progress, array_type=array_type) @delayed def finish(result): return result[..., 1] return self._delay(delay, finish(self.minmax(expression, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection, delay=delay, progress=progress)))
[docs] @docsubst @stat_1d def median_approx(self, expression, percentage=50., binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, percentile_shape=256, percentile_limits="minmax", selection=False, delay=False): """Calculate the median, possibly on a grid defined by binby. NOTE: this value is approximated by calculating the cumulative distribution on a grid defined by percentile_shape and percentile_limits :param expression: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param percentile_limits: {percentile_limits} :param percentile_shape: {percentile_shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ return self.percentile_approx(expression, 50, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, percentile_shape=percentile_shape, percentile_limits=percentile_limits, selection=selection, delay=delay)
[docs] @docsubst def percentile_approx(self, expression, percentage=50., binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, percentile_shape=1024, percentile_limits="minmax", selection=False, delay=False): """Calculate the percentile given by percentage, possibly on a grid defined by binby. NOTE: this value is approximated by calculating the cumulative distribution on a grid defined by percentile_shape and percentile_limits. Example: >>> df.percentile_approx("x", 10), df.percentile_approx("x", 90) (array([-8.3220355]), array([ 7.92080358])) >>> df.percentile_approx("x", 50, binby="x", shape=5, limits=[-10, 10]) array([[-7.56462982], [-3.61036641], [-0.01296306], [ 3.56697863], [ 7.45838367]]) :param expression: {expression} :param binby: {binby} :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param percentile_limits: {percentile_limits} :param percentile_shape: {percentile_shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ waslist, [expressions, ] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) if not isinstance(binby, (tuple, list)): binby = [binby] else: binby = binby @delayed def calculate(expression, shape, limits): # task = TaskStatistic(self, [expression] + binby, shape, limits, op=OP_ADD1, selection=selection) # self.executor.schedule(task) # return task return self.count(binby=list(binby) + [expression], shape=shape, limits=limits, selection=selection, delay=True, edges=True) @delayed def finish(percentile_limits, counts_list): results = [] for i, counts in enumerate(counts_list): counts = counts.astype(np.float) # remove the nan and boundary edges from the first dimension, nonnans = list([slice(2, -1, None) for k in range(len(counts.shape) - 1)]) nonnans.append(slice(1, None, None)) # we're gonna get rid only of the nan's, and keep the overflow edges nonnans = tuple(nonnans) cumulative_grid = np.cumsum(counts.__getitem__(nonnans), -1) # convert to cumulative grid totalcounts = np.sum(counts.__getitem__(nonnans), -1) empty = totalcounts == 0 original_shape = counts.shape shape = cumulative_grid.shape # + (original_shape[-1] - 1,) # counts = np.sum(counts, -1) edges_floor = np.zeros(shape[:-1] + (2,), dtype=np.int64) edges_ceil = np.zeros(shape[:-1] + (2,), dtype=np.int64) # if we have an off # of elements, say, N=3, the center is at i=1=(N-1)/2 # if we have an even # of elements, say, N=4, the center is between i=1=(N-2)/2 and i=2=(N/2) # index = (shape[-1] -1-3) * percentage/100. # the -3 is for the edges waslist_percentage, [percentages, ] = vaex.utils.listify(percentage) percentiles = [] for p in percentages: values = np.array((totalcounts + 1) * p / 100.) # make sure it's an ndarray values[empty] = 0 floor_values = np.array(np.floor(values)) ceil_values = np.array(np.ceil(values)) vaex.vaexfast.grid_find_edges(cumulative_grid, floor_values, edges_floor) vaex.vaexfast.grid_find_edges(cumulative_grid, ceil_values, edges_ceil) def index_choose(a, indices): # alternative to np.choise, which doesn't like the last dim to be >= 32 # print(a, indices) out = np.zeros(a.shape[:-1]) # print(out.shape) for i in np.ndindex(out.shape): # print(i, indices[i]) out[i] = a[i + (indices[i],)] return out def calculate_x(edges, values): left, right = edges[..., 0], edges[..., 1] left_value = index_choose(cumulative_grid, left) right_value = index_choose(cumulative_grid, right) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): u = np.array((values - left_value) / (right_value - left_value)) # TODO: should it really be -3? not -2 xleft, xright = percentile_limits[i][0] + (left - 0.5) * (percentile_limits[i][1] - percentile_limits[i][0]) / (shape[-1] - 3),\ percentile_limits[i][0] + (right - 0.5) * (percentile_limits[i][1] - percentile_limits[i][0]) / (shape[-1] - 3) x = xleft + (xright - xleft) * u # /2 return x x1 = calculate_x(edges_floor, floor_values) x2 = calculate_x(edges_ceil, ceil_values) u = values - floor_values x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * u percentiles.append(x) percentile = vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist_percentage, np.array(percentiles)) results.append(percentile) return results shape = _expand_shape(shape, len(binby)) percentile_shapes = _expand_shape(percentile_shape, len(expressions)) if percentile_limits: percentile_limits = _expand_limits(percentile_limits, len(expressions)) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, selection=selection, delay=True) percentile_limits = self.limits(expressions, percentile_limits, selection=selection, delay=True) @delayed def calculation(limits, percentile_limits): # print(">>>", expressions, percentile_limits) # print(percentile_limits[0], list(percentile_limits[0])) # print(list(np.array(limits).tolist()) + list(percentile_limits[0])) # print("limits", limits, expressions, percentile_limits, ">>", list(limits) + [list(percentile_limits[0])) tasks = [calculate(expression, tuple(shape) + (percentile_shape, ), list(limits) + [list(percentile_limit)]) for percentile_shape, percentile_limit, expression in zip(percentile_shapes, percentile_limits, expressions)] return finish(percentile_limits, delayed_args(*tasks)) # return tasks result = calculation(limits, percentile_limits) @delayed def finish2(grid): value = vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, np.array(grid)) return value return self._delay(delay, finish2(result))
def _use_delay(self, delay): return delay == True def _delay(self, delay, task, progressbar=False): if task.isRejected: task.get() if delay: return task else: self.execute() return task.get()
[docs] @docsubst def limits_percentage(self, expression, percentage=99.73, square=False, selection=False, delay=False): """Calculate the [min, max] range for expression, containing approximately a percentage of the data as defined by percentage. The range is symmetric around the median, i.e., for a percentage of 90, this gives the same results as: Example: >>> df.limits_percentage("x", 90) array([-12.35081376, 12.14858052] >>> df.percentile_approx("x", 5), df.percentile_approx("x", 95) (array([-12.36813152]), array([ 12.13275818])) NOTE: this value is approximated by calculating the cumulative distribution on a grid. NOTE 2: The values above are not exactly the same, since percentile and limits_percentage do not share the same code :param expression: {expression_limits} :param float percentage: Value between 0 and 100 :param delay: {delay} :return: {return_limits} """ import scipy"limits_percentage for %r, with percentage=%r", expression, percentage) waslist, [expressions, ] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) limits = [] for expr in expressions: limits_minmax = self.minmax(expr, selection=selection) vmin, vmax = limits_minmax size = 1024 * 16 counts = self.count(binby=expr, shape=size, limits=limits_minmax, selection=selection) cumcounts = np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum(counts)]) cumcounts = cumcounts / cumcounts.max() # TODO: this is crude.. see the details! f = (1 - percentage / 100.) / 2 x = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, size + 1) l = scipy.interp([f, 1 - f], cumcounts, x) limits.append(l) return vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, limits)
[docs] @docsubst def limits(self, expression, value=None, square=False, selection=None, delay=False, shape=None): """Calculate the [min, max] range for expression, as described by value, which is 'minmax' by default. If value is a list of the form [minvalue, maxvalue], it is simply returned, this is for convenience when using mixed forms. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.example() >>> df.limits("x") array([-128.293991, 271.365997]) >>> df.limits("x", "99.7%") array([-28.86381927, 28.9261226 ]) >>> df.limits(["x", "y"]) (array([-128.293991, 271.365997]), array([ -71.5523682, 146.465836 ])) >>> df.limits(["x", "y"], "99.7%") (array([-28.86381927, 28.9261226 ]), array([-28.60476934, 28.96535249])) >>> df.limits(["x", "y"], ["minmax", "90%"]) (array([-128.293991, 271.365997]), array([-13.37438402, 13.4224423 ])) >>> df.limits(["x", "y"], ["minmax", [0, 10]]) (array([-128.293991, 271.365997]), [0, 10]) :param expression: {expression_limits} :param value: {limits} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :return: {return_limits} """ if expression == []: return [] if shape is None else ([], []) waslist, [expressions, ] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) expressions = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(expressions) selection = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(selection) if value is None: value = "minmax" if _is_limit(value) or not _issequence(value): values = (value,) * len(expressions) else: values = value initial_expressions, initial_values = expressions, values expression_values = dict() expression_shapes = dict() for i, (expression, value) in enumerate(zip(expressions, values)): if _issequence(expression): expressions = expression nested = True else: expressions = [expression] nested = False if _is_limit(value) or not _issequence(value): values = (value,) * len(expressions) else: values = value for j, (expression, value) in enumerate(zip(expressions, values)): if shape is not None: if _issequence(shape): shapes = shape else: shapes = (shape, ) * (len(expressions) if nested else len(initial_expressions)) shape_index = j if nested else i if not _is_limit(value): expression_values[(expression, value)] = None if self.is_category(expression): N = self._categories[_ensure_string_from_expression(expression)]['N'] expression_shapes[expression] = min(N, shapes[shape_index] if shape is not None else default_shape) else: expression_shapes[expression] = shapes[shape_index] if shape is not None else default_shape limits_list = [] for expression, value in expression_values.keys(): if self.is_category(expression): N = self._categories[_ensure_string_from_expression(expression)]['N'] limits = [-0.5, N-0.5] else: if isinstance(value, six.string_types): if value == "minmax": limits = self.minmax(expression, selection=selection, delay=True) else: match = re.match(r"([\d.]*)(\D*)", value) if match is None: raise ValueError("do not understand limit specifier %r, examples are 90%, 3sigma") else: number, type = match.groups() import ast number = ast.literal_eval(number) type = type.strip() if type in ["s", "sigma"]: limits = self.limits_sigma(number) elif type in ["ss", "sigmasquare"]: limits = self.limits_sigma(number, square=True) elif type in ["%", "percent"]: limits = self.limits_percentage(expression, number, selection=selection, delay=False) elif type in ["%s", "%square", "percentsquare"]: limits = self.limits_percentage(expression, number, selection=selection, square=True, delay=True) elif value is None: limits = self.minmax(expression, selection=selection, delay=True) else: limits = value limits_list.append(limits) if limits is None: raise ValueError("limit %r not understood" % value) expression_values[(expression, value)] = limits limits_list = delayed_args(*limits_list) @delayed def finish(limits_list): # print("##### 2)", expression_values.keys()) limits_outer = [] shapes_list = [] for expression, value in zip(initial_expressions, initial_values): if _issequence(expression): expressions = expression waslist2 = True else: expressions = [expression] waslist2 = False if _is_limit(value) or not _issequence(value): values = (value,) * len(expressions) else: values = value # print("expressions 3)", expressions) # print("values 3)", values) limits = [] shapes = [] for expression, value in zip(expressions, values): if not _is_limit(value): value = expression_values[(expression, value)] if not _is_limit(value): # print(">>> value", value) value = value.get() limits.append(value) shapes.append(expression_shapes[expression]) # if not _is_limit(value): # if a # #value = tuple(value) # list is not hashable # expression_values[(expression, value)] = expression_values[(expression, value)].get() # else: # #value = tuple(value) # list is not hashable # expression_values[(expression, value)] = () if waslist2: limits_outer.append(limits) shapes_list.append(shapes) else: limits_outer.append(limits[0]) shapes_list.append(shapes[0]) # logger.debug(">>>>>>>> complete list of limits: %r %r", limits_list, np.array(limits_list).shape) # print("limits", limits_outer) if shape: return vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, limits_outer), vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, shapes_list) else: return vaex.utils.unlistify(waslist, limits_outer) return self._delay(delay, finish(limits_list))
[docs] def mode(self, expression, binby=[], limits=None, shape=256, mode_shape=64, mode_limits=None, progressbar=False, selection=None): """Calculate/estimate the mode.""" if len(binby) == 0: raise ValueError("only supported with binby argument given") else: # todo, fix progressbar into two... try: len(shape) shape = tuple(shape) except: shape = len(binby) * (shape,) shape = (mode_shape,) + shape subspace = self(*(list(binby) + [expression])) if selection: subspace = subspace.selected() limits = self.limits(list(binby), limits) mode_limits = self.limits([expression], mode_limits) limits = list(limits) + list(mode_limits) counts = subspace.histogram(limits=limits, size=shape, progressbar=progressbar) indices = np.argmax(counts, axis=0) pmin, pmax = limits[-1] centers = np.linspace(pmin, pmax, mode_shape + 1)[:-1] # ignore last bin centers += (centers[1] - centers[0]) / 2 # and move half a bin to the right modes = centers[indices] ok = counts.sum(axis=0) > 0 modes[~ok] = np.nan return modes
[docs] @vaex.utils.deprecated('use df.widget.heatmap') def plot_widget(self, x, y, limits=None, f="identity", **kwargs): return self.widget.heatmap(x, y, limits=limits, transform=f, **kwargs)
[docs] @vaex.utils.deprecated('use plot_widget') def plot_bq(self, x, y, grid=None, shape=256, limits=None, what="count(*)", figsize=None, f="identity", figure_key=None, fig=None, axes=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, show=True, selection=[None, True], colormap="afmhot", grid_limits=None, normalize="normalize", grid_before=None, what_kwargs={}, type="default", scales=None, tool_select=False, bq_cleanup=True, **kwargs): import vaex.ext.bqplot cls = vaex.ext.bqplot.get_class(type) plot2d = cls(df=self, x=x, y=y, grid=grid, shape=shape, limits=limits, what=what, f=f, figure_key=figure_key, fig=fig, selection=selection, grid_before=grid_before, grid_limits=grid_limits, normalize=normalize, colormap=colormap, what_kwargs=what_kwargs, **kwargs) if show: return plot2d
# @_hidden
[docs] def healpix_count(self, expression=None, healpix_expression=None, healpix_max_level=12, healpix_level=8, binby=None, limits=None, shape=default_shape, delay=False, progress=None, selection=None): """Count non missing value for expression on an array which represents healpix data. :param expression: Expression or column for which to count non-missing values, or None or '*' for counting the rows :param healpix_expression: {healpix_max_level} :param healpix_max_level: {healpix_max_level} :param healpix_level: {healpix_level} :param binby: {binby}, these dimension follow the first healpix dimension. :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :return: """ # if binby is None: import healpy as hp if healpix_expression is None: if self.ucds.get("source_id", None) == ';meta.main': # we now assume we have gaia data healpix_expression = "source_id/34359738368" if healpix_expression is None: raise ValueError("no healpix_expression given, and was unable to guess") reduce_level = healpix_max_level - healpix_level NSIDE = 2**healpix_level nmax = hp.nside2npix(NSIDE) scaling = 4**reduce_level expr = "%s/%s" % (healpix_expression, scaling) binby = [expr] + ([] if binby is None else _ensure_list(binby)) shape = (nmax,) + _expand_shape(shape, len(binby) - 1) epsilon = 1. / scaling / 2 limits = [[-epsilon, nmax - epsilon]] + ([] if limits is None else limits) return self.count(expression, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, delay=delay, progress=progress, selection=selection)
# @_hidden
[docs] def healpix_plot(self, healpix_expression="source_id/34359738368", healpix_max_level=12, healpix_level=8, what="count(*)", selection=None, grid=None, healpix_input="equatorial", healpix_output="galactic", f=None, colormap="afmhot", grid_limits=None, image_size=800, nest=True, figsize=None, interactive=False, title="", smooth=None, show=False, colorbar=True, rotation=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs): """Viz data in 2d using a healpix column. :param healpix_expression: {healpix_max_level} :param healpix_max_level: {healpix_max_level} :param healpix_level: {healpix_level} :param what: {what} :param selection: {selection} :param grid: {grid} :param healpix_input: Specificy if the healpix index is in "equatorial", "galactic" or "ecliptic". :param healpix_output: Plot in "equatorial", "galactic" or "ecliptic". :param f: function to apply to the data :param colormap: matplotlib colormap :param grid_limits: Optional sequence [minvalue, maxvalue] that determine the min and max value that map to the colormap (values below and above these are clipped to the the min/max). (default is [min(f(grid)), max(f(grid))) :param image_size: size for the image that healpy uses for rendering :param nest: If the healpix data is in nested (True) or ring (False) :param figsize: If given, modify the matplotlib figure size. Example (14,9) :param interactive: (Experimental, uses healpy.mollzoom is True) :param title: Title of figure :param smooth: apply gaussian smoothing, in degrees :param show: Call matplotlib's show (True) or not (False, defaut) :param rotation: Rotatate the plot, in format (lon, lat, psi) such that (lon, lat) is the center, and rotate on the screen by angle psi. All angles are degrees. :return: """ # plot_level = healpix_level #healpix_max_level-reduce_level import healpy as hp import pylab as plt if grid is None: reduce_level = healpix_max_level - healpix_level NSIDE = 2**healpix_level nmax = hp.nside2npix(NSIDE) # print nmax, np.sqrt(nmax) scaling = 4**reduce_level # print nmax epsilon = 1. / scaling / 2 grid = self._stat(what=what, binby="%s/%s" % (healpix_expression, scaling), limits=[-epsilon, nmax - epsilon], shape=nmax, selection=selection) if grid_limits: grid_min, grid_max = grid_limits else: grid_min = grid_max = None f_org = f f = _parse_f(f) if smooth: if nest: grid = hp.reorder(grid, inp="NEST", out="RING") nest = False # grid[np.isnan(grid)] = np.nanmean(grid) grid = hp.smoothing(grid, sigma=np.radians(smooth)) fgrid = f(grid) coord_map = dict(equatorial='C', galactic='G', ecliptic="E") fig = plt.gcf() if figsize is not None: fig.set_size_inches(*figsize) what_label = what if f_org: what_label = f_org + " " + what_label f = hp.mollzoom if interactive else hp.mollview with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") coord = coord_map[healpix_input], coord_map[healpix_output] if coord_map[healpix_input] == coord_map[healpix_output]: coord = None f(fgrid, unit=what_label, rot=rotation, nest=nest, title=title, coord=coord, cmap=colormap, hold=True, xsize=image_size, min=grid_min, max=grid_max, cbar=colorbar, **kwargs) if show:
@docsubst @stat_1d def _stat(self, what="count(*)", what_kwargs={}, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): waslist_what, [whats, ] = vaex.utils.listify(what) limits = self.limits(binby, limits, delay=True) waslist_selection, [selections] = vaex.utils.listify(selection) binby = _ensure_list(binby) what_labels = [] shape = _expand_shape(shape, len(binby)) total_grid = np.zeros((len(whats), len(selections)) + shape, dtype=float) @delayed def copy_grids(grids): total_grid[index] = grid @delayed def get_whats(limits): grids = [] for j, what in enumerate(whats): what = what.strip() index = what.index("(") groups = re.match(r"(.*)\((.*)\)", what).groups() if groups and len(groups) == 2: function = groups[0] arguments = groups[1].strip() if "," in arguments: arguments = arguments.split(",") functions = ["mean", "sum", "std", "var", "correlation", "covar", "min", "max"] unit_expression = None if function in ["mean", "sum", "std", "min", "max"]: unit_expression = arguments if function in ["var"]: unit_expression = "(%s) * (%s)" % (arguments, arguments) if function in ["covar"]: unit_expression = "(%s) * (%s)" % arguments if unit_expression: unit = self.unit(unit_expression) if unit: what_units = unit.to_string('latex_inline') if function in functions: grid = getattr(self, function)(arguments, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selections, progress=progress, delay=delay) elif function == "count": grid = self.count(arguments, binby, shape=shape, limits=limits, selection=selections, progress=progress, delay=delay) else: raise ValueError("Could not understand method: %s, expected one of %r'" % (function, functions)) # what_labels.append(what_label) grids.append(grid) # else: # raise ValueError("Could not understand 'what' argument %r, expected something in form: 'count(*)', 'mean(x)'" % what) return grids grids = get_whats(limits) # print grids # grids = delayed_args(*grids) @delayed def finish(grids): for i, grid in enumerate(grids): total_grid[i] = grid return total_grid[slice(None, None, None) if waslist_what else 0, slice(None, None, None) if waslist_selection else 0] s = finish(delayed_list(grids)) return self._delay(delay, s) plot = _requires('viz') plot1d = _requires('viz') scatter = _requires('viz')
[docs] def plot3d(self, x, y, z, vx=None, vy=None, vz=None, vwhat=None, limits=None, grid=None, what="count(*)", shape=128, selection=[None, True], f=None, vcount_limits=None, smooth_pre=None, smooth_post=None, grid_limits=None, normalize="normalize", colormap="afmhot", figure_key=None, fig=None, lighting=True, level=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], opacity=[0.01, 0.05, 0.1], level_width=0.1, show=True, **kwargs): """Use at own risk, requires ipyvolume""" import vaex.ext.ipyvolume # vaex.ext.ipyvolume. cls = vaex.ext.ipyvolume.PlotDefault plot3d = cls(df=self, x=x, y=y, z=z, vx=vx, vy=vy, vz=vz, grid=grid, shape=shape, limits=limits, what=what, f=f, figure_key=figure_key, fig=fig, selection=selection, smooth_pre=smooth_pre, smooth_post=smooth_post, grid_limits=grid_limits, vcount_limits=vcount_limits, normalize=normalize, colormap=colormap, **kwargs) if show: return plot3d
@property def col(self): """Gives direct access to the columns only (useful for tab completion). Convenient when working with ipython in combination with small DataFrames, since this gives tab-completion. Columns can be accessed by their names, which are attributes. The attributes are currently expressions, so you can do computations with them. Example >>> ds = vaex.example() >>> df.plot(df.col.x, df.col.y) """ class ColumnList(object): pass data = ColumnList() for name in self.get_column_names(): expression = getattr(self, name, None) if not isinstance(expression, Expression): expression = Expression(self, name) setattr(data, name, expression) return data
[docs] def close_files(self): """Close any possible open file handles, the DataFrame will not be in a usable state afterwards.""" pass
[docs] def byte_size(self, selection=False, virtual=False): """Return the size in bytes the whole DataFrame requires (or the selection), respecting the active_fraction.""" bytes_per_row = 0 N = self.count(selection=selection) extra = 0 for column in list(self.get_column_names(virtual=virtual)): dtype = self.data_type(column) dtype_internal = self.data_type(column, internal=True) #if dtype in [str_type, str] and dtype_internal.kind == 'O': if isinstance(self.columns[column], ColumnString): # TODO: document or fix this # is it too expensive to calculate this exactly? extra += self.columns[column].nbytes else: bytes_per_row += dtype_internal.itemsize if[column]): bytes_per_row += 1 return bytes_per_row * self.count(selection=selection) + extra
@property def nbytes(self): """Alias for `df.byte_size()`, see :meth:`DataFrame.byte_size`.""" return self.byte_size() def _shape_of(self, expression, filtered=True): sample = self.evaluate(expression, 0, 1, filtered=False, internal=True, parallel=False) rows = len(self) if filtered else self.length_unfiltered() return (rows,) + sample.shape[1:]
[docs] def data_type(self, expression, internal=False): """Return the numpy dtype for the given expression, if not a column, the first row will be evaluated to get the dtype.""" expression = _ensure_string_from_expression(expression) if expression in self._dtypes_override: return self._dtypes_override[expression] if expression in self.variables: return np.float64(1).dtype elif self.is_local() and expression in self.columns.keys(): column = self.columns[expression] if hasattr(column, 'dtype'): dtype = column.dtype else: data = column[0:1] dtype = data.dtype else: try: data = self.evaluate(expression, 0, 1, filtered=False, internal=True, parallel=False) except: data = self.evaluate(expression, 0, 1, filtered=True, internal=True, parallel=False) dtype = data.dtype if not internal: if dtype != str_type: if dtype.kind in 'US': return str_type return dtype
@property def dtypes(self): """Gives a Pandas series object containing all numpy dtypes of all columns (except hidden).""" from pandas import Series return Series({column_name:self.data_type(column_name) for column_name in self.get_column_names()})
[docs] def is_masked(self, column): '''Return if a column is a masked ( column.''' column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) if column in self.columns: column = self.columns[column] if isinstance(column, np.ndarray): return else: # in case the column is not a numpy array, we take a small slice # which should return a numpy array return[0:1]) else: ar = self.evaluate(column, i1=0, i2=1, parallel=False) if isinstance(ar, np.ndarray) and return True return False
def label(self, expression, unit=None, output_unit=None, format="latex_inline"): label = expression unit = unit or self.unit(expression) try: # if we can convert the unit, use that for the labeling if output_unit and unit: # avoid unnecessary error msg'es unit = output_unit except: logger.exception("unit error") if unit is not None: label = "%s (%s)" % (label, unit.to_string('latex_inline')) return label
[docs] def unit(self, expression, default=None): """Returns the unit (an astropy.unit.Units object) for the expression. Example >>> import vaex >>> ds = vaex.example() >>> df.unit("x") Unit("kpc") >>> df.unit("x*L") Unit("km kpc2 / s") :param expression: Expression, which can be a column name :param default: if no unit is known, it will return this :return: The resulting unit of the expression :rtype: astropy.units.Unit """ expression = _ensure_string_from_expression(expression) try: # if an expression like pi * <some_expr> it will evaluate to a quantity instead of a unit unit_or_quantity = eval(expression, expression_namespace, scopes.UnitScope(self)) unit = unit_or_quantity.unit if hasattr(unit_or_quantity, "unit") else unit_or_quantity return unit if isinstance(unit, astropy.units.Unit) else None except: # logger.exception("error evaluating unit expression: %s", expression) # astropy doesn't add units, so we try with a quatiti try: return eval(expression, expression_namespace, scopes.UnitScope(self, 1.)).unit except: # logger.exception("error evaluating unit expression: %s", expression) return default
[docs] def ucd_find(self, ucds, exclude=[]): """Find a set of columns (names) which have the ucd, or part of the ucd. Prefixed with a ^, it will only match the first part of the ucd. Example >>> df.ucd_find('pos.eq.ra', 'pos.eq.dec') ['RA', 'DEC'] >>> df.ucd_find('pos.eq.ra', 'doesnotexist') >>> df.ucds[df.ucd_find('pos.eq.ra')] 'pos.eq.ra;meta.main' >>> df.ucd_find('meta.main')] 'dec' >>> df.ucd_find('^meta.main')] """ if isinstance(ucds, six.string_types): ucds = [ucds] if len(ucds) == 1: ucd = ucds[0] if ucd[0] == "^": # we want it to start with ucd = ucd[1:] columns = [name for name in self.get_column_names() if self.ucds.get(name, "").startswith(ucd) and name not in exclude] else: columns = [name for name in self.get_column_names() if ucd in self.ucds.get(name, "") and name not in exclude] return None if len(columns) == 0 else columns[0] else: columns = [self.ucd_find([ucd], exclude=exclude) for ucd in ucds] return None if None in columns else columns
@vaex.utils.deprecated('Will most likely disappear or move') @_hidden def selection_favorite_add(self, name, selection_name="default"): selection = self.get_selection(name=selection_name) if selection: self.favorite_selections[name] = selection self.selections_favorite_store() else: raise ValueError("no selection exists") @vaex.utils.deprecated('Will most likely disappear or move') @_hidden def selection_favorite_remove(self, name): del self.favorite_selections[name] self.selections_favorite_store() @vaex.utils.deprecated('Will most likely disappear or move') @_hidden def selection_favorite_apply(self, name, selection_name="default", executor=None): self.set_selection(self.favorite_selections[name], name=selection_name, executor=executor) @vaex.utils.deprecated('Will most likely disappear or move') @_hidden def selections_favorite_store(self): path = os.path.join(self.get_private_dir(create=True), "favorite_selection.yaml") selections = collections.OrderedDict([(key, value.to_dict()) for key, value in self.favorite_selections.items()]) vaex.utils.write_json_or_yaml(path, selections) @vaex.utils.deprecated('Will most likely disappear or move') @_hidden def selections_favorite_load(self): try: path = os.path.join(self.get_private_dir(create=True), "favorite_selection.yaml") if os.path.exists(path): selections_dict = vaex.utils.read_json_or_yaml(path) for key, value in selections_dict.items(): self.favorite_selections[key] = selections.selection_from_dict(self, value) except: logger.exception("non fatal error")
[docs] def get_private_dir(self, create=False): """Each DataFrame has a directory where files are stored for metadata etc. Example >>> import vaex >>> ds = vaex.example() >>> vaex.get_private_dir() '/Users/users/breddels/.vaex/dfs/_Users_users_breddels_vaex-testing_data_helmi-dezeeuw-2000-10p.hdf5' :param bool create: is True, it will create the directory if it does not exist """ if self.is_local(): name = os.path.abspath(self.path).replace(os.path.sep, "_")[:250] # should not be too long for most os'es name = name.replace(":", "_") # for windows drive names else: server = self.server name = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (server.hostname, server.port, server.base_path.replace("/", "_"), dir = os.path.join(vaex.utils.get_private_dir(), "dfs", name) if create and not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) return dir
[docs] def state_get(self): """Return the internal state of the DataFrame in a dictionary Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_scalars(x=1, y=2) >>> df['r'] = (df.x**2 + df.y**2)**0.5 >>> df.state_get() {'active_range': [0, 1], 'column_names': ['x', 'y', 'r'], 'description': None, 'descriptions': {}, 'functions': {}, 'renamed_columns': [], 'selections': {'__filter__': None}, 'ucds': {}, 'units': {}, 'variables': {}, 'virtual_columns': {'r': '(((x ** 2) + (y ** 2)) ** 0.5)'}} """ virtual_names = list(self.virtual_columns.keys()) + list(self.variables.keys()) units = {key: str(value) for key, value in self.units.items()} ucds = {key: value for key, value in self.ucds.items() if key in virtual_names} descriptions = {key: value for key, value in self.descriptions.items()} import vaex.serialize def check(key, value): if not vaex.serialize.can_serialize(value.f): warnings.warn('Cannot serialize function for virtual column {} (use vaex.serialize.register)'.format(key)) return False return True def clean(value): return vaex.serialize.to_dict(value.f) functions = {key: clean(value) for key, value in self.functions.items() if check(key, value)} virtual_columns = {key: value for key, value in self.virtual_columns.items()} selections = {name: self.get_selection(name) for name, history in self.selection_histories.items()} selections = {name: selection.to_dict() if selection is not None else None for name, selection in selections.items()} # if selection is not None} state = dict(virtual_columns=virtual_columns, column_names=self.column_names, renamed_columns=self._renamed_columns, variables=self.variables, functions=functions, selections=selections, ucds=ucds, units=units, descriptions=descriptions, description=self.description, active_range=[self._index_start, self._index_end], column_aliases=self._column_aliases) return state
[docs] def state_set(self, state, use_active_range=False, trusted=True): """Sets the internal state of the df Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_scalars(x=1, y=2) >>> df # x y r 0 1 2 2.23607 >>> df['r'] = (df.x**2 + df.y**2)**0.5 >>> state = df.state_get() >>> state {'active_range': [0, 1], 'column_names': ['x', 'y', 'r'], 'description': None, 'descriptions': {}, 'functions': {}, 'renamed_columns': [], 'selections': {'__filter__': None}, 'ucds': {}, 'units': {}, 'variables': {}, 'virtual_columns': {'r': '(((x ** 2) + (y ** 2)) ** 0.5)'}} >>> df2 = vaex.from_scalars(x=3, y=4) >>> df2.state_set(state) # now the virtual functions are 'copied' >>> df2 # x y r 0 3 4 5 :param state: dict as returned by :meth:`DataFrame.state_get`. :param bool use_active_range: Whether to use the active range or not. """ self.description = state['description'] if use_active_range: self._index_start, self._index_end = state['active_range'] self._length_unfiltered = self._index_end - self._index_start if 'renamed_columns' in state: for old, new in state['renamed_columns']: self._rename(old, new) for name, value in state['functions'].items(): self.add_function(name, vaex.serialize.from_dict(value, trusted=trusted)) if 'column_names' in state: # we clear all columns, and add them later on, since otherwise self[name] = ... will try # to rename the columns (which is unsupported for remote dfs) self.column_names = [] self.virtual_columns = {} for name, value in state['virtual_columns'].items(): self[name] = self._expr(value) # self._save_assign_expression(name) self.column_names = list(state['column_names']) for name in self.column_names: self._save_assign_expression(name) else: # old behaviour self.virtual_columns = {} for name, value in state['virtual_columns'].items(): self[name] = self._expr(value) self.variables = state['variables'] self._column_aliases = state.get('column_aliases', {}) import astropy # TODO: make this dep optional? units = {key: astropy.units.Unit(value) for key, value in state["units"].items()} self.units.update(units) for name, selection_dict in state['selections'].items(): # TODO: make selection use the vaex.serialize framework if selection_dict is None: selection = None else: selection = selections.selection_from_dict(selection_dict) self.set_selection(selection, name=name)
[docs] def state_write(self, f): """Write the internal state to a json or yaml file (see :meth:`DataFrame.state_get`) Example >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_scalars(x=1, y=2) >>> df['r'] = (df.x**2 + df.y**2)**0.5 >>> df.state_write('state.json') >>> print(open('state.json').read()) { "virtual_columns": { "r": "(((x ** 2) + (y ** 2)) ** 0.5)" }, "column_names": [ "x", "y", "r" ], "renamed_columns": [], "variables": { "pi": 3.141592653589793, "e": 2.718281828459045, "km_in_au": 149597870.7, "seconds_per_year": 31557600 }, "functions": {}, "selections": { "__filter__": null }, "ucds": {}, "units": {}, "descriptions": {}, "description": null, "active_range": [ 0, 1 ] } >>> df.state_write('state.yaml') >>> print(open('state.yaml').read()) active_range: - 0 - 1 column_names: - x - y - r description: null descriptions: {} functions: {} renamed_columns: [] selections: __filter__: null ucds: {} units: {} variables: pi: 3.141592653589793 e: 2.718281828459045 km_in_au: 149597870.7 seconds_per_year: 31557600 virtual_columns: r: (((x ** 2) + (y ** 2)) ** 0.5) :param str f: filename (ending in .json or .yaml) """ vaex.utils.write_json_or_yaml(f, self.state_get())
[docs] def state_load(self, f, use_active_range=False): """Load a state previously stored by :meth:`DataFrame.state_write`, see also :meth:`DataFrame.state_set`.""" state = vaex.utils.read_json_or_yaml(f) self.state_set(state, use_active_range=use_active_range)
[docs] def remove_virtual_meta(self): """Removes the file with the virtual column etc, it does not change the current virtual columns etc.""" dir = self.get_private_dir(create=True) path = os.path.join(dir, "virtual_meta.yaml") try: if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) if not os.listdir(dir): os.rmdir(dir) except: logger.exception("error while trying to remove %s or %s", path, dir)
# def remove_meta(self): # path = os.path.join(self.get_private_dir(create=True), "meta.yaml") # os.remove(path) @_hidden def write_virtual_meta(self): """Writes virtual columns, variables and their ucd,description and units. The default implementation is to write this to a file called virtual_meta.yaml in the directory defined by :func:`DataFrame.get_private_dir`. Other implementation may store this in the DataFrame file itself. This method is called after virtual columns or variables are added. Upon opening a file, :func:`DataFrame.update_virtual_meta` is called, so that the information is not lost between sessions. Note: opening a DataFrame twice may result in corruption of this file. """ path = os.path.join(self.get_private_dir(create=True), "virtual_meta.yaml") virtual_names = list(self.virtual_columns.keys()) + list(self.variables.keys()) units = {key: str(value) for key, value in self.units.items() if key in virtual_names} ucds = {key: value for key, value in self.ucds.items() if key in virtual_names} descriptions = {key: value for key, value in self.descriptions.items() if key in virtual_names} meta_info = dict(virtual_columns=self.virtual_columns, variables=self.variables, ucds=ucds, units=units, descriptions=descriptions) vaex.utils.write_json_or_yaml(path, meta_info) @_hidden def update_virtual_meta(self): """Will read back the virtual column etc, written by :func:`DataFrame.write_virtual_meta`. This will be done when opening a DataFrame.""" import astropy.units try: path = os.path.join(self.get_private_dir(create=False), "virtual_meta.yaml") if os.path.exists(path): meta_info = vaex.utils.read_json_or_yaml(path) if 'virtual_columns' not in meta_info: return self.virtual_columns.update(meta_info["virtual_columns"]) self.variables.update(meta_info["variables"]) self.ucds.update(meta_info["ucds"]) self.descriptions.update(meta_info["descriptions"]) units = {key: astropy.units.Unit(value) for key, value in meta_info["units"].items()} self.units.update(units) except: logger.exception("non fatal error") @_hidden def write_meta(self): """Writes all meta data, ucd,description and units The default implementation is to write this to a file called meta.yaml in the directory defined by :func:`DataFrame.get_private_dir`. Other implementation may store this in the DataFrame file itself. (For instance the vaex hdf5 implementation does this) This method is called after virtual columns or variables are added. Upon opening a file, :func:`DataFrame.update_meta` is called, so that the information is not lost between sessions. Note: opening a DataFrame twice may result in corruption of this file. """ # raise NotImplementedError path = os.path.join(self.get_private_dir(create=True), "meta.yaml") units = {key: str(value) for key, value in self.units.items()} meta_info = dict(description=self.description, ucds=self.ucds, units=units, descriptions=self.descriptions, ) vaex.utils.write_json_or_yaml(path, meta_info) @_hidden def update_meta(self): """Will read back the ucd, descriptions, units etc, written by :func:`DataFrame.write_meta`. This will be done when opening a DataFrame.""" import astropy.units try: path = os.path.join(self.get_private_dir(create=False), "meta.yaml") if os.path.exists(path): meta_info = vaex.utils.read_json_or_yaml(path) self.description = meta_info["description"] self.ucds.update(meta_info["ucds"]) self.descriptions.update(meta_info["descriptions"]) # self.virtual_columns.update(meta_info["virtual_columns"]) # self.variables.update(meta_info["variables"]) units = {key: astropy.units.Unit(value) for key, value in meta_info["units"].items()} self.units.update(units) except: logger.exception("non fatal error, but could read/understand %s", path)
[docs] def is_local(self): """Returns True if the DataFrame is local, False when a DataFrame is remote.""" raise NotImplementedError
def get_auto_fraction(self): return self._auto_fraction def set_auto_fraction(self, enabled): self._auto_fraction = enabled @classmethod def can_open(cls, path, *args, **kwargs): # """Tests if this class can open the file given by path""" return False @classmethod def get_options(cls, path): return [] @classmethod def option_to_args(cls, option): return []
[docs] def combinations(self, expressions_list=None, dimension=2, exclude=None, **kwargs): """Generate a list of combinations for the possible expressions for the given dimension. :param expressions_list: list of list of expressions, where the inner list defines the subspace :param dimensions: if given, generates a subspace with all possible combinations for that dimension :param exclude: list of """ if dimension is not None: expressions_list = list(itertools.combinations(self.get_column_names(), dimension)) if exclude is not None: import six def excluded(expressions): if callable(exclude): return exclude(expressions) elif isinstance(exclude, six.string_types): return exclude in expressions elif isinstance(exclude, (list, tuple)): # $#expressions = set(expressions) for e in exclude: if isinstance(e, six.string_types): if e in expressions: return True elif isinstance(e, (list, tuple)): if set(e).issubset(expressions): return True else: raise ValueError("elements of exclude should contain a string or a sequence of strings") else: raise ValueError("exclude should contain a string, a sequence of strings, or should be a callable") return False # test if any of the elements of exclude are a subset of the expression expressions_list = [expr for expr in expressions_list if not excluded(expr)] logger.debug("expression list generated: %r", expressions_list) return expressions_list
[docs] def set_variable(self, name, expression_or_value, write=True): """Set the variable to an expression or value defined by expression_or_value. Example >>> df.set_variable("a", 2.) >>> df.set_variable("b", "a**2") >>> df.get_variable("b") 'a**2' >>> df.evaluate_variable("b") 4.0 :param name: Name of the variable :param write: write variable to meta file :param expression: value or expression """ self.variables[name] = expression_or_value
# if write: # self.write_virtual_meta()
[docs] def get_variable(self, name): """Returns the variable given by name, it will not evaluate it. For evaluation, see :func:`DataFrame.evaluate_variable`, see also :func:`DataFrame.set_variable` """ return self.variables[name]
[docs] def evaluate_variable(self, name): """Evaluates the variable given by name.""" if isinstance(self.variables[name], six.string_types): # TODO: this does not allow more than one level deep variable, like a depends on b, b on c, c is a const value = eval(self.variables[name], expression_namespace, self.variables) return value else: return self.variables[name]
def _evaluate_selection_mask(self, name="default", i1=None, i2=None, selection=None, cache=False, filter_mask=None): """Internal use, ignores the filter""" i1 = i1 or 0 i2 = i2 or len(self) scope = scopes._BlockScopeSelection(self, i1, i2, selection, cache=cache, filter_mask=filter_mask) return vaex.utils.unmask_selection_mask(scope.evaluate(name)) def evaluate_selection_mask(self, name="default", i1=None, i2=None, selection=None, cache=False, filtered=True, pre_filtered=True): i1 = i1 or 0 i2 = i2 or self.length_unfiltered() if isinstance(name, vaex.expression.Expression): # make sure if we get passed an expression, it is converted to a string # otherwise the name != <sth> will evaluate to an Expression object name = str(name) if name in [None, False] and self.filtered and filtered: scope_global = scopes._BlockScopeSelection(self, i1, i2, None, cache=cache) mask_global = scope_global.evaluate(FILTER_SELECTION_NAME) return vaex.utils.unmask_selection_mask(mask_global) elif self.filtered and filtered and name != FILTER_SELECTION_NAME: scope_global = scopes._BlockScopeSelection(self, i1, i2, None, cache=cache) mask_global = scope_global.evaluate(FILTER_SELECTION_NAME) if pre_filtered: scope = scopes._BlockScopeSelection(self, i1, i2, selection, filter_mask=vaex.utils.unmask_selection_mask(mask_global)) mask = scope.evaluate(name) return vaex.utils.unmask_selection_mask(mask) else: # only used in scope = scopes._BlockScopeSelection(self, i1, i2, selection) mask = scope.evaluate(name) return vaex.utils.unmask_selection_mask(mask & mask_global) else: if name in [None, False]: # # in this case we can return np.full(i2-i1, True) scope = scopes._BlockScopeSelection(self, i1, i2, selection, cache=cache) return vaex.utils.unmask_selection_mask(scope.evaluate(name)) # if _is_string(selection):
[docs] def evaluate(self, expression, i1=None, i2=None, out=None, selection=None, filtered=True, internal=None, parallel=True, chunk_size=None): """Evaluate an expression, and return a numpy array with the results for the full column or a part of it. Note that this is not how vaex should be used, since it means a copy of the data needs to fit in memory. To get partial results, use i1 and i2 :param str expression: Name/expression to evaluate :param int i1: Start row index, default is the start (0) :param int i2: End row index, default is the length of the DataFrame :param ndarray out: Output array, to which the result may be written (may be used to reuse an array, or write to a memory mapped array) :param selection: selection to apply :return: """ if chunk_size is not None: return self.evaluate_iterator(expression, s1=i1, s2=i2, out=out, selection=selection, filtered=filtered, internal=internal, parallel=parallel, chunk_size=chunk_size) else: return self._evaluate_implementation(expression, i1=i1, i2=i2, out=out, selection=selection, filtered=filtered, internal=internal, parallel=parallel, chunk_size=chunk_size)
[docs] def evaluate_iterator(self, expression, s1=None, s2=None, out=None, selection=None, filtered=True, internal=None, parallel=True, chunk_size=None, prefetch=True): """Generator to efficiently evaluate expressions in chunks (number of rows). See :func:`DataFrame.evaluate` for other arguments. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.example() >>> for i1, i2, chunk in df.evaluate_iterator(df.x, chunk_size=100_000): ... print(f"Total of {i1} to {i2} = {chunk.sum()}") ... Total of 0 to 100000 = -7460.610158279056 Total of 100000 to 200000 = -4964.85827154921 Total of 200000 to 300000 = -7303.271340043915 Total of 300000 to 330000 = -2424.65234724951 :param prefetch: Prefetch/compute the next chunk in parallel while the current value is yielded/returned. """ offset = 0 import concurrent.futures if not prefetch: # this is the simple implementation for l1, l2, i1, i2 in self._unfiltered_chunk_slices(chunk_size): yield l1, l2, self._evaluate_implementation(expression, i1=i1, i2=i2, out=out, selection=selection, filtered=filtered, internal=internal, parallel=parallel, raw=True) # But this implementation is faster if the main thread work is single threaded else: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as executor: iter = self._unfiltered_chunk_slices(chunk_size) def f(i1, i2): return self._evaluate_implementation(expression, i1=i1, i2=i2, out=out, selection=selection, filtered=filtered, internal=internal, parallel=parallel, raw=True) previous_l1, previous_l2, previous_i1, previous_i2 = next(iter) # we submit the 1st job previous = executor.submit(f, previous_i1, previous_i2) for l1, l2, i1, i2 in iter: # and we submit the next job before returning the previous, so they run in parallel # but make sure the previous is done previous_chunk = previous.result() current = executor.submit(f, i1, i2) yield previous_l1, previous_l2, previous_chunk previous = current previous_l1, previous_l2 = l1, l2 previous_chunk = previous.result() yield previous_l1, previous_l2, previous_chunk
[docs] @docsubst def to_items(self, column_names=None, selection=None, strings=True, virtual=True, parallel=True, chunk_size=None, array_type=None): """Return a list of [(column_name, ndarray), ...)] pairs where the ndarray corresponds to the evaluated data :param column_names: list of column names, to export, when None DataFrame.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) is used :param selection: {selection} :param strings: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param virtual: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param parallel: {evaluate_parallel} :param chunk_size: {chunk_size} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: list of (name, ndarray) pairs or iterator of """ column_names = column_names or self.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) if chunk_size is not None: def iterator(): for i1, i2, chunks in self.evaluate_iterator(column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel, chunk_size=chunk_size): yield i1, i2, list(zip(column_names, [to_array_type(chunk, array_type) for chunk in chunks])) return iterator() else: return list(zip(column_names, [to_array_type(chunk, array_type) for chunk in self.evaluate(column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel)]))
[docs] @docsubst def to_arrays(self, column_names=None, selection=None, strings=True, virtual=True, parallel=True, chunk_size=None, array_type=None): """Return a list of ndarrays :param column_names: list of column names, to export, when None DataFrame.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) is used :param selection: {selection} :param strings: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param virtual: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param parallel: {evaluate_parallel} :param chunk_size: {chunk_size} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: list of arrays """ column_names = column_names or self.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) if chunk_size is not None: def iterator(): for i1, i2, chunks in self.evaluate_iterator(column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel, chunk_size=chunk_size): yield i1, i2, [to_array_type(chunk, array_type) for chunk in chunks] return iterator() return [to_array_type(chunk, array_type) for chunk in self.evaluate(column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel)]
[docs] @docsubst def to_dict(self, column_names=None, selection=None, strings=True, virtual=True, parallel=True, chunk_size=None, array_type=None): """Return a dict containing the ndarray corresponding to the evaluated data :param column_names: list of column names, to export, when None DataFrame.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) is used :param selection: {selection} :param strings: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param virtual: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param parallel: {evaluate_parallel} :param chunk_size: {chunk_size} :param array_type: {array_type} :return: dict """ column_names = column_names or self.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) if chunk_size is not None: def iterator(): for i1, i2, chunks in self.evaluate_iterator(column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel, chunk_size=chunk_size): yield i1, i2, dict(list(zip(column_names, [to_array_type(chunk, array_type) for chunk in chunks]))) return iterator() return dict(list(zip(column_names, [to_array_type(chunk, array_type) for chunk in self.evaluate(column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel)])))
[docs] @docsubst def to_copy(self, column_names=None, selection=None, strings=True, virtual=True, selections=True): """Return a copy of the DataFrame, if selection is None, it does not copy the data, it just has a reference :param column_names: list of column names, to copy, when None DataFrame.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) is used :param selection: {selection} :param strings: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param virtual: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param selections: copy selections to a new DataFrame :return: dict """ if column_names: column_names = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(column_names) df = vaex.from_items(*self.to_items(column_names=column_names, selection=selection, strings=strings, virtual=False)) if virtual: for name, value in self.virtual_columns.items(): df.add_virtual_column(name, value) if selections: # the filter selection does not need copying for key, value in self.selection_histories.items(): if key != FILTER_SELECTION_NAME: df.selection_histories[key] = list(value) for key, value in self.selection_history_indices.items(): if key != FILTER_SELECTION_NAME: df.selection_history_indices[key] = value df.functions.update(self.functions) df.copy_metadata(self) return df
def copy_metadata(self, other): for name in self.get_column_names(strings=True): if name in other.units: self.units[name] = other.units[name] if name in other.descriptions: self.descriptions[name] = other.descriptions[name] if name in other.ucds: self.ucds[name] = other.ucds[name] self._column_aliases = dict(other._column_aliases) self.description = other.description
[docs] @docsubst def to_pandas_df(self, column_names=None, selection=None, strings=True, virtual=True, index_name=None, parallel=True, chunk_size=None): """Return a pandas DataFrame containing the ndarray corresponding to the evaluated data If index is given, that column is used for the index of the dataframe. Example >>> df_pandas = df.to_pandas_df(["x", "y", "z"]) >>> df_copy = vaex.from_pandas(df_pandas) :param column_names: list of column names, to export, when None DataFrame.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) is used :param selection: {selection} :param strings: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param virtual: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param index_column: if this column is given it is used for the index of the DataFrame :param parallel: {evaluate_parallel} :param chunk_size: {chunk_size} :return: pandas.DataFrame object or iterator of """ import pandas as pd column_names = column_names or self.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) if index_name not in column_names and index_name is not None: column_names = column_names + [index_name] def create_pdf(data): if index_name is not None: index = data.pop(index_name) else: index = None df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=index) if index is not None: = index_name return df if chunk_size is not None: def iterator(): for i1, i2, chunks in self.evaluate_iterator(column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel, chunk_size=chunk_size): yield i1, i2, create_pdf(dict(zip(column_names, chunks))) return iterator() else: return create_pdf(self.to_dict(column_names=column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel))
[docs] @docsubst def to_arrow_table(self, column_names=None, selection=None, strings=True, virtual=True, parallel=True, chunk_size=None): """Returns an arrow Table object containing the arrays corresponding to the evaluated data :param column_names: list of column names, to export, when None DataFrame.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) is used :param selection: {selection} :param strings: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param virtual: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param parallel: {evaluate_parallel} :param chunk_size: {chunk_size} :return: pyarrow.Table object or iterator of """ from vaex_arrow.convert import arrow_table_from_vaex_df, arrow_array_from_numpy_array import pyarrow as pa column_names = column_names or self.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) if chunk_size is not None: def iterator(): for i1, i2, chunks in self.evaluate_iterator(column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel, chunk_size=chunk_size): chunks = list(map(arrow_array_from_numpy_array, chunks)) yield i1, i2, pa.Table.from_arrays(chunks, column_names) return iterator() else: chunks = self.evaluate(column_names, selection=selection, parallel=parallel) chunks = list(map(arrow_array_from_numpy_array, chunks)) return pa.Table.from_arrays(chunks, column_names)
[docs] @docsubst def to_astropy_table(self, column_names=None, selection=None, strings=True, virtual=True, index=None, parallel=True): """Returns a astropy table object containing the ndarrays corresponding to the evaluated data :param column_names: list of column names, to export, when None DataFrame.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual) is used :param selection: {selection} :param strings: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param virtual: argument passed to DataFrame.get_column_names when column_names is None :param index: if this column is given it is used for the index of the DataFrame :return: astropy.table.Table object """ from astropy.table import Table, Column, MaskedColumn meta = dict() meta["name"] = meta["description"] = self.description table = Table(meta=meta) for name, data in self.to_items(column_names=column_names, selection=selection, strings=strings, virtual=virtual, parallel=parallel): if self.data_type(name) == str_type: # for astropy we convert it to unicode, it seems to ignore object type data = np.array(data).astype('U') meta = dict() if name in self.ucds: meta["ucd"] = self.ucds[name] if cls = MaskedColumn else: cls = Column table[name] = cls(data, unit=self.unit(name), description=self.descriptions.get(name), meta=meta) return table
[docs] def to_dask_array(self, chunks="auto"): """Lazily expose the DataFrame as a dask.array Example >>> df = vaex.example() >>> A = df[['x', 'y', 'z']].to_dask_array() >>> A dask.array<vaex-df-1f048b40-10ec-11ea-9553, shape=(330000, 3), dtype=float64, chunksize=(330000, 3), chunktype=numpy.ndarray> >>> A+1 dask.array<add, shape=(330000, 3), dtype=float64, chunksize=(330000, 3), chunktype=numpy.ndarray> :param chunks: How to chunk the array, similar to :func:`dask.array.from_array`. :return: :class:`dask.array.Array` object. """ import dask.array as da import uuid dtype = self._dtype chunks = da.core.normalize_chunks(chunks, shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype) name = 'vaex-df-%s' % str(uuid.uuid1()) def getitem(df, item): return np.array(df.__getitem__(item).to_arrays(parallel=False)).T dsk = da.core.getem(name, chunks, getitem=getitem, shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype) dsk[name] = self return da.Array(dsk, name, chunks, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def validate_expression(self, expression): """Validate an expression (may throw Exceptions)""" # return self.evaluate(expression, 0, 2) if str(expression) in self.virtual_columns: return if self.is_local() and str(expression) in self.columns: return vars = set(self.get_names(hidden=True)) funcs = set(expression_namespace.keys()) | set(self.functions.keys()) try: return vaex.expresso.validate_expression(expression, vars, funcs) except NameError as e: raise NameError(str(e)) from None
def _block_scope(self, i1, i2): variables = {key: self.evaluate_variable(key) for key in self.variables.keys()} return scopes._BlockScope(self, i1, i2, **variables) def select(self, boolean_expression, mode="replace", name="default"): """Select rows based on the boolean_expression, if there was a previous selection, the mode is taken into account. if boolean_expression is None, remove the selection, has_selection() will returns false Note that per DataFrame, multiple selections are possible, and one filter (see :func:``). :param str boolean_expression: boolean expression, such as 'x < 0', '(x < 0) || (y > -10)' or None to remove the selection :param str mode: boolean operation to perform with the previous selection, "replace", "and", "or", "xor", "subtract" :return: None """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_column(self, name, f_or_array, dtype=None): """Add an in memory array as a column.""" column_position = len(self.column_names) if name in self.get_column_names(): column_position = self.column_names.index(name) renamed = '__' +vaex.utils.find_valid_name(name, used=self.get_column_names()) self._rename(name, renamed) if isinstance(f_or_array, (np.ndarray, Column)): data = ar = f_or_array # it can be None when we have an 'empty' DataFrameArrays if self._length_original is None: self._length_unfiltered = _len(data) self._length_original = _len(data) self._index_end = self._length_unfiltered if _len(ar) != self.length_original(): if self.filtered: # give a better warning to avoid confusion if len(self) == len(ar): raise ValueError("Array is of length %s, while the length of the DataFrame is %s due to the filtering, the (unfiltered) length is %s." % (len(ar), len(self), self.length_unfiltered())) raise ValueError("array is of length %s, while the length of the DataFrame is %s" % (len(ar), self.length_original())) # assert self.length_unfiltered() == len(data), "columns should be of equal length, length should be %d, while it is %d" % ( self.length_unfiltered(), len(data)) valid_name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(name, used=self.get_column_names(hidden=True)) if name != valid_name: self._column_aliases[name] = valid_name ar = f_or_array if dtype is not None: self._dtypes_override[valid_name] = dtype else: if isinstance(ar, np.ndarray) and ar.dtype.kind == 'O': ar_data = ar if ar_data = try: # "k != k" is a way to detect NaN's and NaT's types = list({type(k) for k in ar_data if k is not None and k == k}) except ValueError: # If there is an array value in the column, Numpy throws a ValueError # "The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous". # We don't handle this by default as it is a bit slower. def is_missing(k): if k is None: return True try: # a way to detect NaN's and NaT return not (k == k) except ValueError: # if a value is an array, this will fail, and it is a non-missing return False types = list({type(k) for k in ar_data if k is not is_missing(k)}) if len(types) == 1 and issubclass(types[0], six.string_types): self._dtypes_override[valid_name] = str_type if len(types) == 0: # can only be if all nan right? ar = ar.astype(np.float64) self.columns[valid_name] = ar if valid_name not in self.column_names: self.column_names.insert(column_position, valid_name) else: raise ValueError("functions not yet implemented") self._save_assign_expression(valid_name, Expression(self, valid_name))
def _sparse_matrix(self, column): column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) return self._sparse_matrices.get(column) def add_columns(self, names, columns): from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix if isinstance(columns, csr_matrix): if len(names) != columns.shape[1]: raise ValueError('number of columns ({}) does not match number of column names ({})'.format(columns.shape[1], len(names))) for i, name in enumerate(names): valid_name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(name, used=self.get_column_names(hidden=True)) if name != valid_name: self._column_aliases[name] = valid_name self.columns[valid_name] = ColumnSparse(columns, i) self.column_names.append(valid_name) self._sparse_matrices[valid_name] = columns self._save_assign_expression(valid_name, Expression(self, valid_name)) else: raise ValueError('only scipy.sparse.csr_matrix is supported') def _save_assign_expression(self, name, expression=None): obj = getattr(self, name, None) # it's ok to set it if it does not exist, or we overwrite an older expression if obj is None or isinstance(obj, Expression): if expression is None: expression = Expression(self, name) if isinstance(expression, six.string_types): expression = Expression(self, expression) setattr(self, name, expression) @_hidden def add_column_healpix(self, name="healpix", longitude="ra", latitude="dec", degrees=True, healpix_order=12, nest=True): """Add a healpix (in memory) column based on a longitude and latitude :param name: Name of column :param longitude: longitude expression :param latitude: latitude expression (astronomical convenction latitude=90 is north pole) :param degrees: If lon/lat are in degrees (default) or radians. :param healpix_order: healpix order, >= 0 :param nest: Nested healpix (default) or ring. """ import healpy as hp if degrees: scale = "*pi/180" else: scale = "" # TODO: multithread this phi = self.evaluate("(%s)%s" % (longitude, scale)) theta = self.evaluate("pi/2-(%s)%s" % (latitude, scale)) hp_index = hp.ang2pix(hp.order2nside(healpix_order), theta, phi, nest=nest) self.add_column("healpix", hp_index) @_hidden def add_virtual_columns_matrix3d(self, x, y, z, xnew, ynew, znew, matrix, matrix_name='deprecated', matrix_is_expression=False, translation=[0, 0, 0], propagate_uncertainties=False): """ :param str x: name of x column :param str y: :param str z: :param str xnew: name of transformed x column :param str ynew: :param str znew: :param list[list] matrix: 2d array or list, with [row,column] order :param str matrix_name: :return: """ m = matrix x, y, z = self._expr(x, y, z) self[xnew] = m[0][0] * x + m[0][1] * y + m[0][2] * z + translation[0] self[ynew] = m[1][0] * x + m[1][1] * y + m[1][2] * z + translation[1] self[znew] = m[2][0] * x + m[2][1] * y + m[2][2] * z + translation[2] if propagate_uncertainties: self.propagate_uncertainties([self[xnew], self[ynew], self[znew]], [x, y, z]) # wrap these with an informative msg # add_virtual_columns_eq2ecl = _requires('astro') # add_virtual_columns_eq2gal = _requires('astro') # add_virtual_columns_distance_from_parallax = _requires('astro') # add_virtual_columns_cartesian_velocities_to_pmvr = _requires('astro') # add_virtual_columns_proper_motion_eq2gal = _requires('astro') # add_virtual_columns_lbrvr_proper_motion2vcartesian = _requires('astro') # add_virtual_columns_equatorial_to_galactic_cartesian = _requires('astro') # add_virtual_columns_celestial = _requires('astro') # add_virtual_columns_proper_motion2vperpendicular = _requires('astro') def _covariance_matrix_guess(self, columns, full=False, as_expression=False): all_column_names = self.get_column_names() columns = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(columns) def _guess(x, y): if x == y: postfixes = ["_error", "_uncertainty", "e", "_e"] prefixes = ["e", "e_"] for postfix in postfixes: if x + postfix in all_column_names: return x + postfix for prefix in prefixes: if prefix + x in all_column_names: return prefix + x if full: raise ValueError("No uncertainty found for %r" % x) else: postfixes = ["_cov", "_covariance"] for postfix in postfixes: if x + "_" + y + postfix in all_column_names: return x + "_" + y + postfix if y + "_" + x + postfix in all_column_names: return y + "_" + x + postfix postfixes = ["_correlation", "_corr"] for postfix in postfixes: if x + "_" + y + postfix in all_column_names: return x + "_" + y + postfix + " * " + _guess(x, x) + " * " + _guess(y, y) if y + "_" + x + postfix in all_column_names: return y + "_" + x + postfix + " * " + _guess(y, y) + " * " + _guess(x, x) if full: raise ValueError("No covariance or correlation found for %r and %r" % (x, y)) return "0" N = len(columns) cov_matrix = [[""] * N for i in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(N): cov = _guess(columns[i], columns[j]) if i == j and cov: cov += "**2" # square the diagnal cov_matrix[i][j] = cov if as_expression: return [[self[k] for k in row] for row in cov_matrix] else: return cov_matrix def _jacobian(self, expressions, variables): expressions = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(expressions) return [[self[expression].expand(stop=[var]).derivative(var) for var in variables] for expression in expressions]
[docs] def propagate_uncertainties(self, columns, depending_variables=None, cov_matrix='auto', covariance_format="{}_{}_covariance", uncertainty_format="{}_uncertainty"): """Propagates uncertainties (full covariance matrix) for a set of virtual columns. Covariance matrix of the depending variables is guessed by finding columns prefixed by "e" or `"e_"` or postfixed by "_error", "_uncertainty", "e" and `"_e"`. Off diagonals (covariance or correlation) by postfixes with "_correlation" or "_corr" for correlation or "_covariance" or "_cov" for covariances. (Note that x_y_cov = x_e * y_e * x_y_correlation.) Example >>> df = vaex.from_scalars(x=1, y=2, e_x=0.1, e_y=0.2) >>> df["u"] = df.x + df.y >>> df["v"] = np.log10(df.x) >>> df.propagate_uncertainties([df.u, df.v]) >>> df.u_uncertainty, df.v_uncertainty :param columns: list of columns for which to calculate the covariance matrix. :param depending_variables: If not given, it is found out automatically, otherwise a list of columns which have uncertainties. :param cov_matrix: List of list with expressions giving the covariance matrix, in the same order as depending_variables. If 'full' or 'auto', the covariance matrix for the depending_variables will be guessed, where 'full' gives an error if an entry was not found. """ names = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(columns) virtual_columns = self._expr(*columns, always_list=True) if depending_variables is None: depending_variables = set() for expression in virtual_columns: depending_variables |= expression.expand().variables() depending_variables = list(sorted(list(depending_variables))) fs = [self[self.virtual_columns[name]] for name in names] jacobian = self._jacobian(fs, depending_variables) m = len(fs) n = len(depending_variables) # n x n matrix cov_matrix = self._covariance_matrix_guess(depending_variables, full=cov_matrix == "full", as_expression=True) # empty m x m matrix cov_matrix_out = [[self['0'] for __ in range(m)] for __ in range(m)] for i in range(m): for j in range(m): for k in range(n): for l in range(n): if jacobian[i][k].expression == '0' or jacobian[j][l].expression == '0' or cov_matrix[k][l].expression == '0': pass else: cov_matrix_out[i][j] = cov_matrix_out[i][j] + jacobian[i][k] * cov_matrix[k][l] * jacobian[j][l] for i in range(m): for j in range(i + 1): sigma = cov_matrix_out[i][j] sigma = self._expr(vaex.expresso.simplify(_ensure_string_from_expression(sigma))) if i != j: self.add_virtual_column(covariance_format.format(names[i], names[j]), sigma) else: self.add_virtual_column(uncertainty_format.format(names[i]), np.sqrt(sigma))
@_hidden def add_virtual_columns_cartesian_to_polar(self, x="x", y="y", radius_out="r_polar", azimuth_out="phi_polar", propagate_uncertainties=False, radians=False): kwargs = dict(**locals()) del kwargs['self'] return self.geo.cartesian_to_polar(inplace=True, **kwargs) @_hidden def add_virtual_columns_cartesian_velocities_to_spherical(self, x="x", y="y", z="z", vx="vx", vy="vy", vz="vz", vr="vr", vlong="vlong", vlat="vlat", distance=None): kwargs = dict(**locals()) del kwargs['self'] return self.geo.velocity_cartesian2spherical(inplace=True, **kwargs) def _expr(self, *expressions, **kwargs): always_list = kwargs.pop('always_list', False) return Expression(self, expressions[0]) if len(expressions) == 1 and not always_list else [Expression(self, k) for k in expressions] @_hidden def add_virtual_columns_cartesian_velocities_to_polar(self, x="x", y="y", vx="vx", radius_polar=None, vy="vy", vr_out="vr_polar", vazimuth_out="vphi_polar", propagate_uncertainties=False,): kwargs = dict(**locals()) del kwargs['self'] return self.geo.velocity_cartesian2polar(inplace=True, **kwargs) @_hidden def add_virtual_columns_polar_velocities_to_cartesian(self, x='x', y='y', azimuth=None, vr='vr_polar', vazimuth='vphi_polar', vx_out='vx', vy_out='vy', propagate_uncertainties=False): kwargs = dict(**locals()) del kwargs['self'] return self.geo.velocity_polar2cartesian(inplace=True, **kwargs) @_hidden def add_virtual_columns_rotation(self, x, y, xnew, ynew, angle_degrees, propagate_uncertainties=False): kwargs = dict(**locals()) del kwargs['self'] return self.geo.rotation_2d(inplace=True, **kwargs) @docsubst @_hidden def add_virtual_columns_spherical_to_cartesian(self, alpha, delta, distance, xname="x", yname="y", zname="z", propagate_uncertainties=False, center=[0, 0, 0], radians=False): kwargs = dict(**locals()) del kwargs['self'] return self.geo.spherical2cartesian(inplace=True, **kwargs) @_hidden def add_virtual_columns_cartesian_to_spherical(self, x="x", y="y", z="z", alpha="l", delta="b", distance="distance", radians=False, center=None, center_name="solar_position"): kwargs = dict(**locals()) del kwargs['self'] return self.geo.cartesian2spherical(inplace=True, **kwargs) @_hidden def add_virtual_columns_aitoff(self, alpha, delta, x, y, radians=True): kwargs = dict(**locals()) del kwargs['self'] return self.geo.project_aitoff(inplace=True, **kwargs) @_hidden def add_virtual_columns_projection_gnomic(self, alpha, delta, alpha0=0, delta0=0, x="x", y="y", radians=False, postfix=""): kwargs = dict(**locals()) del kwargs['self'] return self.geo.project_gnomic(inplace=True, **kwargs) def add_function(self, name, f, unique=False): name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(name, used=[] if not unique else self.functions.keys()) function = vaex.expression.Function(self, name, f) self.functions[name] = function return function
[docs] def add_virtual_column(self, name, expression, unique=False): """Add a virtual column to the DataFrame. Example: >>> df.add_virtual_column("r", "sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)") >>>"r < 10") :param: str name: name of virtual column :param: expression: expression for the column :param str unique: if name is already used, make it unique by adding a postfix, e.g. _1, or _2 """ type = "change" if name in self.virtual_columns else "add" if isinstance(expression, Expression): if expression.df is not self: expression = expression.copy(self) column_position = len(self.column_names) # if the current name is an existing column name.... if name in self.get_column_names(hidden=True): column_position = self.column_names.index(name) renamed = vaex.utils.find_valid_name('__' +name, used=self.get_column_names(hidden=True)) # we rewrite all existing expressions (including the passed down expression argument) self._rename(name, renamed) expression = _ensure_string_from_expression(expression) if vaex.utils.find_valid_name(name) != name: # if we have to rewrite the name, we need to make it unique unique = True valid_name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(name, used=[] if not unique else self.get_column_names(hidden=True)) if name != valid_name: self._column_aliases[name] = valid_name self.virtual_columns[valid_name] = expression self._virtual_expressions[valid_name] = Expression(self, expression) if name not in self.column_names: self.column_names.insert(column_position, valid_name) self._save_assign_expression(valid_name) self.signal_column_changed.emit(self, valid_name, "add")
# self.write_virtual_meta()
[docs] def rename(self, name, new_name, unique=False): """Renames a column or variable, and rewrite expressions such that they refer to the new name""" if name == new_name: return new_name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(new_name, used=[] if not unique else self.get_column_names(hidden=True)) self._rename(name, new_name, rename_meta_data=True) return new_name
def _rename(self, old, new, rename_meta_data=False): if old in self._dtypes_override: self._dtypes_override[new] = self._dtypes_override.pop(old) is_variable = False if old in self.variables: self.variables[new] = self.variables.pop(old) is_variable = True elif old in self.virtual_columns: self.virtual_columns[new] = self.virtual_columns.pop(old) self._virtual_expressions[new] = self._virtual_expressions.pop(old) elif self.is_local() and old in self.columns: # we only have to do this locally # if we don't do this locally, we still store this info # in self._renamed_columns, so it will happen at the server self.columns[new] = self.columns.pop(old) if rename_meta_data: for d in [self.ucds, self.units, self.descriptions]: if old in d: d[new] = d[old] del d[old] for key, value in self.selection_histories.items(): self.selection_histories[key] = list([k if k is None else k._rename(self, old, new) for k in value]) if not is_variable: if new not in self.virtual_columns: self._renamed_columns.append((old, new)) self.column_names[self.column_names.index(old)] = new if hasattr(self, old): try: if isinstance(getattr(self, old), Expression): delattr(self, old) except: pass self._save_assign_expression(new) existing_expressions = [k() for k in self._expressions] existing_expressions = [k for k in existing_expressions if k is not None] for expression in existing_expressions: expression._rename(old, new, inplace=True) self.virtual_columns = {k:self._virtual_expressions[k].expression for k, v in self.virtual_columns.items()}
[docs] def delete_virtual_column(self, name): """Deletes a virtual column from a DataFrame.""" del self.virtual_columns[name] del self._virtual_expressions[name] self.signal_column_changed.emit(self, name, "delete")
# self.write_virtual_meta()
[docs] def add_variable(self, name, expression, overwrite=True, unique=True): """Add a variable to a DataFrame. A variable may refer to other variables, and virtual columns and expression may refer to variables. Example >>> df.add_variable('center', 0) >>> df.add_virtual_column('x_prime', 'x-center') >>>'x_prime < 0') :param: str name: name of virtual varible :param: expression: expression for the variable """ if unique or overwrite or name not in self.variables: existing_names = self.get_column_names(virtual=False) + list(self.variables.keys()) name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(name, used=[] if not unique else existing_names) self.variables[name] = expression self.signal_variable_changed.emit(self, name, "add") if unique: return name
[docs] def delete_variable(self, name): """Deletes a variable from a DataFrame.""" del self.variables[name] self.signal_variable_changed.emit(self, name, "delete")
# self.write_virtual_meta() def info(self, description=True): from IPython import display self._output_css() display.display(display.HTML(self._info(description=description))) def _info(self, description=True): parts = ["""<div><h2>{}</h2> <b>rows</b>: {:,}</div>""".format(, len(self))] if hasattr(self, 'path'): parts += ["""<div><b>path</b>: <i>%s</i></div>""" % (self.path)] if self.description: parts += ["""<div><b>Description</b>: {}</div>""".format(self.description)] parts += ["<h2>Columns:</h2>"] parts += ["<table class='table-striped'>"] parts += ["<thead><tr>"] for header in "column type unit description expression".split(): if description or header != "description": parts += ["<th>%s</th>" % header] parts += ["</tr></thead>"] for name in self.get_column_names(): parts += ["<tr>"] parts += ["<td>%s</td>" % name] virtual = name not in self.column_names if name in self.column_names: dtype = str(self.data_type(name)) if self.data_type(name) != str else 'str' else: dtype = "</i>virtual column</i>" parts += ["<td>%s</td>" % dtype] units = self.unit(name) units = units.to_string("latex_inline") if units else "" parts += ["<td>%s</td>" % units] if description: parts += ["<td ><pre>%s</pre></td>" % self.descriptions.get(name, "")] if virtual: parts += ["<td><code>%s</code></td>" % self.virtual_columns[name]] else: parts += ["<td></td>"] parts += ["</tr>"] parts += "</table>" ignore_list = 'pi e km_in_au seconds_per_year'.split() variable_names = [name for name in self.variables.keys() if name not in ignore_list] if variable_names: parts += ["<h2>Variables:</h2>"] parts += ["<table class='table-striped'>"] parts += ["<thead><tr>"] for header in "variable type unit description expression".split(): if description or header != "description": parts += ["<th>%s</th>" % header] parts += ["</tr></thead>"] for name in variable_names: parts += ["<tr>"] parts += ["<td>%s</td>" % name] type = self.data_type(name).name parts += ["<td>%s</td>" % type] units = self.unit(name) units = units.to_string("latex_inline") if units else "" parts += ["<td>%s</td>" % units] if description: parts += ["<td ><pre>%s</pre></td>" % self.descriptions.get(name, "")] parts += ["<td><code>%s</code></td>" % (self.variables[name], )] parts += ["</tr>"] parts += "</table>" return "".join(parts) + "<h2>Data:</h2>" + self._head_and_tail_table()
[docs] def head(self, n=10): """Return a shallow copy a DataFrame with the first n rows.""" return self[:min(n, len(self))]
[docs] def tail(self, n=10): """Return a shallow copy a DataFrame with the last n rows.""" N = len(self) #, N-n), i2=min(len(self), N)) return self[max(0, N - n):min(len(self), N)]
def _head_and_tail_table(self, n=5, format='html'): N = _len(self) if N <= n * 2: return self._as_table(0, N, format=format) else: return self._as_table(0, n, N - n, N, format=format)
[docs] def head_and_tail_print(self, n=5): """Display the first and last n elements of a DataFrame.""" from IPython import display display.display(display.HTML(self._head_and_tail_table(n)))
[docs] def describe(self, strings=True, virtual=True, selection=None): """Give a description of the DataFrame. >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.example()[['x', 'y', 'z']] >>> df.describe() x y z dtype float64 float64 float64 count 330000 330000 330000 missing 0 0 0 mean -0.0671315 -0.0535899 0.0169582 std 7.31746 7.78605 5.05521 min -128.294 -71.5524 -44.3342 max 271.366 146.466 50.7185 >>> df.describe(selection=df.x > 0) x y z dtype float64 float64 float64 count 164060 164060 164060 missing 165940 165940 165940 mean 5.13572 -0.486786 -0.0868073 std 5.18701 7.61621 5.02831 min 1.51635e-05 -71.5524 -44.3342 max 271.366 78.0724 40.2191 :param bool strings: Describe string columns or not :param bool virtual: Describe virtual columns or not :param selection: Optional selection to use. :return: Pandas dataframe """ import pandas as pd N = len(self) columns = {} for feature in self.get_column_names(strings=strings, virtual=virtual)[:]: dtype = str(self.data_type(feature)) if self.data_type(feature) != str else 'str' if self.data_type(feature) == str_type or self.data_type(feature).kind in ['S', 'U']: count = self.count(feature, selection=selection, delay=True) self.execute() count = count.get() columns[feature] = ((dtype, count, N-count, '--', '--', '--', '--')) elif self.data_type(feature).kind == 'O': # this will also properly count NaN-like objects like NaT count_na = self[feature].isna().astype('int').sum(delay=True) self.execute() count_na = count_na.get() columns[feature] = ((dtype, N-count_na, count_na, '--', '--', '--', '--')) else: is_datetime = self.is_datetime(feature) mean = self.mean(feature, selection=selection, delay=True) std = self.std(feature, selection=selection, delay=True) minmax = self.minmax(feature, selection=selection, delay=True) if is_datetime: # this path tests using isna, which test for nat count_na = self[feature].isna().astype('int').sum(delay=True) else: count = self.count(feature, selection=selection, delay=True) self.execute() if is_datetime: count_na, mean, std, minmax = count_na.get(), mean.get(), std.get(), minmax.get() count = N - int(count_na) else: count, mean, std, minmax = count.get(), mean.get(), std.get(), minmax.get() count = int(count) columns[feature] = ((dtype, count, N-count, mean, std, minmax[0], minmax[1])) return pd.DataFrame(data=columns, index=['dtype', 'count', 'NA', 'mean', 'std', 'min', 'max'])
[docs] def cat(self, i1, i2, format='html'): """Display the DataFrame from row i1 till i2 For format, see :param int i1: Start row :param int i2: End row. :param str format: Format to use, e.g. 'html', 'plain', 'latex' """ from IPython import display if format == 'html': output = self._as_html_table(i1, i2) display.display(display.HTML(output)) else: output = self._as_table(i1, i2, format=format) print(output)
def _as_table(self, i1, i2, j1=None, j2=None, format='html'): from .formatting import _format_value parts = [] # """<div>%s (length=%d)</div>""" % (, len(self))] parts += ["<table class='table-striped'>"] aliases_reverse = {value: key for key, value in self._column_aliases.items()} # we need to get the underlying names since we use df.evaluate column_names = self.get_column_names(alias=False) values_list = [] values_list.append(['#', []]) # parts += ["<thead><tr>"] for name in column_names: values_list.append([aliases_reverse.get(name, name), []]) # parts += ["<th>%s</th>" % name] # parts += ["</tr></thead>"] def table_part(k1, k2, parts): N = k2 - k1 # slicing will invoke .extract which will make the evaluation # much quicker df = self[k1:k2] try: values = dict(zip(column_names, df.evaluate(column_names))) except: values = {} for i, name in enumerate(column_names): try: values[name] = df.evaluate(name) except: values[name] = ["error"] * (N) logger.exception('error evaluating: %s at rows %i-%i' % (name, k1, k2)) for i in range(k2 - k1): # parts += ["<tr>"] # parts += ["<td><i style='opacity: 0.6'>{:,}</i></td>".format(i + k1)] if format == 'html': value = "<i style='opacity: 0.6'>{:,}</i>".format(i + k1) else: value = "{:,}".format(i + k1) values_list[0][1].append(value) for j, name in enumerate(column_names): value = values[name][i] value = _format_value(value) values_list[j+1][1].append(value) # parts += ["</tr>"] # return values_list if i2 - i1 > 0: parts = table_part(i1, i2, parts) if j1 is not None and j2 is not None: values_list[0][1].append('...') for i in range(len(column_names)): # parts += ["<td>...</td>"] values_list[i+1][1].append('...') # parts = table_part(j1, j2, parts) table_part(j1, j2, parts) else: for header, values in values_list: values.append(None) # parts += "</table>" # html = "".join(parts) # return html values_list = dict(values_list) # print(values_list) import tabulate table_text = tabulate.tabulate(values_list, headers="keys", tablefmt=format) if i2 - i1 == 0: if self._length_unfiltered != len(self): footer_text = 'No rows to display (because of filtering).' else: footer_text = 'No rows to display.' if format == 'html': table_text += f'<i>{footer_text}</i>' if format == 'plain': table_text += f'\n{footer_text}' return table_text def _as_html_table(self, i1, i2, j1=None, j2=None): # TODO: this method can be replaced by _as_table from .formatting import _format_value parts = [] # """<div>%s (length=%d)</div>""" % (, len(self))] parts += ["<table class='table-striped'>"] column_names = self.get_column_names() parts += ["<thead><tr>"] for name in ["#"] + column_names: parts += ["<th>%s</th>" % name] parts += ["</tr></thead>"] def table_part(k1, k2, parts): data_parts = {} N = k2 - k1 for name in column_names: try: data_parts[name] = self.evaluate(name, i1=k1, i2=k2) except: data_parts[name] = ["error"] * (N) logger.exception('error evaluating: %s at rows %i-%i' % (name, k1, k2)) for i in range(k2 - k1): parts += ["<tr>"] parts += ["<td><i style='opacity: 0.6'>{:,}</i></td>".format(i + k1)] for name in column_names: value = data_parts[name][i] value = _format_value(value) parts += ["<td>%r</td>" % value] parts += ["</tr>"] return parts parts = table_part(i1, i2, parts) if j1 is not None and j2 is not None: for i in range(len(column_names) + 1): parts += ["<td>...</td>"] parts = table_part(j1, j2, parts) parts += "</table>" html = "".join(parts) return html def _output_css(self): css = """.vaex-description pre { max-width : 450px; white-space : nowrap; overflow : hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .vex-description pre:hover { max-width : initial; white-space: pre; }""" from IPython import display style = "<style>%s</style>" % css display.display(display.HTML(style)) def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None, **kwargs): # TODO: optimize, since we use the same data in both versions # TODO: include latex version return {'text/html':self._head_and_tail_table(format='html'), 'text/plain': self._head_and_tail_table(format='plain')} def _repr_html_(self): """Representation for Jupyter.""" self._output_css() return self._head_and_tail_table()
[docs] def __str__(self): return self._head_and_tail_table(format='plain')
if not _DEBUG:
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self._head_and_tail_table(format='plain')
def __current_sequence_index(self): """TODO""" return 0
[docs] def has_current_row(self): """Returns True/False if there currently is a picked row.""" return self._current_row is not None
[docs] def get_current_row(self): """Individual rows can be 'picked', this is the index (integer) of the current row, or None there is nothing picked.""" return self._current_row
[docs] def set_current_row(self, value): """Set the current row, and emit the signal signal_pick.""" if (value is not None) and ((value < 0) or (value >= len(self))): raise IndexError("index %d out of range [0,%d]" % (value, len(self))) self._current_row = value self.signal_pick.emit(self, value)
def __has_snapshots(self): # currenly disabled return False
[docs] def column_count(self, hidden=False): """Returns the number of columns (including virtual columns). :param bool hidden: If True, include hidden columns in the tally :returns: Number of columns in the DataFrame """ return len(self.get_column_names(hidden=hidden))
[docs] def get_names(self, hidden=False): """Return a list of column names and variable names.""" names = self.get_column_names(hidden=hidden) return names + [k for k in self.variables.keys() if not hidden or not k.startswith('__')]
[docs] def get_column_names(self, virtual=True, strings=True, hidden=False, regex=None, alias=True): """Return a list of column names Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_scalars(x=1, x2=2, y=3, s='string') >>> df['r'] = (df.x**2 + df.y**2)**2 >>> df.get_column_names() ['x', 'x2', 'y', 's', 'r'] >>> df.get_column_names(virtual=False) ['x', 'x2', 'y', 's'] >>> df.get_column_names(regex='x.*') ['x', 'x2'] :param virtual: If False, skip virtual columns :param hidden: If False, skip hidden columns :param strings: If False, skip string columns :param regex: Only return column names matching the (optional) regular expression :param alias: Return the alias (True) or internal name (False). :rtype: list of str """ aliases_reverse = {value: key for key, value in self._column_aliases.items()} if alias else {} def column_filter(name): '''Return True if column with specified name should be returned''' if regex and not re.match(regex, name): return False if not virtual and name in self.virtual_columns: return False if not strings and (self.data_type(name) == str_type or self.data_type(name).type == np.string_): return False if not hidden and name.startswith('__'): return False return True if hidden and virtual and regex is None and not alias: return list(self.column_names) # quick path if not hidden and virtual and regex is None and not alias: return [k for k in self.column_names if not k.startswith('__')] # also a quick path return [aliases_reverse.get(name, name) for name in self.column_names if column_filter(name)]
def __bool__(self): return True # we are always true :) otherwise Python might call __len__, which can be expensive
[docs] def __len__(self): """Returns the number of rows in the DataFrame (filtering applied).""" if not self.filtered: return self._length_unfiltered else: if self._cached_filtered_length is None: self. _cached_filtered_length = int(self.count()) return self._cached_filtered_length
[docs] def selected_length(self): """Returns the number of rows that are selected.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def length_original(self): """the full length of the DataFrame, independent what active_fraction is, or filtering. This is the real length of the underlying ndarrays.""" return self._length_original
[docs] def length_unfiltered(self): """The length of the arrays that should be considered (respecting active range), but without filtering.""" return self._length_unfiltered
def active_length(self): return self._length_unfiltered
[docs] def get_active_fraction(self): """Value in the range (0, 1], to work only with a subset of rows. """ return self._active_fraction
[docs] def set_active_fraction(self, value): """Sets the active_fraction, set picked row to None, and remove selection. TODO: we may be able to keep the selection, if we keep the expression, and also the picked row """ if value != self._active_fraction: self._active_fraction = value # self._fraction_length = int(self._length * self._active_fraction) self.set_current_row(None) self._length_unfiltered = int(round(self._length_original * self._active_fraction)) self._cached_filtered_length = None self._index_start = 0 self._index_end = self._length_unfiltered self.signal_active_fraction_changed.emit(self, value)
def get_active_range(self): return self._index_start, self._index_end
[docs] def set_active_range(self, i1, i2): """Sets the active_fraction, set picked row to None, and remove selection. TODO: we may be able to keep the selection, if we keep the expression, and also the picked row """ logger.debug("set active range to: %r", (i1, i2)) self._active_fraction = (i2 - i1) / float(self.length_original()) # self._fraction_length = int(self._length * self._active_fraction) self._index_start = i1 self._index_end = i2 self.set_current_row(None) self._length_unfiltered = i2 - i1 self._cached_filtered_length = None self.signal_active_fraction_changed.emit(self, self._active_fraction)
[docs] @docsubst def trim(self, inplace=False): '''Return a DataFrame, where all columns are 'trimmed' by the active range. For the returned DataFrame, df.get_active_range() returns (0, df.length_original()). {note_copy} :param inplace: {inplace} :rtype: DataFrame ''' df = self if inplace else self.copy() if self._index_start == 0 and self._index_end == self._length_original: return df for name in df.get_column_names(hidden=True): column = df.columns.get(name) if column is not None: if self._index_start == 0 and len(column) == self._index_end: pass # we already assigned it in .copy else: if isinstance(column, np.ndarray): # real array df.columns[name] = column[self._index_start:self._index_end] else: df.columns[name] = column.trim(self._index_start, self._index_end) df._length_original = self.length_unfiltered() df._length_unfiltered = df._length_original df._cached_filtered_length = None df._index_start = 0 df._index_end = df._length_original df._active_fraction = 1 # trim should be cheap, we don't invalidate the cache unless it is # really trimmed if self._index_start != 0 or self._index_end != self._length_original: df._invalidate_selection_cache() return df
[docs] @docsubst def take(self, indices, filtered=True, dropfilter=True): '''Returns a DataFrame containing only rows indexed by indices {note_copy} Example: >>> import vaex, numpy as np >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(s=np.array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), x=np.arange(1,5)) >>> df.take([0,2]) # s x 0 a 1 1 c 3 :param indices: sequence (list or numpy array) with row numbers :param filtered: (for internal use) The indices refer to the filtered data. :param dropfilter: (for internal use) Drop the filter, set to False when indices refer to unfiltered, but may contain rows that still need to be filtered out. :return: DataFrame which is a shallow copy of the original data. :rtype: DataFrame ''' df_trimmed = self.trim() df = df_trimmed.copy() # if the columns in ds already have a ColumnIndex # we could do, direct_indices = df.column['bla'].indices[indices] # which should be shared among multiple ColumnIndex'es, so we store # them in this dict direct_indices_map = {} indices = np.asarray(indices) if df.filtered and filtered: # we translate the indices that refer to filters row indices to # indices of the unfiltered row indices df.count() # make sure the mask is filled max_index = indices.max() mask = df._selection_masks[FILTER_SELECTION_NAME] filtered_indices = mask.first(max_index+1) indices = filtered_indices[indices] for name, column in df.columns.items(): if column is not None: # we optimize this somewhere, so we don't do multiple # levels of indirection df.columns[name] = ColumnIndexed.index(df_trimmed, column, name, indices, direct_indices_map) df._length_original = len(indices) df._length_unfiltered = df._length_original df._cached_filtered_length = None df._index_start = 0 df._index_end = df._length_original if dropfilter: # if the indices refer to the filtered rows, we can discard the # filter in the final dataframe df.set_selection(None, name=FILTER_SELECTION_NAME) # if we will not drop the filter, we will have to invalidate the cache # since it refers to the previous dataframe rows # TODO perf: we could instead of dropping the cache, take out the rows we need df._invalidate_selection_cache() return df
[docs] @docsubst def extract(self): '''Return a DataFrame containing only the filtered rows. {note_copy} The resulting DataFrame may be more efficient to work with when the original DataFrame is heavily filtered (contains just a small number of rows). If no filtering is applied, it returns a trimmed view. For the returned df, len(df) == df.length_original() == df.length_unfiltered() :rtype: DataFrame ''' trimmed = self.trim() if trimmed.filtered: self.count() # make sure the mask is filled mask = self._selection_masks[FILTER_SELECTION_NAME] indices = mask.first(len(self)) assert len(indices) == len(self) return self.take(indices, filtered=False) else: return trimmed
[docs] @docsubst def sample(self, n=None, frac=None, replace=False, weights=None, random_state=None): '''Returns a DataFrame with a random set of rows {note_copy} Provide either n or frac. Example: >>> import vaex, numpy as np >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(s=np.array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), x=np.arange(1,5)) >>> df # s x 0 a 1 1 b 2 2 c 3 3 d 4 >>> df.sample(n=2, random_state=42) # 2 random rows, fixed seed # s x 0 b 2 1 d 4 >>> df.sample(frac=1, random_state=42) # 'shuffling' # s x 0 c 3 1 a 1 2 d 4 3 b 2 >>> df.sample(frac=1, replace=True, random_state=42) # useful for bootstrap (may contain repeated samples) # s x 0 d 4 1 a 1 2 a 1 3 d 4 :param int n: number of samples to take (default 1 if frac is None) :param float frac: fractional number of takes to take :param bool replace: If true, a row may be drawn multiple times :param str or expression weights: (unnormalized) probability that a row can be drawn :param int or RandomState: seed or RandomState for reproducability, when None a random seed it chosen :return: {return_shallow_copy} :rtype: DataFrame ''' self = self.extract() if type(random_state) == int or random_state is None: random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=random_state) if n is None and frac is None: n = 1 elif frac is not None: n = int(round(frac * len(self))) weights_values = None if weights is not None: weights_values = self.evaluate(weights) weights_values = weights_values / self.sum(weights) indices = random_state.choice(len(self), n, replace=replace, p=weights_values) return self.take(indices)
[docs] @docsubst @vaex.utils.gen_to_list def split_random(self, frac, random_state=None): '''Returns a list containing random portions of the DataFrame. {note_copy} Example: >>> import vaex, import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(111) >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) >>> for dfs in df.split_random(frac=0.3, random_state=42): ... print(dfs.x.values) ... [8 1 5] [0 7 2 9 4 3 6] >>> for split in df.split_random(frac=[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], random_state=42): ... print(dfs.x.values) [8 1] [5 0 7] [2 9 4 3 6] :param int/list frac: If int will split the DataFrame in two portions, the first of which will have size as specified by this parameter. If list, the generator will generate as many portions as elements in the list, where each element defines the relative fraction of that portion. :param int random_state: (default, None) Random number seed for reproducibility. :return: A list of DataFrames. :rtype: list ''' self = self.extract() if type(random_state) == int or random_state is None: random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=random_state) indices = random_state.choice(len(self), len(self), replace=False) return self.take(indices).split(frac)
[docs] @docsubst @vaex.utils.gen_to_list def split(self, frac): '''Returns a list containing ordered subsets of the DataFrame. {note_copy} Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) >>> for dfs in df.split(frac=0.3): ... print(dfs.x.values) ... [0 1 3] [3 4 5 6 7 8 9] >>> for split in df.split(frac=[0.2, 0.3, 0.5]): ... print(dfs.x.values) [0 1] [2 3 4] [5 6 7 8 9] :param int/list frac: If int will split the DataFrame in two portions, the first of which will have size as specified by this parameter. If list, the generator will generate as many portions as elements in the list, where each element defines the relative fraction of that portion. :return: A list of DataFrames. :rtype: list ''' self = self.extract() if _issequence(frac): # make sure it is normalized total = sum(frac) frac = [k / total for k in frac] else: assert frac <= 1, "fraction should be <= 1" frac = [frac, 1 - frac] offsets = np.round(np.cumsum(frac) * len(self)).astype(np.int64) start = 0 for offset in offsets: yield self[start:offset] start = offset
[docs] @docsubst def sort(self, by, ascending=True, kind='quicksort'): '''Return a sorted DataFrame, sorted by the expression 'by' The kind keyword is ignored if doing multi-key sorting. {note_copy} {note_filter} Example: >>> import vaex, numpy as np >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(s=np.array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), x=np.arange(1,5)) >>> df['y'] = (df.x-1.8)**2 >>> df # s x y 0 a 1 0.64 1 b 2 0.04 2 c 3 1.44 3 d 4 4.84 >>> df.sort('y', ascending=False) # Note: passing '(x-1.8)**2' gives the same result # s x y 0 d 4 4.84 1 c 3 1.44 2 a 1 0.64 3 b 2 0.04 :param str or expression by: expression to sort by :param bool ascending: ascending (default, True) or descending (False) :param str kind: kind of algorithm to use (passed to numpy.argsort) ''' self = self.trim() if not isinstance(by, list): values = self.evaluate(by) indices = np.argsort(values, kind=kind) if isinstance(by, (list, tuple)): by = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(by)[::-1] values = self.evaluate(by) indices = np.lexsort(values) if not ascending: indices = indices[::-1].copy() # this may be used a lot, so copy for performance return self.take(indices)
[docs] @docsubst def fillna(self, value, column_names=None, prefix='__original_', inplace=False): '''Return a DataFrame, where missing values/NaN are filled with 'value'. The original columns will be renamed, and by default they will be hidden columns. No data is lost. {note_copy} {note_filter} Example: >>> import vaex >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.array([3, 1, np.nan, 10, np.nan]) >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=x) >>> df_filled = df.fillna(value=-1, column_names=['x']) >>> df_filled # x 0 3 1 1 2 -1 3 10 4 -1 :param float value: The value to use for filling nan or masked values. :param bool fill_na: If True, fill np.nan values with `value`. :param bool fill_masked: If True, fill masked values with `values`. :param list column_names: List of column names in which to fill missing values. :param str prefix: The prefix to give the original columns. :param inplace: {inplace} ''' df = self.trim(inplace=inplace) column_names = column_names or list(self) for name in column_names: column = df.columns.get(name) df[name] = df.func.fillna(df[name], value) return df
[docs] def materialize(self, virtual_column, inplace=False): '''Returns a new DataFrame where the virtual column is turned into an in memory numpy array. Example: >>> x = np.arange(1,4) >>> y = np.arange(2,5) >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=x, y=y) >>> df['r'] = (df.x**2 + df.y**2)**0.5 # 'r' is a virtual column (computed on the fly) >>> df = df.materialize('r') # now 'r' is a 'real' column (i.e. a numpy array) :param inplace: {inplace} ''' df = self.trim(inplace=inplace) virtual_column = _ensure_string_from_expression(virtual_column) if virtual_column not in df.virtual_columns: raise KeyError('Virtual column not found: %r' % virtual_column) ar = df.evaluate(virtual_column, filtered=False) del df[virtual_column] df.add_column(virtual_column, ar) return df
[docs] def get_selection(self, name="default"): """Get the current selection object (mostly for internal use atm).""" name = _normalize_selection_name(name) selection_history = self.selection_histories[name] index = self.selection_history_indices[name] if index == -1: return None else: return selection_history[index]
[docs] def selection_undo(self, name="default", executor=None): """Undo selection, for the name.""" logger.debug("undo") executor = executor or self.executor assert self.selection_can_undo(name=name) selection_history = self.selection_histories[name] index = self.selection_history_indices[name] self.selection_history_indices[name] -= 1 self.signal_selection_changed.emit(self, name) logger.debug("undo: selection history is %r, index is %r", selection_history, self.selection_history_indices[name])
[docs] def selection_redo(self, name="default", executor=None): """Redo selection, for the name.""" logger.debug("redo") executor = executor or self.executor assert self.selection_can_redo(name=name) selection_history = self.selection_histories[name] index = self.selection_history_indices[name] next = selection_history[index + 1] self.selection_history_indices[name] += 1 self.signal_selection_changed.emit(self, name) logger.debug("redo: selection history is %r, index is %r", selection_history, index)
[docs] def selection_can_undo(self, name="default"): """Can selection name be undone?""" return self.selection_history_indices[name] > -1
[docs] def selection_can_redo(self, name="default"): """Can selection name be redone?""" return (self.selection_history_indices[name] + 1) < len(self.selection_histories[name])
[docs] def select(self, boolean_expression, mode="replace", name="default", executor=None): """Perform a selection, defined by the boolean expression, and combined with the previous selection using the given mode. Selections are recorded in a history tree, per name, undo/redo can be done for them separately. :param str boolean_expression: Any valid column expression, with comparison operators :param str mode: Possible boolean operator: replace/and/or/xor/subtract :param str name: history tree or selection 'slot' to use :param executor: :return: """ boolean_expression = _ensure_string_from_expression(boolean_expression) if boolean_expression is None and not self.has_selection(name=name): pass # we don't want to pollute the history with many None selections self.signal_selection_changed.emit(self, name) # TODO: unittest want to know, does this make sense? else: def create(current): return selections.SelectionExpression(boolean_expression, current, mode) if boolean_expression else None self._selection(create, name)
[docs] def select_non_missing(self, drop_nan=True, drop_masked=True, column_names=None, mode="replace", name="default"): """Create a selection that selects rows having non missing values for all columns in column_names. The name reflects Pandas, no rows are really dropped, but a mask is kept to keep track of the selection :param drop_nan: drop rows when there is a NaN in any of the columns (will only affect float values) :param drop_masked: drop rows when there is a masked value in any of the columns :param column_names: The columns to consider, default: all (real, non-virtual) columns :param str mode: Possible boolean operator: replace/and/or/xor/subtract :param str name: history tree or selection 'slot' to use :return: """ column_names = column_names or self.get_column_names(virtual=False) def create(current): return selections.SelectionDropNa(drop_nan, drop_masked, column_names, current, mode) self._selection(create, name)
[docs] def dropmissing(self, column_names=None): """Create a shallow copy of a DataFrame, with filtering set using ismissing. :param column_names: The columns to consider, default: all (real, non-virtual) columns :rtype: DataFrame """ return self._filter_all(self.func.ismissing, column_names)
[docs] def dropnan(self, column_names=None): """Create a shallow copy of a DataFrame, with filtering set using isnan. :param column_names: The columns to consider, default: all (real, non-virtual) columns :rtype: DataFrame """ return self._filter_all(self.func.isnan, column_names)
[docs] def dropna(self, column_names=None): """Create a shallow copy of a DataFrame, with filtering set using isna. :param column_names: The columns to consider, default: all (real, non-virtual) columns :rtype: DataFrame """ return self._filter_all(self.func.isna, column_names)
def _filter_all(self, f, column_names=None): copy = self.copy() column_names = column_names or self.get_column_names(virtual=False) expression = f(self._expr(column_names[0])) for column in column_names[1:]: expression = expression | f(self._expr(column)), name=FILTER_SELECTION_NAME, mode='and') return copy
[docs] def select_nothing(self, name="default"): """Select nothing.""" logger.debug("selecting nothing"), name=name) self.signal_selection_changed.emit(self, name)
[docs] def select_rectangle(self, x, y, limits, mode="replace", name="default"): """Select a 2d rectangular box in the space given by x and y, bounded by limits. Example: >>> df.select_box('x', 'y', [(0, 10), (0, 1)]) :param x: expression for the x space :param y: expression fo the y space :param limits: sequence of shape [(x1, x2), (y1, y2)] :param mode: """ self.select_box([x, y], limits, mode=mode, name=name)
[docs] def select_box(self, spaces, limits, mode="replace", name="default"): """Select a n-dimensional rectangular box bounded by limits. The following examples are equivalent: >>> df.select_box(['x', 'y'], [(0, 10), (0, 1)]) >>> df.select_rectangle('x', 'y', [(0, 10), (0, 1)]) :param spaces: list of expressions :param limits: sequence of shape [(x1, x2), (y1, y2)] :param mode: :param name: :return: """ sorted_limits = [(min(l), max(l)) for l in limits] expressions = ["((%s) >= %f) & ((%s) <= %f)" % (expression, lmin, expression, lmax) for (expression, (lmin, lmax)) in zip(spaces, sorted_limits)]"&".join(expressions), mode=mode, name=name)
[docs] def select_circle(self, x, y, xc, yc, r, mode="replace", name="default", inclusive=True): """ Select a circular region centred on xc, yc, with a radius of r. Example: >>> df.select_circle('x','y',2,3,1) :param x: expression for the x space :param y: expression for the y space :param xc: location of the centre of the circle in x :param yc: location of the centre of the circle in y :param r: the radius of the circle :param name: name of the selection :param mode: :return: """ # expr = "({x}-{xc})**2 + ({y}-{yc})**2 <={r}**2".format(**locals()) if inclusive: expr = (self[x] - xc)**2 + (self[y] - yc)**2 <= r**2 else: expr = (self[x] - xc)**2 + (self[y] - yc)**2 < r**2, mode=mode, name=name)
[docs] def select_ellipse(self, x, y, xc, yc, width, height, angle=0, mode="replace", name="default", radians=False, inclusive=True): """ Select an elliptical region centred on xc, yc, with a certain width, height and angle. Example: >>> df.select_ellipse('x','y', 2, -1, 5,1, 30, name='my_ellipse') :param x: expression for the x space :param y: expression for the y space :param xc: location of the centre of the ellipse in x :param yc: location of the centre of the ellipse in y :param width: the width of the ellipse (diameter) :param height: the width of the ellipse (diameter) :param angle: (degrees) orientation of the ellipse, counter-clockwise measured from the y axis :param name: name of the selection :param mode: :return: """ # Computing the properties of the ellipse prior to selection if radians: pass else: alpha = np.deg2rad(angle) xr = width / 2 yr = height / 2 r = max(xr, yr) a = xr / r b = yr / r expr = "(({x}-{xc})*cos({alpha})+({y}-{yc})*sin({alpha}))**2/{a}**2 + (({x}-{xc})*sin({alpha})-({y}-{yc})*cos({alpha}))**2/{b}**2 <= {r}**2".format(**locals()) if inclusive: expr = ((self[x] - xc) * np.cos(alpha) + (self[y] - yc) * np.sin(alpha))**2 / a**2 + ((self[x] - xc) * np.sin(alpha) - (self[y] - yc) * np.cos(alpha))**2 / b**2 <= r**2 else: expr = ((self[x] - xc) * np.cos(alpha) + (self[y] - yc) * np.sin(alpha))**2 / a**2 + ((self[x] - xc) * np.sin(alpha) - (self[y] - yc) * np.cos(alpha))**2 / b**2 < r**2, mode=mode, name=name)
[docs] def select_lasso(self, expression_x, expression_y, xsequence, ysequence, mode="replace", name="default", executor=None): """For performance reasons, a lasso selection is handled differently. :param str expression_x: Name/expression for the x coordinate :param str expression_y: Name/expression for the y coordinate :param xsequence: list of x numbers defining the lasso, together with y :param ysequence: :param str mode: Possible boolean operator: replace/and/or/xor/subtract :param str name: :param executor: :return: """ def create(current): return selections.SelectionLasso(expression_x, expression_y, xsequence, ysequence, current, mode) self._selection(create, name, executor=executor)
[docs] def select_inverse(self, name="default", executor=None): """Invert the selection, i.e. what is selected will not be, and vice versa :param str name: :param executor: :return: """ def create(current): return selections.SelectionInvert(current) self._selection(create, name, executor=executor)
[docs] def set_selection(self, selection, name="default", executor=None): """Sets the selection object :param selection: Selection object :param name: selection 'slot' :param executor: :return: """ def create(current): return selection self._selection(create, name, executor=executor, execute_fully=True)
def _selection(self, create_selection, name, executor=None, execute_fully=False): """select_lasso and select almost share the same code""" selection_history = self.selection_histories[name] previous_index = self.selection_history_indices[name] current = selection_history[previous_index] if selection_history else None selection = create_selection(current) executor = executor or self.executor selection_history.append(selection) self.selection_history_indices[name] += 1 # clip any redo history del selection_history[self.selection_history_indices[name]:-1] self.signal_selection_changed.emit(self, name) result = vaex.promise.Promise.fulfilled(None) logger.debug("select selection history is %r, index is %r", selection_history, self.selection_history_indices[name]) return result
[docs] def has_selection(self, name="default"): """Returns True if there is a selection with the given name.""" return self.get_selection(name) is not None
[docs] def __setitem__(self, name, value): '''Convenient way to add a virtual column / expression to this DataFrame. Example: >>> import vaex, numpy as np >>> df = vaex.example() >>> df['r'] = np.sqrt(df.x**2 + df.y**2 + df.z**2) >>> df.r <vaex.expression.Expression(expressions='r')> instance at 0x121687e80 values=[2.9655450396553587, 5.77829281049018, 6.99079603950256, 9.431842752707537, 0.8825613121347967 ... (total 330000 values) ... 7.453831761514681, 15.398412491068198, 8.864250273925633, 17.601047186042507, 14.540181524970293] ''' if isinstance(name, six.string_types): if isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, Column)): self.add_column(name, value) else: self.add_virtual_column(name, value) else: raise TypeError('__setitem__ only takes strings as arguments, not {}'.format(type(name)))
[docs] def drop_filter(self, inplace=False): """Removes all filters from the DataFrame""" df = self if inplace else self.copy() df.select_nothing(name=FILTER_SELECTION_NAME) df._invalidate_caches() return df
[docs] def filter(self, expression, mode="and"): """General version of df[<boolean expression>] to modify the filter applied to the DataFrame. See :func:`` for usage of selection. Note that using `df = df[<boolean expression>]`, one can only narrow the filter (i.e. only less rows can be selected). Using the filter method, and a different boolean mode (e.g. "or") one can actually cause more rows to be selected. This differs greatly from numpy and pandas for instance, which can only narrow the filter. Example: >>> import vaex >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.arange(10) >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=x, y=x**2) >>> df # x y 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 9 4 4 16 5 5 25 6 6 36 7 7 49 8 8 64 9 9 81 >>> dff = df[df.x<=2] >>> dff # x y 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 4 >>> dff = dff.filter(dff.x >=7, mode="or") >>> dff # x y 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 7 49 4 8 64 5 9 81 """ df = self.copy(), name=FILTER_SELECTION_NAME, mode=mode) df._cached_filtered_length = None # invalide cached length # WARNING: this is a special case where we create a new filter # the cache mask chunks still hold references to views on the old # mask, and this new mask will be filled when required df._selection_masks[FILTER_SELECTION_NAME] = vaex.superutils.Mask(df._length_unfiltered) return df
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Convenient way to get expressions, (shallow) copies of a few columns, or to apply filtering. Example: >>> df['Lz'] # the expression 'Lz >>> df['Lz/2'] # the expression 'Lz/2' >>> df[["Lz", "E"]] # a shallow copy with just two columns >>> df[df.Lz < 0] # a shallow copy with the filter Lz < 0 applied """ if isinstance(item, int): names = self.get_column_names() return [self.evaluate(name, item, item+1)[0] for name in names] elif isinstance(item, six.string_types): if item in self._column_aliases: item = self._column_aliases[item] # translate the alias name into the real name if hasattr(self, item) and isinstance(getattr(self, item), Expression): return getattr(self, item) # if item in self.virtual_columns: # return Expression(self, self.virtual_columns[item]) # if item in self._virtual_expressions: # return self._virtual_expressions[item] self.validate_expression(item) return Expression(self, item) # TODO we'd like to return the same expression if possible elif isinstance(item, Expression): expression = item.expression return self.filter(expression) elif isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): df = self if isinstance(item[0], slice): df = df[item[0]] if len(item) > 1: if isinstance(item[1], int): name = self.get_column_names()[item[1]] return df[name] elif isinstance(item[1], slice): names = self.get_column_names().__getitem__(item[1]) return df[names] for expression in item: self.validate_expression(expression) df = self.copy(column_names=item) return df elif isinstance(item, slice): start, stop, step = item.start, item.stop, item.step start = start or 0 stop = stop or len(self) if start < 0: start = len(self)+start if stop < 0: stop = len(self)+stop stop = min(stop, len(self)) assert step in [None, 1] if self.filtered: count_check = self.count() # fill caches and masks mask = self._selection_masks[FILTER_SELECTION_NAME] start, stop = mask.indices(start, stop-1) # -1 since it is inclusive assert start != -1 assert stop != -1 stop = stop+1 # +1 to make it inclusive df = self.trim() df.set_active_range(start, stop) return df.trim()
[docs] def __delitem__(self, item): '''Removes a (virtual) column from the DataFrame. Note: this does not check if the column is used in a virtual expression or in the filter\ and may lead to issues. It is safer to use :meth:`drop`. ''' if isinstance(item, Expression): name = item.expression else: name = item if name in self.columns: del self.columns[name] self.column_names.remove(name) elif name in self.virtual_columns: del self.virtual_columns[name] del self._virtual_expressions[name] self.column_names.remove(name) else: raise KeyError('no such column or virtual_columns named %r' % name) self.signal_column_changed.emit(self, name, "delete") if hasattr(self, name): try: if isinstance(getattr(self, name), Expression): delattr(self, name) except: pass
[docs] @docsubst def drop(self, columns, inplace=False, check=True): """Drop columns (or a single column). :param columns: List of columns or a single column name :param inplace: {inplace} :param check: When true, it will check if the column is used in virtual columns or the filter, and hide it instead. """ columns = _ensure_list(columns) columns = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(columns) df = self if inplace else self.copy() depending_columns = df._depending_columns(columns_exclude=columns) for column in columns: if check and column in depending_columns: df._hide_column(column) else: del df[column] return df
def _hide_column(self, column): '''Hides a column by prefixing the name with \'__\'''' column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) new_name = self._find_valid_name('__' + column) self._rename(column, new_name) return new_name def _find_valid_name(self, initial_name): '''Finds a non-colliding name by optional postfixing''' return vaex.utils.find_valid_name(initial_name, used=self.get_column_names(hidden=True)) def _depending_columns(self, columns=None, columns_exclude=None, check_filter=True): '''Find all depending column for a set of column (default all), minus the excluded ones''' columns = set(columns or self.get_column_names(hidden=True)) if columns_exclude: columns -= set(columns_exclude) depending_columns = set() for column in columns: expression = self._expr(column) depending_columns |= expression.variables() depending_columns -= set(columns) if check_filter: if self.filtered: selection = self.get_selection(FILTER_SELECTION_NAME) depending_columns |= selection._depending_columns(self) return depending_columns def iterrows(self): columns = self.get_column_names() for i in range(len(self)): yield i, {key: self.evaluate(key, i, i+1)[0] for key in columns} #return self[i]
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Iterator over the column names.""" return iter(list(self.get_column_names()))
def _root_nodes(self): """Returns a list of string which are the virtual columns that are not used in any other virtual column.""" # these lists (~used as ordered set) keep track of leafes and root nodes # root nodes root_nodes = [] leafes = [] def walk(node): # this function recursively walks the expression graph if isinstance(node, six.string_types): # we end up at a leaf leafes.append(node) if node in root_nodes: # so it cannot be a root node root_nodes.remove(node) else: node_repr, fname, fobj, deps = node if node_repr in self.virtual_columns: # we encountered a virtual column, similar behaviour as leaf leafes.append(node_repr) if node_repr in root_nodes: root_nodes.remove(node_repr) # resursive part for dep in deps: walk(dep) for column in self.virtual_columns.keys(): if column not in leafes: root_nodes.append(column) node = self[column]._graph() # we don't do the virtual column itself, just it's depedencies node_repr, fname, fobj, deps = node for dep in deps: walk(dep) return root_nodes def _graphviz(self, dot=None): """Return a graphviz.Digraph object with a graph of all virtual columns""" from graphviz import Digraph dot = dot or Digraph(comment='whole dataframe') root_nodes = self._root_nodes() for column in root_nodes: self[column]._graphviz(dot=dot) return dot def _get_task_agg(self, grid): new_task = False with self.executor.lock: # if we did not create a task yet for this grid, or it was already scheduled for execution if grid not in self._task_aggs or self._task_aggs[grid] not in self.executor.tasks: # we create a new one self._task_aggs[grid] = vaex.tasks.TaskAggregations(self, grid) new_task = True return self._task_aggs[grid], new_task @docsubst @stat_1d def _agg(self, aggregator, grid, selection=False, delay=False, progress=None): """ :param selection: {selection} :param delay: {delay} :param progress: {progress} :return: {return_stat_scalar} """ task_agg, new_task = self._get_task_agg(grid) sub_task = aggregator.add_operations(task_agg) if new_task: self.executor.schedule(task_agg) return self._delay(delay, sub_task) def _binner(self, expression, limits=None, shape=None, selection=None, delay=False): expression = str(expression) if limits is not None and not isinstance(limits, (tuple, str)): limits = tuple(limits) key = (expression, limits, shape) if key not in self._binners: if expression in self._categories: N = self._categories[expression]['N'] min_value = self._categories[expression]['min_value'] binner = self._binner_ordinal(expression, N, min_value) self._binners[key] = vaex.promise.Promise.fulfilled(binner) else: self._binners[key] = vaex.promise.Promise() @delayed def create_binner(limits): return self._binner_scalar(expression, limits, shape) self._binners[key] = create_binner(self.limits(expression, limits, selection=selection, delay=True)) return self._delay(delay, self._binners[key]) def _grid(self, binners): key = tuple(binners) if key in self._grids: return self._grids[key] else: self._grids[key] = grid = vaex.superagg.Grid(binners) return grid def _binner_scalar(self, expression, limits, shape): type = vaex.utils.find_type_from_dtype(vaex.superagg, "BinnerScalar_", self.data_type(expression)) vmin, vmax = limits return type(expression, vmin, vmax, shape) def _binner_ordinal(self, expression, ordinal_count, min_value=0): expression = _ensure_string_from_expression(expression) type = vaex.utils.find_type_from_dtype(vaex.superagg, "BinnerOrdinal_", self.data_type(expression)) return type(expression, ordinal_count, min_value) def _create_grid(self, binby, limits, shape, selection=None, delay=False): if isinstance(binby, (list, tuple)): binbys = binby else: binbys = [binby] binbys = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(binbys) for expression in binbys: if expression: self.validate_expression(expression) binners = [] if len(binbys): limits = _expand_limits(limits, len(binbys)) else: limits = [] shapes = _expand_shape(shape, len(binbys)) for binby, limits1, shape in zip(binbys, limits, shapes): binners.append(self._binner(binby, limits1, shape, selection, delay=True)) @delayed def finish(*binners): return self._grid(binners) return self._delay(delay, finish(*binners))
DataFrame.__hidden__ = {} hidden = [name for name, func in vars(DataFrame).items() if getattr(func, '__hidden__', False)] for name in hidden: DataFrame.__hidden__[name] = getattr(DataFrame, name) delattr(DataFrame, name) del hidden
[docs]class DataFrameLocal(DataFrame): """Base class for DataFrames that work with local file/data"""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, path, column_names): super(DataFrameLocal, self).__init__(name, column_names) self.path = path self.mask = None self.columns = {}
def _readonly(self, inplace=False): # make arrays read only if possib;e df = self if inplace else self.copy() for key, ar in self.columns.items(): if isinstance(ar, np.ndarray): df.columns[key] = ar = ar.view() # make new object so we don't modify others ar.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False return df
[docs] @docsubst def categorize(self, column, min_value=0, max_value=None, labels=None, inplace=False): """Mark column as categorical. This may help speed up calculations using integer columns between a range of [min_value, max_value]. If max_value is not given, the [min_value and max_value] are calcuated from the data. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(year=[2012, 2015, 2019], weekday=[0, 4, 6]) >>> df.categorize('year', min_value=2020, max_value=2019) >>> df.categorize('weekday', labels=['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']) :param column: column to assume is categorical. :param labels: labels to associate to the values between min_value and max_value :param min_value: minimum integer value (if max_value is not given, this is calculated) :param max_value: maximum integer value (if max_value is not given, this is calculated) :param labels: Labels to associate to each value, list(range(min_value, max_value+1)) by default :param inplace: {inplace} """ df = self if inplace else self.copy() column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) if max_value is not None: labels = list(range(min_value, max_value+1)) N = len(labels) else: vmin, vmax = df.minmax(column) if labels is None: N = int(vmax + 1) labels = list(range(vmin, vmax+1)) min_value = vmin else: min_value = vmin if (vmax - vmin) >= len(labels): raise ValueError('value of {} found, which is larger than number of labels {}'.format(vmax, len(labels))) df._categories[column] = dict(labels=labels, N=len(labels), min_value=min_value) return df
[docs] def ordinal_encode(self, column, values=None, inplace=False): """Encode column as ordinal values and mark it as categorical. The existing column is renamed to a hidden column and replaced by a numerical columns with values between [0, len(values)-1]. """ column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) df = self if inplace else self.copy() # for the codes, we need to work on the unfiltered dataset, since the filter # may change, and we also cannot add an array that is smaller in length df_unfiltered = df.copy() # maybe we need some filter manipulation methods df_unfiltered.select_nothing(name=FILTER_SELECTION_NAME) df_unfiltered._length_unfiltered = df._length_original df_unfiltered.set_active_range(0, df._length_original) # codes point to the index of found_values # meaning: found_values[codes[0]] == ds[column].values[0] found_values, codes = df_unfiltered.unique(column, return_inverse=True) if values is None: values = found_values else: # we have specified which values we should support, anything # not found will be masked translation = np.zeros(len(found_values), dtype=np.uint64) # mark values that are in the column, but not in values with a special value missing_value = len(found_values) for i, found_value in enumerate(found_values): try: found_value = found_value.decode('ascii') except: pass if found_value not in values: # not present, we need a missing value translation[i] = missing_value else: translation[i] = values.index(found_value) codes = translation[codes] if missing_value in translation: # all special values will be marked as missing codes =, codes==missing_value) original_column = df.rename(column, '__original_' + column, unique=True) df.add_column(column, codes) df._categories[column] = dict(labels=values, N=len(values), min_value=0) return df
# for backward compatibility label_encode = _hidden(vaex.utils.deprecated('use is_category')(ordinal_encode)) @property def data(self): """Gives direct access to the data as numpy arrays. Convenient when working with IPython in combination with small DataFrames, since this gives tab-completion. Only real columns (i.e. no virtual) columns can be accessed, for getting the data from virtual columns, use DataFrame.evaluate(...). Columns can be accessed by their names, which are attributes. The attributes are of type numpy.ndarray. Example: >>> df = vaex.example() >>> r = np.sqrt(**2 +**2) """ class Datas(object): pass datas = Datas() for name, array in self.columns.items(): setattr(datas, name, array) return datas def copy(self, column_names=None, virtual=True): df = DataFrameArrays() df._length_unfiltered = self._length_unfiltered df._length_original = self._length_original df._cached_filtered_length = self._cached_filtered_length df._index_end = self._index_end df._index_start = self._index_start df._active_fraction = self._active_fraction df._renamed_columns = list(self._renamed_columns) df._column_aliases = dict(self._column_aliases) df.units.update(self.units) df.variables.update(self.variables) # we add all, could maybe only copy used df._categories.update(self._categories) if column_names is None: column_names = self.get_column_names(hidden=True, alias=False) all_column_names = self.get_column_names(hidden=True, alias=False) # put in the selections (thus filters) in place # so drop moves instead of really dropping it df.functions.update(self.functions) for key, value in self.selection_histories.items(): # TODO: selection_histories begin a defaultdict always gives # us the filtered selection, so check if we really have a # selection if self.get_selection(key): df.selection_histories[key] = list(value) # the filter should never be modified, so we can share a reference # except when we add filter on filter using # df = df[df.x>0] # df = df[df.x < 10] # in that case we make a copy in __getitem__ if key == FILTER_SELECTION_NAME: df._selection_masks[key] = self._selection_masks[key] else: df._selection_masks[key] = vaex.superutils.Mask(df._length_original) # and make sure the mask is consistent with the cache chunks np.asarray(df._selection_masks[key])[:] = np.asarray(self._selection_masks[key]) for key, value in self.selection_history_indices.items(): if self.get_selection(key): df.selection_history_indices[key] = value # we can also copy the caches, which prevents recomputations of selections df._selection_mask_caches[key] = collections.defaultdict(dict) df._selection_mask_caches[key].update(self._selection_mask_caches[key]) if 1: # print("-----", column_names) depending = set() added = set() for name in column_names: # print("add", name) added.add(name) if name in self.columns: column = self.columns[name] df.add_column(name, column, dtype=self._dtypes_override.get(name)) if isinstance(column, ColumnSparse): df._sparse_matrices[name] = self._sparse_matrices[name] elif name in self.virtual_columns: if virtual: # TODO: check if the ast is cached df.add_virtual_column(name, self.virtual_columns[name]) deps = [key for key, value in df._virtual_expressions[name].ast_names.items()] # print("add virtual", name, df._virtual_expressions[name].expression, deps) depending.update(deps) else: # this might be an expression, create a valid name self.validate_expression(name) expression = name name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(name) # add the expression df[name] = df._expr(expression) # then get the dependencies deps = [key for key, value in df._virtual_expressions[name].ast_names.items()] depending.update(deps) # print(depending, "after add") # depending |= column_names # print(depending) # print(depending, "before filter") if self.filtered: selection = self.get_selection(FILTER_SELECTION_NAME) depending |= selection._depending_columns(self) depending.difference_update(added) # remove already added # print(depending, "after filter") # return depending_columns hide = [] while depending: new_depending = set() for name in depending: added.add(name) if name in self.columns: # print("add column", name) df.add_column(name, self.columns[name], dtype=self._dtypes_override.get(name)) # print("and hide it") # df._hide_column(name) hide.append(name) elif name in self.virtual_columns: if virtual: # TODO: check if the ast is cached df.add_virtual_column(name, self.virtual_columns[name]) deps = [key for key, value in self._virtual_expressions[name].ast_names.items()] new_depending.update(deps) # df._hide_column(name) hide.append(name) elif name in self.variables: # if must be a variables? # TODO: what if the variable depends on other variables # we already add all variables # df.add_variable(name, self.variables[name]) pass # print("new_depending", new_depending) new_depending.difference_update(added) depending = new_depending for name in hide: df._hide_column(name) else: # we copy all columns, but drop the ones that are not wanted # this makes sure that needed columns are hidden instead def add_columns(columns): for name in columns: if name in self.columns: df.add_column(name, self.columns[name], dtype=self._dtypes_override.get(name)) elif name in self.virtual_columns: if virtual: df.add_virtual_column(name, self.virtual_columns[name]) else: # this might be an expression, create a valid name expression = name name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(name) df[name] = df._expr(expression) # to preserve the order, we first add the ones we want, then the rest add_columns(column_names) # then the rest rest = set(all_column_names) - set(column_names) add_columns(rest) # and remove them for name in rest: # if the column should not have been added, drop it. This checks if columns need # to be hidden instead, and expressions be rewritten. if name not in column_names: df.drop(name, inplace=True) assert name not in df.get_column_names(hidden=True) df.copy_metadata(self) return df
[docs] def shallow_copy(self, virtual=True, variables=True): """Creates a (shallow) copy of the DataFrame. It will link to the same data, but will have its own state, e.g. virtual columns, variables, selection etc. """ df = DataFrameLocal(, self.path, self.column_names) df.columns.update(self.columns) df._length_unfiltered = self._length_unfiltered df._length_original = self._length_original df._index_end = self._index_end df._index_start = self._index_start df._active_fraction = self._active_fraction if virtual: df.virtual_columns.update(self.virtual_columns) if variables: df.variables.update(self.variables) # half shallow/deep copy # for key, value in self.selection_histories.items(): # df.selection_histories[key] = list(value) # for key, value in self.selection_history_indices.items(): # df.selection_history_indices[key] = value return df
[docs] def is_local(self): """The local implementation of :func:`DataFrame.evaluate`, always returns True.""" return True
[docs] def length(self, selection=False): """Get the length of the DataFrames, for the selection of the whole DataFrame. If selection is False, it returns len(df). TODO: Implement this in DataFrameRemote, and move the method up in :func:`DataFrame.length` :param selection: When True, will return the number of selected rows :return: """ if selection: return 0 if self.mask is None else np.sum(self.mask) else: return len(self)
[docs] @_hidden def __call__(self, *expressions, **kwargs): """The local implementation of :func:`DataFrame.__call__`""" import vaex.legacy return vaex.legacy.SubspaceLocal(self, expressions, kwargs.get("executor") or self.executor, delay=kwargs.get("delay", False))
def echo(self, arg): return arg @property def _dtype(self): dtypes = [self[k].dtype for k in self.get_column_names()] if not all([dtypes[0] == dtype for dtype in dtypes]): return ValueError("Not all dtypes are equal: %r" % dtypes) return dtypes[0] @property def shape(self): return (len(self), len(self.get_column_names()))
[docs] def __array__(self, dtype=None, parallel=True): """Gives a full memory copy of the DataFrame into a 2d numpy array of shape (n_rows, n_columns). Note that the memory order is fortran, so all values of 1 column are contiguous in memory for performance reasons. Note this returns the same result as: >>> np.array(ds) If any of the columns contain masked arrays, the masks are ignored (i.e. the masked elements are returned as well). """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64 chunks = [] column_names = self.get_column_names(strings=False) for name in column_names: if not np.can_cast(self.data_type(name), dtype): if self.data_type(name) != dtype: raise ValueError("Cannot cast %r (of type %r) to %r" % (name, self.data_type(name), dtype)) chunks = self.evaluate(column_names, parallel=parallel) if any( for chunk in chunks): return, dtype=dtype).T else: return np.array(chunks, dtype=dtype).T
@vaex.utils.deprecated('use DataFrame.join(other)') def _hstack(self, other, prefix=None): """Join the columns of the other DataFrame to this one, assuming the ordering is the same""" assert len(self) == len(other), "does not make sense to horizontally stack DataFrames with different lengths" for name in other.get_column_names(): if prefix: new_name = prefix + name else: new_name = name self.add_column(new_name, other.columns[name])
[docs] def concat(self, other): """Concatenates two DataFrames, adding the rows of the other DataFrame to the current, returned in a new DataFrame. No copy of the data is made. :param other: The other DataFrame that is concatenated with this DataFrame :return: New DataFrame with the rows concatenated :rtype: DataFrameConcatenated """ dfs = [] if isinstance(self, DataFrameConcatenated): dfs.extend(self.dfs) else: dfs.extend([self]) if isinstance(other, DataFrameConcatenated): dfs.extend(other.dfs) else: dfs.extend([other]) return DataFrameConcatenated(dfs)
def _invalidate_caches(self): self._invalidate_selection_cache() self._cached_filtered_length = None def _invalidate_selection_cache(self): self._selection_mask_caches.clear() for key in self._selection_masks.keys(): self._selection_masks[key] = vaex.superutils.Mask(self._length_unfiltered) def _filtered_range_to_unfiltered_indices(self, i1, i2): assert self.filtered count = self.count() # force the cache to be filled assert i2 <= count cache = self._selection_mask_caches[FILTER_SELECTION_NAME] mask_blocks = iter(sorted( [(k1, k2, block) for (k1, k2), (selection, block) in cache.items()], key=lambda item: item[0])) done = False offset_unfiltered = 0 # points to the unfiltered arrays offset_filtered = 0 # points to the filtered array indices = [] while not done: unfiltered_i1, unfiltered_i2, block = next(mask_blocks) count = block.sum() if (offset_filtered + count) < i1: # i1 does not start in this block assert unfiltered_i2 == offset_unfiltered + len(block) offset_unfiltered = unfiltered_i2 offset_filtered += count else: for block_index in range(len(block)): if block[block_index]: # if not filtered, we go to the next index if i1 <= offset_filtered < i2: # if this is in the range we want... indices.append(offset_unfiltered) offset_filtered += 1 offset_unfiltered += 1 done = offset_filtered >= i2 return np.array(indices, dtype=np.int64) def _evaluate(self, expression, i1, i2, out=None, selection=None, internal=False, filter_mask=None): scope = scopes._BlockScope(self, i1, i2, mask=filter_mask, **self.variables) if out is not None: scope.buffers[expression] = out value = scope.evaluate(expression) if isinstance(value, ColumnString) and not internal: value = value.to_numpy() return value def _unfiltered_chunk_slices(self, chunk_size): logical_length = len(self) if self.filtered: full_mask = self._selection_masks[FILTER_SELECTION_NAME] # TODO: python 3, use yield from for item in vaex.utils.subdivide_mask(full_mask, max_length=chunk_size, logical_length=logical_length): yield item else: for i1, i2 in vaex.utils.subdivide(logical_length, max_length=chunk_size): yield i1, i2, i1, i2 def _evaluate_implementation(self, expression, i1=None, i2=None, out=None, selection=None, filtered=True, internal=False, parallel=True, chunk_size=None, raw=False): """The real implementation of :func:`DataFrame.evaluate` (not returning a generator). :param raw: Whether indices i1 and i2 refer to unfiltered (raw=True) or 'logical' offsets (raw=False) """ # expression = _ensure_string_from_expression(expression) was_list, [expressions] = vaex.utils.listify(expression) expressions = vaex.utils._ensure_strings_from_expressions(expressions) selection = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(selection) max_stop = (len(self) if (self.filtered and filtered) else self.length_unfiltered()) i1 = i1 or 0 i2 = i2 or max_stop if parallel: df = self # first, reduce complexity for the parallel path if self.filtered and not filtered: df = df.drop_filter() if i1 != 0 or i2 != max_stop: if not raw and self.filtered and filtered: count_check = len(self) # fill caches and masks mask = self._selection_masks[FILTER_SELECTION_NAME] i1, i2 = mask.indices(i1, i2-1) assert i1 != -1 i2 += 1 # TODO: performance: can we collapse the two trims in one? df = df.trim() df.set_active_range(i1, i2) df = df.trim() expression = expressions[0] # here things are simpler or we don't go parallel mask = None if parallel: use_filter = df.filtered and filtered length = df.length_unfiltered() arrays = {} # maps to a dict of start_index -> apache arrow array (a chunk) chunks_map = {} dtypes = {} shapes = {} virtual = set() # TODO: For NEP branch: dtype -> dtype_evaluate for expression in set(expressions): dtypes[expression] = df.data_type(expression, internal=False) if expression not in df.columns: virtual.add(expression) # since we will use pre_filter=True, we'll get chunks of the data at unknown offset # so we'll also have to stitch those back together if dtypes[expression] == str_type or use_filter or selection: chunks_map[expression] = {} else: # we know exactly where to place the chunks, so we pre allocate the arrays shape = (length, ) + df._shape_of(expression, filtered=False)[1:] shapes[expression] = shape if df.is_masked(expression): arrays[expression] =, length), dtype=dtypes[expression]) else: arrays[expression] = np.zeros(shapes.get(expression, length), dtype=dtypes[expression]) def assign(thread_index, i1, i2, *blocks): for i, expr in enumerate(expressions): if expr in chunks_map: # for non-primitive arrays we simply keep a reference to the chunk chunks_map[expr][i1] = blocks[i] else: # for primitive arrays (and no filter/selection) we directly add it to the right place in contiguous numpy array arrays[expr][i1:i2] = blocks[i] df.map_reduce(assign, lambda *_: None, expressions, ignore_filter=False, selection=selection, pre_filter=use_filter, info=True, to_numpy=False) def finalize_result(expression): if expression in chunks_map: # put all chunks in order chunks = [chunk for (i1, chunk) in sorted(chunks_map[expression].items(), key=lambda i1_and_chunk: i1_and_chunk[0])] assert len(chunks) > 0 if len(chunks) == 1: # TODO: For NEP Branch # return pa.array(chunks[0]) if internal: return chunks[0] else: values = to_numpy(chunks[0]) return values else: # TODO: For NEP Branch # return pa.chunked_array(chunks) if internal: return chunks # Returns a list of StringArrays else: # if isinstance(value, ColumnString) and not internal: return np.concatenate([to_numpy(k) for k in chunks]) else: return arrays[expression] result = [finalize_result(k) for k in expressions] if not was_list: result = result[0] return result else: if not raw and self.filtered and filtered: count_check = len(self) # fill caches and masks mask = self._selection_masks[FILTER_SELECTION_NAME] if _DEBUG: if i1 == 0 and i2 == count_check: # we cannot check it if we just evaluate a portion assert not mask.is_dirty() # assert mask.count() == count_check i1, i2 = mask.indices(i1, i2-1) # -1 since it is inclusive assert i1 != -1 assert i2 != -1 i2 = i2+1 # +1 to make it inclusive values = [] for expression in expressions: # for both a selection or filtering we have a mask if selection not in [None, False] or (self.filtered and filtered): mask = self.evaluate_selection_mask(selection, i1, i2) scope = scopes._BlockScope(self, i1, i2, mask=mask, **self.variables) # value = value[mask] if out is not None: scope.buffers[expression] = out value = scope.evaluate(expression) if isinstance(value, ColumnString) and not internal: value = value.to_numpy() values.append(value) if not was_list: return values[0] return values def _equals(self, other): values = return values == ([], [], [], [])
[docs] def compare(self, other, report_missing=True, report_difference=False, show=10, orderby=None, column_names=None): """Compare two DataFrames and report their difference, use with care for large DataFrames""" if column_names is None: column_names = self.get_column_names(virtual=False) for other_column_name in other.get_column_names(virtual=False): if other_column_name not in column_names: column_names.append(other_column_name) different_values = [] missing = [] type_mismatch = [] meta_mismatch = [] assert len(self) == len(other) if orderby: index1 = np.argsort(self.columns[orderby]) index2 = np.argsort(other.columns[orderby]) for column_name in column_names: if column_name not in self.get_column_names(virtual=False): missing.append(column_name) if report_missing: print("%s missing from this DataFrame" % column_name) elif column_name not in other.get_column_names(virtual=False): missing.append(column_name) if report_missing: print("%s missing from other DataFrame" % column_name) else: ucd1 = self.ucds.get(column_name) ucd2 = other.ucds.get(column_name) if ucd1 != ucd2: print("ucd mismatch : %r vs %r for %s" % (ucd1, ucd2, column_name)) meta_mismatch.append(column_name) unit1 = self.units.get(column_name) unit2 = other.units.get(column_name) if unit1 != unit2: print("unit mismatch : %r vs %r for %s" % (unit1, unit2, column_name)) meta_mismatch.append(column_name) type1 = self.data_type(column_name) if type1 != str_type: type1 = type1.type type2 = other.data_type(column_name) if type2 != str_type: type2 = type2.type if type1 != type2: print("different dtypes: %s vs %s for %s" % (self.data_type(column_name), other.data_type(column_name), column_name)) type_mismatch.append(column_name) else: # a = self.columns[column_name] # b = other.columns[column_name] # if self.filtered: # a = a[self.evaluate_selection_mask(None)] # if other.filtered: # b = b[other.evaluate_selection_mask(None)] a = self.evaluate(column_name) b = other.evaluate(column_name) if orderby: a = a[index1] b = b[index2] def normalize(ar): if ar.dtype == str_type: return ar if ar.dtype.kind == "f" and hasattr(ar, "mask"): mask = ar.mask ar = ar.copy() ar[mask] = np.nan if ar.dtype.kind in "SU": if hasattr(ar, "mask"): data = else: data = ar values = [value.strip() for value in data.tolist()] if hasattr(ar, "mask"): ar =, ar.mask) else: ar = np.array(values) return ar def equal_mask(a, b): a = normalize(a) b = normalize(b) boolean_mask = (a == b) if self.data_type(column_name) != str_type and self.data_type(column_name).kind == 'f': # floats with nan won't equal itself, i.e. NaN != NaN boolean_mask |= (np.isnan(a) & np.isnan(b)) return boolean_mask boolean_mask = equal_mask(a, b) all_equal = np.all(boolean_mask) if not all_equal: count = np.sum(~boolean_mask) print("%s does not match for both DataFrames, %d rows are diffent out of %d" % (column_name, count, len(self))) different_values.append(column_name) if report_difference: indices = np.arange(len(self))[~boolean_mask] values1 = self.columns[column_name][:][~boolean_mask] values2 = other.columns[column_name][:][~boolean_mask] print("\tshowing difference for the first 10") for i in range(min(len(values1), show)): try: diff = values1[i] - values2[i] except: diff = "does not exists" print("%s[%d] == %s != %s other.%s[%d] (diff = %s)" % (column_name, indices[i], values1[i], values2[i], column_name, indices[i], diff)) return different_values, missing, type_mismatch, meta_mismatch
[docs] @docsubst def join(self, other, on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None, lprefix='', rprefix='', lsuffix='', rsuffix='', how='left', allow_duplication=False, inplace=False): """Return a DataFrame joined with other DataFrames, matched by columns/expression on/left_on/right_on If neither on/left_on/right_on is given, the join is done by simply adding the columns (i.e. on the implicit row index). Note: The filters will be ignored when joining, the full DataFrame will be joined (since filters may change). If either DataFrame is heavily filtered (contains just a small number of rows) consider running :func:`DataFrame.extract` first. Example: >>> a = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c']) >>> x = np.arange(1,4) >>> ds1 = vaex.from_arrays(a=a, x=x) >>> b = np.array(['a', 'b', 'd']) >>> y = x**2 >>> ds2 = vaex.from_arrays(b=b, y=y) >>> ds1.join(ds2, left_on='a', right_on='b') :param other: Other DataFrame to join with (the right side) :param on: default key for the left table (self) :param left_on: key for the left table (self), overrides on :param right_on: default key for the right table (other), overrides on :param lprefix: prefix to add to the left column names in case of a name collision :param rprefix: similar for the right :param lsuffix: suffix to add to the left column names in case of a name collision :param rsuffix: similar for the right :param how: how to join, 'left' keeps all rows on the left, and adds columns (with possible missing values) 'right' is similar with self and other swapped. 'inner' will only return rows which overlap. :param bool allow_duplication: Allow duplication of rows when the joined column contains non-unique values. :param inplace: {inplace} :return: """ inner = False left = self right = other if how == 'left': pass elif how == 'right': left, right = right, left lprefix, rprefix = rprefix, lprefix lsuffix, rsuffix = rsuffix, lsuffix left_on, right_on = right_on, left_on elif how == 'inner': inner = True else: raise ValueError('join type not supported: {}, only left and right'.format(how)) left = left if inplace else left.copy() on = _ensure_string_from_expression(on) left_on = _ensure_string_from_expression(left_on) right_on = _ensure_string_from_expression(right_on) left_on = left_on or on right_on = right_on or on for name in right: if left_on and (rprefix + name + rsuffix == lprefix + left_on + lsuffix): continue # it's ok when we join on the same column name if name in left and rprefix + name + rsuffix == lprefix + name + lsuffix: raise ValueError('column name collision: {} exists in both column, and no proper suffix given' .format(name)) right = right.extract() # get rid of filters and active_range assert left.length_unfiltered() == left.length_original() N = left.length_unfiltered() N_other = len(right) if left_on is None and right_on is None: lookup = None else: df = left # we index the right side, this assumes right is smaller in size index = right._index(right_on) dtype = left.data_type(left_on) duplicates_right = index.has_duplicates if duplicates_right and not allow_duplication: raise ValueError('This join will lead to duplication of rows which is disabled, pass allow_duplication=True') # our max value for the lookup table is the row index number, so if we join a small # df with say 100 rows, we can do it with a int8 lookup_dtype = vaex.utils.required_dtype_for_max(len(right)) lookup = np.zeros(left._length_original, dtype=lookup_dtype) lookup_masked = False # does the lookup contain masked/-1 values? lookup_extra_chunks = [] from vaex.column import _to_string_sequence def map(thread_index, i1, i2, ar): nonlocal lookup_masked if dtype == str_type: previous_ar = ar ar = _to_string_sequence(ar) if mask = lookup_masked = lookup_masked or index.map_index_masked(, mask, lookup[i1:i2]) if duplicates_right: extra = index.map_index_duplicates(, mask, i1) lookup_extra_chunks.append(extra) else: lookup_masked = lookup_masked or index.map_index(ar, lookup[i1:i2]) if duplicates_right: extra = index.map_index_duplicates(ar, i1) lookup_extra_chunks.append(extra) def reduce(a, b): pass left.map_reduce(map, reduce, [left_on], delay=False, name='fill looking', info=True, to_numpy=False, ignore_filter=True) if len(lookup_extra_chunks): # if the right has duplicates, we increase the left of left, and the lookup array lookup_left = np.concatenate([k[0] for k in lookup_extra_chunks]) lookup_right = np.concatenate([k[1] for k in lookup_extra_chunks]) left = left.concat(left.take(lookup_left)) lookup = np.concatenate([lookup, lookup_right]) if inner: left_mask_matched = lookup != -1 # all the places where we found a match to the right lookup = lookup[left_mask_matched] # filter the lookup table to the right left_indices_matched = np.where(left_mask_matched)[0] # convert mask to indices for the left # indices can still refer to filtered rows, so do not drop the filter left = left.take(left_indices_matched, filtered=False, dropfilter=False) direct_indices_map = {} # for performance, keeps a cache of two levels of indirection of indices def mangle_name(prefix, name, suffix): if name.startswith('__'): return '__' + prefix + name[2:] + suffix else: return prefix + name + suffix # first, do renaming, so all column names are unique right_names = right.get_names(hidden=True) left_names = left.get_names(hidden=True) for name in right_names: if name in left_names: # find a unique name across both dataframe, including the new name for the left all_names = list(set(right_names + left_names)) all_names.append(mangle_name(lprefix, name, lsuffix)) # we dont want to steal the left's name all_names.remove(name) # we could even claim the original name new_name = mangle_name(rprefix, name, rsuffix) # we will not add this column twice when it is the join column if new_name != left_on: if new_name in all_names: # it's still not unique new_name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(new_name, all_names) right.rename(name, new_name) right_names[right_names.index(name)] = new_name # and the same for the left all_names = list(set(right_names + left_names)) all_names.remove(name) new_name = mangle_name(lprefix, name, lsuffix) if new_name in all_names: # still not unique new_name = vaex.utils.find_valid_name(new_name, all_names) left.rename(name, new_name) left_names[left_names.index(name)] = new_name # now we add columns from the right, to the left right_names = right.get_names(hidden=True) left_names = left.get_names(hidden=True) for name in right_names: if name == left_on and name in left_names: continue # skip when it's the join column assert name not in left_names if name in right.variables: left.set_variable(name, right.variables[name]) elif name in right.virtual_columns: left.add_virtual_column(name, right.virtual_columns[name]) else: if lookup is not None: column = ColumnIndexed.index(right, right.columns[name], name, lookup, direct_indices_map, lookup_masked) else: column = right.columns[name] left.add_column(name, column) return left
[docs] def export(self, path, column_names=None, byteorder="=", shuffle=False, selection=False, progress=None, virtual=True, sort=None, ascending=True): """Exports the DataFrame to a file written with arrow :param DataFrameLocal df: DataFrame to export :param str path: path for file :param lis[str] column_names: list of column names to export or None for all columns :param str byteorder: = for native, < for little endian and > for big endian (not supported for fits) :param bool shuffle: export rows in random order :param bool selection: export selection or not :param progress: progress callback that gets a progress fraction as argument and should return True to continue, or a default progress bar when progress=True :param: bool virtual: When True, export virtual columns :param str sort: expression used for sorting the output :param bool ascending: sort ascending (True) or descending :return: """ if path.endswith('.arrow'): self.export_arrow(path, column_names, byteorder, shuffle, selection, progress=progress, virtual=virtual, sort=sort, ascending=ascending) elif path.endswith('.hdf5'): self.export_hdf5(path, column_names, byteorder, shuffle, selection, progress=progress, virtual=virtual, sort=sort, ascending=ascending) elif path.endswith('.fits'): self.export_fits(path, column_names, shuffle, selection, progress=progress, virtual=virtual, sort=sort, ascending=ascending) elif path.endswith('.parquet'): self.export_parquet(path, column_names, shuffle, selection, progress=progress, virtual=virtual, sort=sort, ascending=ascending) elif path.endswith('.csv'): self.export_csv(path, selection=selection, progress=progress, virtual=virtual) else: raise ValueError('''Unrecognized file extension. Please use .arrow, .hdf5, .parquet, .fits, or .csv to export to the particular file format.''')
[docs] def export_arrow(self, path, column_names=None, byteorder="=", shuffle=False, selection=False, progress=None, virtual=True, sort=None, ascending=True): """Exports the DataFrame to a file written with arrow :param DataFrameLocal df: DataFrame to export :param str path: path for file :param lis[str] column_names: list of column names to export or None for all columns :param str byteorder: = for native, < for little endian and > for big endian :param bool shuffle: export rows in random order :param bool selection: export selection or not :param progress: progress callback that gets a progress fraction as argument and should return True to continue, or a default progress bar when progress=True :param: bool virtual: When True, export virtual columns :param str sort: expression used for sorting the output :param bool ascending: sort ascending (True) or descending :return: """ import vaex_arrow.export vaex_arrow.export.export(self, path, column_names, byteorder, shuffle, selection, progress=progress, virtual=virtual, sort=sort, ascending=ascending)
[docs] def export_parquet(self, path, column_names=None, byteorder="=", shuffle=False, selection=False, progress=None, virtual=True, sort=None, ascending=True): """Exports the DataFrame to a parquet file :param DataFrameLocal df: DataFrame to export :param str path: path for file :param lis[str] column_names: list of column names to export or None for all columns :param str byteorder: = for native, < for little endian and > for big endian :param bool shuffle: export rows in random order :param bool selection: export selection or not :param progress: progress callback that gets a progress fraction as argument and should return True to continue, or a default progress bar when progress=True :param: bool virtual: When True, export virtual columns :param str sort: expression used for sorting the output :param bool ascending: sort ascending (True) or descending :return: """ import vaex_arrow.export vaex_arrow.export.export_parquet(self, path, column_names, byteorder, shuffle, selection, progress=progress, virtual=virtual, sort=sort, ascending=ascending)
[docs] def export_hdf5(self, path, column_names=None, byteorder="=", shuffle=False, selection=False, progress=None, virtual=True, sort=None, ascending=True): """Exports the DataFrame to a vaex hdf5 file :param DataFrameLocal df: DataFrame to export :param str path: path for file :param lis[str] column_names: list of column names to export or None for all columns :param str byteorder: = for native, < for little endian and > for big endian :param bool shuffle: export rows in random order :param bool selection: export selection or not :param progress: progress callback that gets a progress fraction as argument and should return True to continue, or a default progress bar when progress=True :param: bool virtual: When True, export virtual columns :param str sort: expression used for sorting the output :param bool ascending: sort ascending (True) or descending :return: """ import vaex.export vaex.export.export_hdf5(self, path, column_names, byteorder, shuffle, selection, progress=progress, virtual=virtual, sort=sort, ascending=ascending)
[docs] def export_fits(self, path, column_names=None, shuffle=False, selection=False, progress=None, virtual=True, sort=None, ascending=True): """Exports the DataFrame to a fits file that is compatible with TOPCAT colfits format :param DataFrameLocal df: DataFrame to export :param str path: path for file :param lis[str] column_names: list of column names to export or None for all columns :param bool shuffle: export rows in random order :param bool selection: export selection or not :param progress: progress callback that gets a progress fraction as argument and should return True to continue, or a default progress bar when progress=True :param: bool virtual: When True, export virtual columns :param str sort: expression used for sorting the output :param bool ascending: sort ascending (True) or descending :return: """ import vaex.export vaex.export.export_fits(self, path, column_names, shuffle, selection, progress=progress, virtual=virtual, sort=sort, ascending=ascending)
[docs] @docsubst def export_csv(self, path, virtual=True, selection=False, progress=None, chunk_size=1_000_000, **kwargs): """ Exports the DataFrame to a CSV file. :param str path: Path for file :param bool virtual: If True, export virtual columns as well :param bool selection: {selection1} :param progress: {progress} :param int chunk_size: {chunk_size_export} :param **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to be passed on pandas.DataFrame.to_csv() :return: """ import pandas as pd expressions = self.get_column_names(virtual=virtual) progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress) dtypes = self[expressions].dtypes n_samples = len(self) for i1, i2, chunks in self.evaluate_iterator(expressions, chunk_size=chunk_size, selection=selection): progressbar( i1 / n_samples) chunk_dict = {col: values for col, values in zip(expressions, chunks)} chunk_pdf = pd.DataFrame(chunk_dict) if i1 == 0: # Only the 1st chunk should have a header and the rest will be appended mode = 'w' header = True else: mode = 'a' header = False chunk_pdf.to_csv(path_or_buf=path, mode=mode, header=header, index=False, **kwargs) progressbar(1.0) return
def _needs_copy(self, column_name): import vaex.file.other return not \ ((column_name in self.column_names and not isinstance(self.columns[column_name], Column) and not isinstance(self.columns[column_name], vaex.file.other.DatasetTap.TapColumn) and self.columns[column_name].dtype.type == np.float64 and self.columns[column_name].strides[0] == 8 and column_name not in self.virtual_columns) or self.data_type(column_name) == str_type or self.data_type(column_name).kind == 'S') # and False:
[docs] def selected_length(self, selection="default"): """The local implementation of :func:`DataFrame.selected_length`""" return int(self.count(selection=selection).item())
# np.sum(self.mask) if self.has_selection() else None # def _set_mask(self, mask): # self.mask = mask # self._has_selection = mask is not None # # self.signal_selection_changed.emit(self)
[docs] def groupby(self, by=None, agg=None): """Return a :class:`GroupBy` or :class:`DataFrame` object when agg is not None Examples: >>> import vaex >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> x = np.random.randint(1, 5, 10) >>> y = x**2 >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=x, y=y) >>> df.groupby(df.x, agg='count') # x y_count 0 3 4 1 4 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 >>> df.groupby(df.x, agg=[vaex.agg.count('y'), vaex.agg.mean('y')]) # x y_count y_mean 0 3 4 9 1 4 2 16 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 4 >>> df.groupby(df.x, agg={'z': [vaex.agg.count('y'), vaex.agg.mean('y')]}) # x z_count z_mean 0 3 4 9 1 4 2 16 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 4 Example using datetime: >>> import vaex >>> import numpy as np >>> t = np.arange('2015-01-01', '2015-02-01', dtype=np.datetime64) >>> y = np.arange(len(t)) >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(t=t, y=y) >>> df.groupby(vaex.BinnerTime.per_week(df.t)).agg({'y' : 'sum'}) # t y 0 2015-01-01 00:00:00 21 1 2015-01-08 00:00:00 70 2 2015-01-15 00:00:00 119 3 2015-01-22 00:00:00 168 4 2015-01-29 00:00:00 87 :param dict, list or agg agg: Aggregate operation in the form of a string, vaex.agg object, a dictionary where the keys indicate the target column names, and the values the operations, or the a list of aggregates. When not given, it will return the groupby object. :return: :class:`DataFrame` or :class:`GroupBy` object. """ from .groupby import GroupBy groupby = GroupBy(self, by=by) if agg is None: return groupby else: return groupby.agg(agg)
[docs] def binby(self, by=None, agg=None): """Return a :class:`BinBy` or :class:`DataArray` object when agg is not None The binby operation does not return a 'flat' DataFrame, instead it returns an N-d grid in the form of an xarray. :param dict, list or agg agg: Aggregate operation in the form of a string, vaex.agg object, a dictionary where the keys indicate the target column names, and the values the operations, or the a list of aggregates. When not given, it will return the binby object. :return: :class:`DataArray` or :class:`BinBy` object. """ from .groupby import BinBy binby = BinBy(self, by=by) if agg is None: return binby else: return binby.agg(agg)
def _selection(self, create_selection, name, executor=None, execute_fully=False): def create_wrapper(current): selection = create_selection(current) # only create a mask when we have a selection, so we do not waste memory if selection is not None and name not in self._selection_masks: self._selection_masks[name] = vaex.superutils.Mask(self._length_unfiltered) return selection return super()._selection(create_wrapper, name, executor, execute_fully)
class DataFrameConcatenated(DataFrameLocal): """Represents a set of DataFrames all concatenated. See :func:`DataFrameLocal.concat` for usage. """ def __init__(self, dfs, name=None): super(DataFrameConcatenated, self).__init__(None, None, []) # to reduce complexity, we 'extract' the dataframes (i.e. remove filter) self.dfs = dfs = [df.extract() for df in dfs] = name or "-".join( for df in self.dfs) self.path = "-".join(df.path for df in self.dfs) first, tail = dfs[0], dfs[1:] for column_name in first.get_column_names(virtual=False, hidden=True): if all([column_name in df.get_column_names(virtual=False, hidden=True) for df in tail]): self.column_names.append(column_name) self.columns = {} for column_name in self.get_column_names(virtual=False, hidden=True): self.columns[column_name] = ColumnConcatenatedLazy([df[column_name] for df in dfs]) self._save_assign_expression(column_name) for name in list(first.virtual_columns.keys()): if all([first.virtual_columns[name] == df.virtual_columns.get(name, None) for df in tail]): self.add_virtual_column(name, first.virtual_columns[name]) else: self.columns[name] = ColumnConcatenatedLazy([df[name] for df in dfs]) self.column_names.append(name) self._save_assign_expression(name) for df in dfs[:1]: for name, value in list(df.variables.items()): if name not in self.variables: self.set_variable(name, value, write=False) # self.write_virtual_meta() self._length_unfiltered = sum(len(ds) for ds in self.dfs) self._length_original = self._length_unfiltered self._index_end = self._length_unfiltered def is_masked(self, column): column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column) if column in self.columns: return self.columns[column].is_masked else: ar = self.evaluate(column, i1=0, i2=1, parallel=False) if isinstance(ar, np.ndarray) and return True return False def _is_dtype_ok(dtype): return dtype.type in [np.bool_, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.float32, np.float64, np.datetime64] or\ dtype.type == np.string_ or dtype.type == np.unicode_ def _is_array_type_ok(array): return _is_dtype_ok(array.dtype) class DataFrameArrays(DataFrameLocal): """Represent an in-memory DataFrame of numpy arrays, see :func:`from_arrays` for usage.""" def __init__(self, name="arrays"): super(DataFrameArrays, self).__init__(None, None, []) = name self.path = "/has/no/path/" + name # def __len__(self): # return len(self.columns.values()[0]) def add_column(self, name, data, dtype=None): """Add a column to the DataFrame :param str name: name of column :param data: numpy array with the data """ # assert _is_array_type_ok(data), "dtype not supported: %r, %r" % (data.dtype, data.dtype.type) # self._length = len(data) # if self._length_unfiltered is None: # self._length_unfiltered = len(data) # self._length_original = len(data) # self._index_end = self._length_unfiltered super(DataFrameArrays, self).add_column(name, data, dtype=dtype) self._length_unfiltered = int(round(self._length_original * self._active_fraction)) # self.set_active_fraction(self._active_fraction) @property def values(self): """Gives a full memory copy of the DataFrame into a 2d numpy array of shape (n_rows, n_columns). Note that the memory order is fortran, so all values of 1 column are contiguous in memory for performance reasons. Note this returns the same result as: >>> np.array(ds) If any of the columns contain masked arrays, the masks are ignored (i.e. the masked elements are returned as well). """ return self.__array__()