Source code for

import warnings

import numpy as np

import vaex

def ensure_string_arguments(*args):
    result = []
    for arg in args:
    return result

def _prf_divide(numerator, denominator, metric, modifier, average, warn_for, zero_division="warn"):
    '''Performs division and handles divide-by-zero.

    On zero-division, sets the corresponding result elements equal to 0 or 1 (according to ``zero_division``).
    Plus, if ``zero_division != "warn"`` raises a warning.

    The metric, modifier and average arguments are used only for determining an appropriate warning.

    Note: this function was forked from the project
    and was originally published under BSD-3 license, which is included in packages/vaex-ml/SCIKIT_LEARN_LICENSE.txt
    mask = denominator == 0.0
    denominator = denominator.copy()
    denominator[mask] = 1  # avoid infs/nans
    result = numerator / denominator

    if not np.any(mask):
        return result

    # if ``zero_division=1``, set those with denominator == 0 equal to 1
    result[mask] = 0.0 if zero_division in ["warn", 0] else 1.0

    # the user will be removing warnings if zero_division is set to something
    # different than its default value. If we are computing only f-score
    # the warning will be raised only if precision and recall are ill-defined
    if zero_division != "warn" or metric not in warn_for:
        return result

    # build appropriate warning
    # E.g. "Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in
    # labels with no predicted samples. Use ``zero_division`` parameter to
    # control this behavior."

    if metric in warn_for and "f-score" in warn_for:
        msg_start = "{0} and F-score are".format(metric.title())
    elif metric in warn_for:
        msg_start = "{0} is".format(metric.title())
    elif "f-score" in warn_for:
        msg_start = "F-score is"
        return result

    _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result))

    return result

def _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, result_size):
    Note: this function was forked from the project
    and was originally published under BSD-3 license, which is included in packages/vaex-ml/SCIKIT_LEARN_LICENSE.txt
    axis0, axis1 = "sample", "label"
    if average == "samples":
        axis0, axis1 = axis1, axis0
    msg = (
        "{0} ill-defined and being set to 0.0 {{0}} "
        "no {1} {2}s. Use `zero_division` parameter to control"
        " this behavior.".format(msg_start, modifier, axis0)
    if result_size == 1:
        msg = msg.format("due to")
        msg = msg.format("in {0}s with".format(axis1))
    warnings.warn(msg, UndefinedMetricWarning, stacklevel=2)

class UndefinedMetricWarning(UserWarning):
    '''Warning used when the metric is invalid

    (this function is taken verbatim from scikit-learn)

[docs]class DataFrameAccessorMetrics(): '''Common metrics for evaluating machine learning tasks. This DataFrame Accessor contains a number of common machine learning evaluation metrics. The idea is that the metrics can be evaluated out-of-core, and without the need to materialize the target and predicted columns. See for a list of supported evaluation metrics. ''' def __init__(self, ml): = ml self.df =
[docs] @vaex.docstrings.docsubst def accuracy_score(self, y_true, y_pred, selection=None, array_type='python'): ''' Calculates the accuracy classification score. :param y_true: {expression_one} :param y_pred: {expression_one} :param selection: {selection} :param array_type: {array_type} :returns: The accuracy score. Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(y_true=[1, 1, 0, 1, 0], y_pred=[1, 0, 0, 1, 1]) >>>, df.y_pred) 0.6 ''' y_true, y_pred = ensure_string_arguments(y_true, y_pred) acc = (self.df[y_true] == self.df[y_pred]).sum(selection=selection) / self.df.count(selection=selection) if vaex.utils._issequence(acc): return vaex.array_types.convert(acc, type=array_type) else: return acc
[docs] @vaex.docstrings.docsubst def confusion_matrix(self, y_true, y_pred, selection=None, array_type=None): ''' Docstrings :param y_true: {expression_one} :param y_pred: {expression_one} :param selection: {selection} :param array_type: {array_type} :returns: The confusion matrix Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(y_true=[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], y_pred=[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) >>>, df.y_pred) array([[1, 1], [1, 3]] ''' y_true, y_pred = ensure_string_arguments(y_true, y_pred) df = self.df.copy() # To not modify the original DataFrame if df.is_category(y_true) is not True: df = df.ordinal_encode(y_true) if df.is_category(y_pred) is not True: df = df.ordinal_encode(y_pred) return df.count(binby=(y_true, y_pred), selection=selection, array_type=array_type)
[docs] @vaex.docstrings.docsubst def precision_recall_fscore(self, y_true, y_pred, average='binary', selection=None, array_type=None): '''Calculates the precision, recall and f1 score for a classification problem. These metrics are defined as follows: - precision = tp / (tp + fp) - recall = tp / (tp + fn) - f1 = tp / (tp + 0.5 * (fp + fn)) where "tp" are true positives, "fp" are false positives, and "fn" are false negatives. For a binary classification problem, `average` should be set to "binary". In this case it is assumed that the input data is encoded in 0 and 1 integers, where the class of importance is labeled as 1. For multiclass classification problems, `average` should be set to "macro". The "macro" average is the unweighted mean of a metric for each label. For multiclass problems the data can be ordinal encoded, but class names are also supported. :y_true: {expression_one} :y_pred: {expression_one} :average: Should be either 'binary' or 'macro'. :selection: {selection} :array_type: {array_type} :returns: The precision, recall and f1 score Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(y_true=[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], y_pred=[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) >>>, df.y_pred) (0.75, 0.75, 0.75) ''' y_true, y_pred = ensure_string_arguments(y_true, y_pred) assert average in ['binary', 'macro'] C = self.confusion_matrix(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, array_type='numpy', selection=selection) if average == 'binary': if (len(C.shape) == 2) & (C.shape == (2, 2)): Cdiag = np.diag(C) precision = _prf_divide(Cdiag, np.sum(C, axis=0), 'precision', 'predicted', average, 'precision')[1] recall = _prf_divide(Cdiag, np.sum(C, axis=1), 'recall', 'predicted', average, 'recall')[1] f1 = _prf_divide(vaex.array_types.to_numpy(2 * precision * recall), vaex.array_types.to_numpy(precision + recall), 'f1', 'predicted', average, 'f1').item() elif (len(C.shape) == 3) & (C.shape[1:] == (2, 2)): Cdiag = np.array([np.diag(i) for i in C]) precision = _prf_divide(Cdiag, np.array([np.sum(i, axis=0) for i in C]), 'precision', 'predicted', average, 'precision')[:, 1] recall = _prf_divide(Cdiag, np.array([np.sum(i, axis=1) for i in C]), 'recall', 'predicted', average, 'recall')[:, 1] f1 = _prf_divide(2 * precision * recall, precision + recall, 'f1', 'predicted', average, 'f1') else: raise ValueError('Cannot calculate metrics for `average="binary"`.') else: if len(C.shape) == 2: Cdiag = np.diag(C) precision_array = _prf_divide(Cdiag, np.sum(C, axis=0), 'precision', 'predicted', average, 'precision') recall_array = _prf_divide(Cdiag, np.sum(C, axis=1), 'recall', 'predicted', average, 'recall') f1_array = _prf_divide(vaex.array_types.to_numpy(2 * precision_array * recall_array), vaex.array_types.to_numpy(precision_array + recall_array), 'f1', 'predicted', average, 'f1') precision = precision_array.mean() recall = recall_array.mean() f1 = f1_array.mean() if len(C.shape) == 3: Cdiag = np.array([np.diag(i) for i in C]) precision_array = _prf_divide(Cdiag, np.array([np.sum(i, axis=0) for i in C]), 'precision', 'predicted', average, 'precision') recall_array = _prf_divide(Cdiag, np.array([np.sum(i, axis=1) for i in C]), 'recall', 'predicted', average, 'recall') f1_array = _prf_divide(2 * precision_array * recall_array, precision_array + recall_array, 'f1', 'predicted', average, 'f1') precision = precision_array.mean(axis=1) recall = recall_array.mean(axis=1) f1 = f1_array.mean(axis=1) if vaex.utils._issequence(precision): return (vaex.array_types.convert(precision, type=array_type), vaex.array_types.convert(recall, type=array_type), vaex.array_types.convert(f1, type=array_type)) return precision, recall, f1
[docs] @vaex.docstrings.docsubst def precision_score(self, y_true, y_pred, average='binary', selection=None, array_type=None): '''Calculates the precision classification score. For a binary classification problem, `average` should be set to "binary". In this case it is assumed that the input data is encoded in 0 and 1 integers, where the class of importance is labeled as 1. For multiclass classification problems, `average` should be set to "macro". The "macro" average is the unweighted mean of a metric for each label. For multiclass problems the data can be ordinal encoded, but class names are also supported. :param y_true: {expression_one} :param y_pred: {expression_one} :param average: Should be either 'binary' or 'macro'. :param selection: {selection} :param array_type: {array_type} :returns: The precision score Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(y_true=[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], y_pred=[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) >>>, df.y_pred) 0.75 ''' y_true, y_pred = ensure_string_arguments(y_true, y_pred) precision, _, _ = self.precision_recall_fscore(y_true, y_pred, average=average, selection=selection, array_type=array_type) return precision
[docs] @vaex.docstrings.docsubst def recall_score(self, y_true, y_pred, average='binary', selection=None, array_type=None): ''' Calculates the recall classification score. For a binary classification problem, `average` should be set to "binary". In this case it is assumed that the input data is encoded in 0 and 1 integers, where the class of importance is labeled as 1. For multiclass classification problems, `average` should be set to "macro". The "macro" average is the unweighted mean of a metric for each label. For multiclass problems the data can be ordinal encoded, but class names are also supported. :param y_true: {expression_one} :param y_pred: {expression_one} :param average: Should be either 'binary' or 'macro'. :param selection: {selection} :param array_type: {array_type} :returns: The recall score Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(y_true=[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], y_pred=[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) >>>, df.y_pred) 0.75 ''' y_true, y_pred = ensure_string_arguments(y_true, y_pred) _, recall, _ = self.precision_recall_fscore(y_true, y_pred, average=average, selection=selection, array_type=array_type) return recall
[docs] def f1_score(self, y_true, y_pred, average='binary', selection=None, array_type=None): '''Calculates the F1 score. This is the harmonic average between the precision and the recall. For a binary classification problem, `average` should be set to "binary". In this case it is assumed that the input data is encoded in 0 and 1 integers, where the class of importance is labeled as 1. For multiclass classification problems, `average` should be set to "macro". The "macro" average is the unweighted mean of a metric for each label. For multiclass problems the data can be ordinal encoded, but class names are also supported. :param y_true: {expression_one} :param y_pred: {expression_one} :param average: Should be either 'binary' or 'macro'. :param selection: {selection} :param array_type: {array_type} :returns: The recall score Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(y_true=[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], y_pred=[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) >>>, df.y_pred) 0.75 ''' y_true, y_pred = ensure_string_arguments(y_true, y_pred) _, _, f1 = self.precision_recall_fscore(y_true, y_pred, average=average, selection=selection, array_type=array_type) return f1
[docs] def matthews_correlation_coefficient(self, y_true, y_pred, selection=None, array_type=None): '''Calculates the Matthews correlation coefficient. This metric can be used for both binary and multiclass classification problems. :param y_true: {expression_one} :param y_pred: {expression_one} :param selection: {selection} :returns: The Matthews correlation coefficient. Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(y_true=[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], y_pred=[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) >>>, df.y_pred) 0.25 ''' C = self.confusion_matrix(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, selection=selection, array_type='numpy') if len(C.shape) == 2: # This is from scikit-learn t_sum = C.sum(axis=1, dtype=np.float64) p_sum = C.sum(axis=0, dtype=np.float64) n_correct = np.trace(C, dtype=np.float64) n_samples = p_sum.sum() cov_ytyp = n_correct * n_samples -, p_sum) cov_ypyp = n_samples ** 2 -, p_sum) cov_ytyt = n_samples ** 2 -, t_sum) if cov_ypyp * cov_ytyt == 0: return 0.0 else: return cov_ytyp / np.sqrt(cov_ytyt * cov_ypyp) else: t_sum = np.array([i.sum(axis=1, dtype=np.float64) for i in C]) p_sum = np.array([i.sum(axis=0, dtype=np.float64) for i in C]) n_correct = np.array([np.trace(i, dtype=np.float64) for i in C]) n_samples =p_sum.sum(axis=1) cov_ytyp = n_correct * n_samples - np.array([, j) for i, j in zip(t_sum, p_sum)]) cov_ypyp = n_samples ** 2 - np.array([, i) for i in p_sum]) cov_ytyt = n_samples ** 2 - np.array([, i) for i in t_sum]) mcc = _prf_divide(cov_ytyp, np.sqrt(cov_ytyt * cov_ypyp), metric='MCC', modifier='predicted', average='n/a', warn_for=[None]) if vaex.utils._issequence(mcc): return vaex.array_types.convert(mcc, type=array_type) return mcc
[docs] @vaex.docstrings.docsubst def classification_report(self, y_true, y_pred, average='binary', decimals=3): '''Returns a text report showing the main classification metrics The accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are shown. Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(y_true=[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], y_pred=[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) >>> report =, df.y_pred) >>> print(report) >>> print(report) Classification report: Accuracy: 0.667 Precision: 0.75 Recall: 0.75 F1: 0.75 ''' accuracy_score = self.accuracy_score(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred) precision_score, recall_score, f1_score = self.precision_recall_fscore(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, average=average) report = f''' Classification report: Accuracy: {accuracy_score:.{decimals}} Precision: {precision_score:.{decimals}} Recall: {recall_score:.{decimals}} F1: {f1_score:.{decimals}} ''' return report
[docs] @vaex.docstrings.docsubst def mean_absolute_error(self, y_true, y_pred, selection=None, array_type='python'): '''Calculate the mean absolute error. :param y_true: {expression_one} :param y_pred: {expression_one} :param selection: {selection} :param str array_type: {array_type} :returns: The mean absolute error Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.datasets.iris() >>>, df.petal_length) 2.0846666666666667 ''' y_true, y_pred = ensure_string_arguments(y_true, y_pred) score = (np.abs(self.df[y_true] - self.df[y_pred])).mean(selection=selection) if vaex.utils._issequence(selection): return vaex.array_types.convert(score, type=array_type) else: return score.item()
[docs] @vaex.docstrings.docsubst def mean_squared_error(self, y_true, y_pred, selection=None, array_type='python'): '''Calculates the mean squared error. :param y_true: {expression_one} :param y_pred: {expression_one} :param selection: {selection} :param str array_type: {array_type} :returns: The mean squared error Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.datasets.iris() >>>, df.petal_length) 5.589000000000001 ''' y_true, y_pred = ensure_string_arguments(y_true, y_pred) score = ((self.df[y_true] - self.df[y_pred])**2).mean(selection=selection) if vaex.utils._issequence(selection): return vaex.array_types.convert(score, type=array_type) else: return score.item()
[docs] @vaex.docstrings.docsubst def r2_score(self, y_true, y_pred): '''Calculates the R**2 (coefficient of determination) regression score function. :param y_true: {expression_one} :param y_pred: {expression_one} :param selection: {selection} :param str array_type: {array_type} :returns: The R**2 score Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.datasets.iris() >>>, df.petal_length) -7.205575765485069 ''' y_true, y_pred = ensure_string_arguments(y_true, y_pred) numerator = ((self.df[y_true] - self.df[y_pred])**2).sum() denominator = ((self.df[y_true] - self.df[y_true].mean())**2).sum() return 1 - _prf_divide(numerator, denominator, metric='R2', modifier='predicted', average='n/a', warn_for=[None])