.. _installing: Installing ========== .. .. note:: .. For the impatient: .. - If you want a standalone Python environment with vaex installed that does not interfere with you system Python, execute ``curl http://vaex.astro.rug.nl/install_conda.sh | bash -`` on your terminal. .. - To remove, execute ``rm -rf ~/miniconda-vaex ~/.condarc ~/.conda ~/.continuum`` .. warning:: It is recommended not to install directly into your operating system's Python using sudo since it may break your system. Instead, you should install `Anaconda `_, which is a Python distribution that makes installing Python packages much easier or use `virtualenv or venv `_. Short version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **Anaconda users**: ``conda install -c conda-forge vaex`` * **Regular Python users using virtualenv**: ``pip install vaex`` * **Regular Python users (not recommended)**: ``pip install --user vaex`` * **System install (not recommended)**: ``sudo pip install vaex`` Longer version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you don't want all packages installed, do not install the vaex package. The vaex package is a meta packages that depends on all other vaex packages so it will instal them all, but if you don't need astronomy related parts (``vaex-astro``), or don't care about graphql (``vaex-graphql``), you can leave out those packages. Copy paste the following lines and remove what you do not need: * **Regular Python users**: ``pip install vaex-core vaex-viz vaex-jupyter vaex-server vaex-hdf5 vaex-astro vaex-ml`` * **Anaconda users**: ``conda install -c conda-forge vaex-core vaex-viz vaex-jupyter vaex-server vaex-hdf5 vaex-astro vaex-ml`` For developers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want to work on vaex for a Pull Request from the source, use the following recipe: * ``git clone --recursive https://github.com/vaexio/vaex`` # make sure you get the submodules * ``cd vaex`` * make sure the dev versions of pcre are installed (e.g. ``conda install -c conda-forge pcre``) * install using (note: if you're on Windows, make sure that your command line/terminal has administrator privileges): * ``make init`` or ``pip install -e ".[dev]"`` (again, use (ana)conda or virtualenv/venv) * If you want to do a PR * ``git remote rename origin upstream`` * (now fork on github) * ``git remote add origin https://github.com/yourusername/vaex/`` * ... edit code ... (or do this after the next step) * ``git checkout -b feature_X`` * ``git commit -a -m "new: some feature X"`` * ``git push origin feature_X`` * ``git checkout master`` * Get your code in sync with upstream * ``git checkout master`` * ``git fetch upstream`` * ``git merge upstream/master``