Source code for

import vaex.dataframe
from vaex.serialize import register
import numpy as np
from . import generate
from .state import HasState
import traitlets
from vaex.utils import _ensure_strings_from_expressions
import numpy as np
import warnings

help_features = 'List of features to transform.'
help_prefix = 'Prefix for the names of the transformed features.'

def dot_product(a, b):
    products = ['%s * %s' % (ai, bi) for ai, bi in zip(a, b)]
    return ' + '.join(products)

class StateTransfer(HasState):
    state = traitlets.Dict()

    def transform(self, df):
        copy = df.copy()
        self.state = dict(self.state, active_range=[copy._index_start, copy._index_end])
        return copy

class Transformer(HasState):
    ''' Parent class for all of the transformers.
    features = traitlets.List(traitlets.Unicode(), help=help_features).tag(ui='SelectMultiple')

    def fit_transform(self, df):
        '''Fit and apply the transformer to the supplied DataFrame.

        :param df: A vaex DataFrame.

        :returns copy: A shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the transformations.
        return self.transform(df=df)

[docs]@register @generate.register class PCA(Transformer): '''Transform a set of features using a Principal Component Analysis. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=[2,5,7,2,15], y=[-2,3,0,0,10]) >>> df # x y 0 2 -2 1 5 3 2 7 0 3 2 0 4 15 10 >>> pca =, features=['x', 'y']) >>> pca.fit_transform(df) # x y PCA_0 PCA_1 0 2 -2 5.92532 0.413011 1 5 3 0.380494 -1.39112 2 7 0 0.840049 2.18502 3 2 0 4.61287 -1.09612 4 15 10 -11.7587 -0.110794 ''' # title = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='PCA', read_only=True).tag(ui='HTML') n_components = traitlets.Int(help='Number of components to retain. If None, all the components will be retained.').tag(ui='IntText') prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value="PCA_", help=help_prefix) progress = traitlets.CBool(default_value=False, help='If True, display a progressbar of the PCA fitting process.').tag(ui='Checkbox') eigen_vectors_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat()), help='The eigen vectors corresponding to each feature').tag(output=True) eigen_values_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat(), help='The eigen values that correspond to each feature.').tag(output=True) means_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat(), help='The mean of each feature').tag(output=True) @traitlets.default('n_components') def get_n_components_default(self): return len(self.features)
[docs] def fit(self, df): '''Fit the PCA model to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' self.n_components = self.n_components or len(self.features) assert self.n_components >= 2, 'At least two features are required.' assert self.n_components <= len(self.features), 'Can not have more components than features.' C = df.cov(self.features, progress=self.progress) eigen_values, eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eigh(C) indices = np.argsort(eigen_values)[::-1] self.means_ = df.mean(self.features, progress=self.progress).tolist() self.eigen_vectors_ = eigen_vectors[:, indices].tolist() self.eigen_values_ = eigen_values[indices].tolist()
[docs] def transform(self, df, n_components=None): '''Apply the PCA transformation to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :param n_components: The number of PCA components to retain. :return copy: A shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the PCA components. :rtype: DataFrame ''' n_components = n_components or self.n_components copy = df.copy() name_prefix_offset = 0 eigen_vectors = np.array(self.eigen_vectors_) while self.prefix + str(name_prefix_offset) in copy.get_column_names(virtual=True, strings=True): name_prefix_offset += 1 expressions = [copy[feature]-mean for feature, mean in zip(self.features, self.means_)] for i in range(n_components): v = eigen_vectors[:, i] expr = dot_product(expressions, v) name = self.prefix + str(i + name_prefix_offset) copy[name] = expr return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class LabelEncoder(Transformer): '''Encode categorical columns with integer values between 0 and num_classes-1. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(color=['red', 'green', 'green', 'blue', 'red']) >>> df # color 0 red 1 green 2 green 3 blue 4 red >>> encoder =['color']) >>> encoder.fit_transform(df) # color label_encoded_color 0 red 2 1 green 1 2 green 1 3 blue 0 4 red 2 ''' # title = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='Label Encoder', read_only=True).tag(ui='HTML') prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='label_encoded_', help=help_prefix).tag(ui='Text') labels_ = traitlets.Dict(default_value={}, allow_none=True, help='The encoded labels of each feature.').tag(output=True) allow_unseen = traitlets.Bool(default_value=False, allow_none=False, help='If True, unseen values will be \ encoded with -1, otherwise an error is raised').tag(ui='Checkbox')
[docs] def fit(self, df): '''Fit LabelEncoder to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' for feature in self.features: labels = vaex.array_types.tolist(df[feature].unique()) self.labels_[feature] = dict(zip(labels, np.arange(len(labels))))
[docs] def transform(self, df): ''' Transform a DataFrame with a fitted LabelEncoder. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. Returns: :return copy: A shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the encodings. :rtype: DataFrame ''' default_value = None if self.allow_unseen: default_value = -1 copy = df.copy() for feature in self.features: name = self.prefix + feature copy[name] = copy[feature].map(mapper=self.labels_[feature], default_value=default_value) return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class OneHotEncoder(Transformer): '''Encode categorical columns according ot the One-Hot scheme. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(color=['red', 'green', 'green', 'blue', 'red']) >>> df # color 0 red 1 green 2 green 3 blue 4 red >>> encoder =['color']) >>> encoder.fit_transform(df) # color color_blue color_green color_red 0 red 0 0 1 1 green 0 1 0 2 green 0 1 0 3 blue 1 0 0 4 red 0 0 1 ''' # title = Unicode(default_value='One-Hot Encoder', read_only=True).tag(ui='HTML') prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='', help=help_prefix).tag(ui='Text') one = traitlets.Any(1, help='Value to encode when a category is present.') zero = traitlets.Any(0, help='Value to encode when category is absent.') uniques_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.List(), help='The unique elements found in each feature.').tag(output=True)
[docs] def fit(self, df): '''Fit OneHotEncoder to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' uniques = [] for i in self.features: expression = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(i) unique_values = vaex.array_types.tolist(df.unique(expression)) if None in unique_values: unique_values.remove(None) unique_values.sort() unique_values.insert(0, None) # This is done in place else: unique_values.sort() uniques.append(unique_values) self.uniques_ = uniques
[docs] def transform(self, df): '''Transform a DataFrame with a fitted OneHotEncoder. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :return: A shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the encodings. :rtype: DataFrame ''' copy = df.copy() # for each feature, add a virtual column for each unique entry for i, feature in enumerate(self.features): for j, value in enumerate(self.uniques_[i]): str_value = str(value) if value is not None else 'missing' column_name = self.prefix + feature + '_' + str_value if value is None: copy[column_name] = copy.func.where(copy[feature].ismissing(),, elif isinstance(value, np.float) and np.isnan(value): copy[column_name] = copy.func.where(copy[feature].isnan(),, else: copy[column_name] = copy.func.where(copy[feature] == value,, return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class FrequencyEncoder(Transformer): '''Encode categorical columns by the frequency of their respective samples. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(color=['red', 'green', 'green', 'blue', 'red', 'green']) >>> df # color 0 red 1 green 2 green 3 blue 4 red >>> encoder =['color']) >>> encoder.fit_transform(df) # color frequency_encoded_color 0 red 0.333333 1 green 0.5 2 green 0.5 3 blue 0.166667 4 red 0.333333 5 green 0.5 ''' prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='frequency_encoded_', help=help_prefix).tag(ui='Text') unseen = traitlets.Enum(values=['zero', 'nan'], default_value='nan', help='Strategy to deal with unseen values.') mappings_ = traitlets.Dict()
[docs] def fit(self, df): '''Fit FrequencyEncoder to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' # number of samples nsamples = len(df) # Encoding for feature in self.features: self.mappings_[feature] = dict(df[feature].value_counts() / nsamples)
[docs] def transform(self, df): '''Transform a DataFrame with a fitted FrequencyEncoder. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :return: A shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the encodings. :rtype: DataFrame ''' copy = df.copy() default_value = {'zero': 0., 'nan': np.nan}[self.unseen] for feature in self.features: name = self.prefix + feature expression = copy[feature].map(self.mappings_[feature], nan_value=np.nan, missing_value=np.nan, default_value=default_value, allow_missing=True) copy[name] = expression return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class StandardScaler(Transformer): '''Standardize features by removing thir mean and scaling them to unit variance. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=[2,5,7,2,15], y=[-2,3,0,0,10]) >>> df # x y 0 2 -2 1 5 3 2 7 0 3 2 0 4 15 10 >>> scaler =['x', 'y']) >>> scaler.fit_transform(df) # x y standard_scaled_x standard_scaled_y 0 2 -2 -0.876523 -0.996616 1 5 3 -0.250435 0.189832 2 7 0 0.166957 -0.522037 3 2 0 -0.876523 -0.522037 4 15 10 1.83652 1.85086 ''' # title = Unicode(default_value='Standard Scaler', read_only=True).tag(ui='HTML') prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value="standard_scaled_", help=help_prefix).tag(ui='Text') with_mean = traitlets.CBool(default_value=True, help='If True, remove the mean from each feature.').tag(ui='Checkbox') with_std = traitlets.CBool(default_value=True, help='If True, scale each feature to unit variance.').tag(ui='Checkbox') mean_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat(), help='The mean of each feature').tag(output=True) std_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat(), help='The standard deviation of each feature.').tag(output=True)
[docs] def fit(self, df): ''' Fit StandardScaler to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' mean = df.mean(self.features, delay=True) std = df.std(self.features, delay=True) @vaex.delayed def assign(mean, std): self.mean_ = mean.tolist() self.std_ = std.tolist() assign(mean, std) df.execute()
[docs] def transform(self, df): ''' Transform a DataFrame with a fitted StandardScaler. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :returns copy: a shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the scaled features. :rtype: DataFrame ''' copy = df.copy() for i, feature in enumerate(self.features): name = self.prefix+feature expression = copy[feature] if self.with_mean: expression -= self.mean_[i] if self.with_std: expression /= self.std_[i] copy[name] = expression return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class MinMaxScaler(Transformer): '''Will scale a set of features to a given range. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=[2,5,7,2,15], y=[-2,3,0,0,10]) >>> df # x y 0 2 -2 1 5 3 2 7 0 3 2 0 4 15 10 >>> scaler =['x', 'y']) >>> scaler.fit_transform(df) # x y minmax_scaled_x minmax_scaled_y 0 2 -2 0 0 1 5 3 0.230769 0.416667 2 7 0 0.384615 0.166667 3 2 0 0 0.166667 4 15 10 1 1 ''' snake_name = 'minmax_scaler' # title = Unicode(default_value='MinMax Scaler', read_only=True).tag(ui='HTML') feature_range = traitlets.Tuple(default_value=(0, 1), help='The range the features are scaled to.').tag().tag(ui='FloatRangeSlider') prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value="minmax_scaled_", help=help_prefix).tag(ui='Text') fmax_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat(), help='The minimum value of a feature.').tag(output=True) fmin_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat(), help='The maximum value of a feature.').tag(output=True)
[docs] def fit(self, df): ''' Fit MinMaxScaler to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' minmax = [] for feat in self.features: minmax.append(df.minmax(feat, delay=True)) @vaex.delayed def assign(minmax): self.fmin_ = [elem[0] for elem in minmax] self.fmax_ = [elem[1] for elem in minmax] assign(minmax) df.execute()
[docs] def transform(self, df): ''' Transform a DataFrame with a fitted MinMaxScaler. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :return copy: a shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the scaled features. :rtype: DataFrame ''' copy = df.copy() for i, feature in enumerate(self.features): name = self.prefix + feature a = self.feature_range[0] b = self.feature_range[1] expr = copy[feature] expr = (b-a)*(expr-self.fmin_[i])/(self.fmax_[i]-self.fmin_[i]) + a copy[name] = expr return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class MaxAbsScaler(Transformer): ''' Scale features by their maximum absolute value. Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=[2,5,7,2,15], y=[-2,3,0,0,10]) >>> df # x y 0 2 -2 1 5 3 2 7 0 3 2 0 4 15 10 >>> scaler =['x', 'y']) >>> scaler.fit_transform(df) # x y absmax_scaled_x absmax_scaled_y 0 2 -2 0.133333 -0.2 1 5 3 0.333333 0.3 2 7 0 0.466667 0 3 2 0 0.133333 0 4 15 10 1 1 ''' prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value="absmax_scaled_", help=help_prefix).tag(ui='Text') absmax_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat(), help='Tha maximum absolute value of a feature.').tag(output=True)
[docs] def fit(self, df): ''' Fit MinMaxScaler to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' absmax = df.max(['abs(%s)' % k for k in self.features]).tolist() # Check if the absmax_ value is 0, in which case replace with 1 self.absmax_ = [value if value != 0 else 1 for value in absmax]
[docs] def transform(self, df): ''' Transform a DataFrame with a fitted MaxAbsScaler. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :return copy: a shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the scaled features. :rtype: DataFrame ''' copy = df.copy() for i, feature in enumerate(self.features): name = self.prefix + feature expr = copy[feature] expr = expr / self.absmax_[i] copy[name] = expr return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class RobustScaler(Transformer): ''' The RobustScaler removes the median and scales the data according to a given percentile range. By default, the scaling is done between the 25th and the 75th percentile. Centering and scaling happens independently for each feature (column). Example: >>> import vaex >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=[2,5,7,2,15], y=[-2,3,0,0,10]) >>> df # x y 0 2 -2 1 5 3 2 7 0 3 2 0 4 15 10 >>> scaler =['x', 'y']) >>> scaler.fit_transform(df) # x y robust_scaled_x robust_scaled_y 0 2 -2 -0.333686 -0.266302 1 5 3 -0.000596934 0.399453 2 7 0 0.221462 0 3 2 0 -0.333686 0 4 15 10 1.1097 1.33151 ''' with_centering = traitlets.CBool(default_value=True, help='If True, remove the median.').tag(ui='Checkbox') with_scaling = traitlets.CBool(default_value=True, help='If True, scale each feature between the specified percentile range.').tag(ui='Checkbox') percentile_range = traitlets.Tuple(default_value=(25, 75), help='The percentile range to which to scale each feature to.').tag().tag(ui='FloatRangeSlider') prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value="robust_scaled_", help=help_prefix).tag(ui='Text') center_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat(), default_value=None, help='The median of each feature.').tag(output=True) scale_ = traitlets.List(traitlets.CFloat(), default_value=None, help='The percentile range for each feature.').tag(output=True)
[docs] def fit(self, df): ''' Fit RobustScaler to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' # check the quantile range q_min, q_max = self.percentile_range if not 0 <= q_min <= q_max <= 100: raise ValueError('Invalid percentile range: %s' % (str(self.percentile_range))) if self.with_centering: self.center_ = df.percentile_approx(expression=self.features, percentage=50).tolist() if self.with_scaling: self.scale_ = (df.percentile_approx(expression=self.features, percentage=q_max) - df.percentile_approx(expression=self.features, percentage=q_min)).tolist()
[docs] def transform(self, df): ''' Transform a DataFrame with a fitted RobustScaler. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :returns copy: a shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the scaled features. :rtype: DataFrame ''' copy = df.copy() for i, feature in enumerate(self.features): name = self.prefix+feature expr = copy[feature] if self.with_centering: expr -= self.center_[i] if self.with_scaling: expr /= self.scale_[i] copy[name] = expr return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class CycleTransformer(Transformer): '''A strategy for transforming cyclical features (e.g. angles, time). Think of each feature as an angle of a unit circle in polar coordinates, and then and then obtaining the x and y coordinate projections, or the cos and sin components respectively. Suitable for a variaty of machine learning tasks. It preserves the cyclical continuity of the feature. Inspired by: >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(days=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> cyctrans =, features=['days']) >>> cyctrans.fit_transform(df) # days days_x days_y 0 0 1 0 1 1 0.62349 0.781831 2 2 -0.222521 0.974928 3 3 -0.900969 0.433884 4 4 -0.900969 -0.433884 5 5 -0.222521 -0.974928 6 6 0.62349 -0.781831 ''' n = traitlets.CInt(allow_none=False, help='The number of elements in one cycle.') prefix_x = traitlets.Unicode(default_value="", help='Prefix for the x-component of the transformed features.').tag(ui='Text') prefix_y = traitlets.Unicode(default_value="", help='Prefix for the y-component of the transformed features.').tag(ui='Text') suffix_x = traitlets.Unicode(default_value="_x", help='Suffix for the x-component of the transformed features.').tag(ui='Text') suffix_y = traitlets.Unicode(default_value="_y", help='Suffix for the y-component of the transformed features.').tag(ui='Text')
[docs] def fit(self, df): ''' Fit a CycleTransformer to the DataFrame. This is a dummy method, as it is not needed for the transformation to be applied. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' pass
[docs] def transform(self, df): ''' Transform a DataFrame with a CycleTransformer. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' copy = df.copy() for feature in self.features: name_x = self.prefix_x + feature + self.suffix_x copy[name_x] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * copy[feature] / self.n) name_y = self.prefix_y + feature + self.suffix_y copy[name_y] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * copy[feature] / self.n) return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class BayesianTargetEncoder(Transformer): '''Encode categorical variables with a Bayesian Target Encoder. The categories are encoded by the mean of their target value, which is adjusted by the global mean value of the target variable using a Bayesian schema. For a larger `weight` value, the target encodings are smoothed toward the global mean, while for a `weight` of 0, the encodings are just the mean target value per class. Reference: Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b'], ... y=[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) >>> target_encoder =['x'], weight=4) >>> target_encoder.fit_transform(df, 'y') # x y mean_encoded_x 0 a 1 0.625 1 a 1 0.625 2 a 1 0.625 3 a 0 0.625 4 b 0 0.375 5 b 0 0.375 6 b 0 0.375 7 b 1 0.375 ''' target = traitlets.Unicode(help='The name of the column containing the target variable.') weight = traitlets.CFloat(default_value=100, allow_none=False, help='Weight to be applied to the mean encodings (smoothing parameter).') prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='mean_encoded_', help=help_prefix) unseen = traitlets.Enum(values=['zero', 'nan'], default_value='nan', help='Strategy to deal with unseen values.') mappings_ = traitlets.Dict()
[docs] def fit(self, df): '''Fit a BayesianTargetEncoder to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame ''' # The global target mean - used for the smoothing global_target_mean = df[].mean().item() # TODO: we don't have delayed groupby yet, which could speed up the case with many features (1 pass over the data) for feature in self.features: agg = df.groupby(feature, agg={'count': vaex.agg.count(), 'mean': vaex.agg.mean(}) agg['encoding'] = (agg['count'] * agg['mean'] + self.weight * global_target_mean) / (agg['count'] + self.weight) self.mappings_[feature] = {value[feature]: value['encoding'] for index, value in agg.iterrows()}
[docs] def transform(self, df): '''Transform a DataFrame with a fitted BayesianTargetEncoder. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :return: A shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the encodings. :rtype: DataFrame ''' copy = df.copy() default_value = {'zero': 0., 'nan': np.nan}[self.unseen] for feature in self.features: name = self.prefix + feature copy[name] = copy[feature].map(self.mappings_[feature], nan_value=np.nan, missing_value=np.nan, default_value=default_value, allow_missing=True) return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class WeightOfEvidenceEncoder(Transformer): '''Encode categorical variables with a Weight of Evidence Encoder. Weight of Evidence measures how well a particular feature supports the given hypothesis (i.e. the target variable). With this encoder, each category in a categorical feature is encoded by its "strength" i.e. Weight of Evidence value. The target feature can be a boolean or numerical column, where True/1 is seen as 'Good', and False/0 is seen as 'Bad' Reference: Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c'], ... y=[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]) >>> woe_encoder ='y', features=['x']) >>> woe_encoder.fit_transform(df) # x y mean_encoded_x 0 a 1 13.8155 1 a 1 13.8155 2 b 0 -0.693147 3 b 0 -0.693147 4 b 1 -0.693147 5 c 1 0 6 c 0 0 ''' target = traitlets.Unicode(help='The name of the column containing the target variable.') prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='woe_encoded_', help=help_prefix) unseen = traitlets.Enum(values=['zero', 'nan'], default_value='nan', help='Strategy to deal with unseen values.') epsilon = traitlets.Float(0.000001, help="Small value taken as minimum fot the negatives, to avoid a division by zero") mappings_ = traitlets.Dict()
[docs] def fit(self, df): '''Fit a WeightOfEvidenceEncoder to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame ''' values = df[].unique(dropna=True) if not ( (len(values) == 2 and (0 in values and 1 in values)) or \ (len(values) == 1 and (0 in values or 1 in values)) or len(values) == 0 # all missing values ): raise ValueError("Target contains values different from True/1 and False/0: %r" % values) for feature in self.features: # Instead of counting the goods and bad, we divide by the count # which reduces to the mean agg = df.groupby(feature, agg={'positive': vaex.agg.mean(}) agg['positive'] = agg.func.where(agg['positive'] == 0, self.epsilon, agg['positive']) agg['negative'] = 1 - agg.positive agg['negative'] = agg.func.where(agg['negative'] == 0, self.epsilon, agg['negative']) agg['woe'] = np.log(agg.positive/agg.negative) self.mappings_[feature] = {value[feature]: value['woe'] for index, value in agg.iterrows()}
[docs] def transform(self, df): '''Transform a DataFrame with a fitted WeightOfEvidenceEncoder. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :return: A shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the encodings. :rtype: DataFrame ''' copy = df.copy() default_value = {'zero': 0., 'nan': np.nan}[self.unseen] for feature in self.features: name = self.prefix + feature copy[name] = copy[feature].map(self.mappings_[feature], nan_value=np.nan, missing_value=np.nan, default_value=default_value, allow_missing=True) return copy
[docs]@register @generate.register class KBinsDiscretizer(Transformer): '''Bin continous features into discrete bins. A stretegy to encode continuous features into discrete bins. The transformed columns contain the bin label each sample falls into. In a way this transformer Label/Ordinal encodes continous features. Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(x=[0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15]) >>> bin_trans =['x'], n_bins=3, strategy='uniform') >>> bin_trans.fit_transform(df) # x binned_x 0 0 0 1 2.5 0 2 5 1 3 7.5 1 4 10 2 5 12.5 2 6 15 2 ''' snake_name = 'kbins_discretizer' n_bins = traitlets.Int(allow_none=False, default_value=5, help='Number of bins. Must be greater than 1.') strategy = traitlets.Enum(values=['uniform', 'quantile', 'kmeans'], default_value='uniform', help='Strategy used to define the widths of the bins.') prefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='binned_', help=help_prefix) epsilon = traitlets.Float(default_value=1e-8, allow_none=False, help='Tiny value added to the bin edges ensuring samples close to the bin edges are binned correcly.') n_bins_ = traitlets.Dict(help='Number of bins per feature.').tag(output=True) bin_edges_ = traitlets.Dict(help='The bin edges for each binned feature').tag(output=True)
[docs] def fit(self, df): ''' Fit KBinsDiscretizer to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' # We need at least two bins to do the transformations assert self.n_bins > 1, ' Kwarg `n_bins` must be greated than 1.' # Find the extent of the features minmax = [] minmax_promise = [] for feat in self.features: minmax_promise.append(df.minmax(feat, delay=True)) @vaex.delayed def assign(minmax_promise): for elem in minmax_promise: minmax.append(elem) assign(minmax_promise) df.execute() # warning: everyting is cast to float, which is unavoidable due to the addition of self.epsilon minmax = np.array(minmax) minmax[:, 1] = minmax[:, 1] + self.epsilon # # Determine the bin edges and number of bins depending on the strategy per feature if self.strategy == 'uniform': bin_edges = {feat: np.linspace(minmax[i, 0], minmax[i, 1], self.n_bins+1) for i, feat in enumerate(self.features)} elif self.strategy == 'quantile': percentiles = np.linspace(0, 100, self.n_bins + 1) bin_edges = df.percentile_approx(self.features, percentage=percentiles) bin_edges = {feat: edges for feat, edges in zip(self.features, bin_edges)} else: from .cluster import KMeans bin_edges = {} for i, feat in enumerate(self.features): # Deterministic initialization with uniform spacing uniform_edges = np.linspace(minmax[i, 0], minmax[i, 1], self.n_bins+1) centers_init = ((uniform_edges[1:] + uniform_edges[:-1]) * 0.5).tolist() centers_init = [[elem] for elem in centers_init] # KMeans strategy km = KMeans(n_clusters=self.n_bins, init=centers_init, n_init=1, features=[feat]) # Get and sort the centres of the kmeans clusters centers = np.sort(np.array(km.cluster_centers).flatten()) # Put the bin edges half way between each center (ignoring the outermost edges) be = (centers[1:] + centers[:-1]) * 0.5 # The outermost edges are defined by the min/max of each feature # Quickly build a numpy array by concat individual values (min/max) and arrays (be) bin_edges[feat] = np.r_[minmax[i, 0], be, minmax[i, 1]] # Remove bins whose width are too small (i.e., <= 1e-8) n_bins = {} # number of bins per features that are actually used for feat in self.features: mask = np.diff(bin_edges[feat], append=np.inf) > 1e-8 be = bin_edges[feat][mask] if len(be) - 1 != self.n_bins: warnings.warn(f'Bins whose width are too small (i.e., <= 1e-8) in {feat} are removed.' f'Consider decreasing the number of bins.') bin_edges[feat] = be n_bins[feat] = len(be) - 1 self.bin_edges_ = bin_edges self.n_bins_ = n_bins
[docs] def transform(self, df): ''' Transform a DataFrame with a fitted KBinsDiscretizer. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :returns copy: a shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the binned features. :rtype: DataFrame ''' df = df.copy() for feat in self.features: name = self.prefix + feat # Samples outside the bin range are added to the closest bin df[name] = (df[feat].digitize(self.bin_edges_[feat]) - 1).clip(0, self.n_bins_[feat] - 1) return df
[docs]@register @generate.register class GroupByTransformer(Transformer): '''The GroupByTransformer creates aggregations via the groupby operation, which are joined to a DataFrame. This is useful for creating aggregate features. Example: >>> import vaex >>> import >>> df_train = vaex.from_arrays(x=['dog', 'dog', 'dog', 'cat', 'cat'], y=[2, 3, 4, 10, 20]) >>> df_test = vaex.from_arrays(x=['dog', 'cat', 'dog', 'mouse'], y=[5, 5, 5, 5]) >>> group_trans ='x', agg={'mean_y': vaex.agg.mean('y')}, rsuffix='_agg') >>> group_trans.fit_transform(df_train) # x y x_agg mean_y 0 dog 2 dog 3 1 dog 3 dog 3 2 dog 4 dog 3 3 cat 10 cat 15 4 cat 20 cat 15 >>> group_trans.transform(df_test) # x y x_agg mean_y 0 dog 5 dog 3.0 1 cat 5 cat 15.0 2 dog 5 dog 3.0 3 mouse 5 -- -- ''' snake_name = 'groupby_transformer' by = traitlets.Unicode(allow_none=False, help='The feature on which to do the grouping.') agg = traitlets.Dict(help='Dict where the keys are feature names and the values are vaex.agg objects.') rprefix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='', help='Prefix for the names of the aggregate features in case of a collision.') rsuffix = traitlets.Unicode(default_value='', help='Suffix for the names of the aggregate features in case of a collision.') df_group_ = traitlets.Instance(klass=vaex.dataframe.DataFrame, allow_none=True)
[docs] def fit(self, df): ''' Fit GroupByTransformer to the DataFrame. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. ''' if not self.agg: raise ValueError('You have to specify a dict for the `agg` keyword.') if len( raise ValueError('Please specify a value for the `by` keyword.') self.df_group_ = df.groupby(, agg=self.agg)
[docs] def transform(self, df): ''' Transform a DataFrame with a fitted GroupByTransformer. :param df: A vaex DataFrame. :returns copy: a shallow copy of the DataFrame that includes the aggregated features. :rtype: DataFrame ''' df = df.copy() # We effectively want to do a join, but since that is not part of the state, it will not be state # transferrable, instead we implement this with map # df = df.join(other=self.df_group_,, how='left', rprefix=self.rprefix, rsuffix=self.rsuffix) key_values = self.df_group_[].tolist() for name in self.df_group_.get_column_names(): if name == continue # we don't need to include the column we group/join on mapper = dict(zip(key_values, self.df_group_[name].values)) join_name = name if join_name in df: join_name = self.rprefix + join_name + self.rsuffix df[join_name] = df[].map(mapper, allow_missing=True) return df